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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. LOL Yeah I can relate. My husband is Dominican and cold there is even rarer than it is in South Florida. He wears long sleeves all the time even in Florida except in the summer. Oh I don't even care if I make a fashion faux pas when I'm cold. lol Besides when it's too cold I won't go anywhere so the socks and sandals would only be to go out to meet my son at the bus in front of my house (when he was still in PS) or to get the mail and I don't care what my neighbors think of my socks and sandals. :p hehe :ohmy: St. Louis sounds..... um.... lovely! :p hehehe The water here is super warm in the summer too. The pools are really hot and the ocean is like bath water.
  2. Where do you buy something like that?? My mom lives in the country and the only big store around here is Walmart. Thank you. :) I have some Cetaphil body cream that I've been using when I get out of the shower and my skin is still somewhat moist and I just bought a new deep moisturizing lotion tonight for hands and body. Hopefully it will help. :) LOL Yeah, I guess it is. :) I'm just used to heat though.
  3. Balmy?? :ohmy: :svengo: Oh that must have been hurricane Charley. Yeah, that was a bad one. It cut the island of Captiva in two! :eek: Thanks for the suggestions. It's funny you find it easier to warm up than cool down. For me it's the reverse. I'd much rather be hot than cold. First because I can tolerate high temps and still feel comfortable, but even when I'm really hot, I just have to wet my hair and it cools me off instantly. I guess it's just what we're used to. :) Oh I hope I won't be here in the winter next year. We usually come to visit in the summer when it's super hot at home, but my brother could only travel in February so it's the only way I can see him. Thanks a bunch. :)
  4. LOL I see your screen name and I'm wondering if your dh is wearing one of those fluffy Russian hats?? That would be funny inside. :p Oh thanks for the tip on the aquafor. I'll have to ask my mom if I can put one of the humidifiers in my bedroom at night. :) LOL Well where I live it doesn't snow at all. I'm 40 years old and still have never seen snow in my life. DD is hoping it will snow while we're here visiting my mom, but my mom says that the winter is too mild this year and it probably won't happen. Where I live, winter attire to me is a hoodie with my shorts and t shirts and socks with my sandals if it's really cold. :p hehe
  5. I think I'll pick some up when we go to Walmart. I only have cotton because that's all they really sell at home. Maybe I can find something warm up here that's not too pricey that I can wear while I'm here.
  6. ROFL I don't even want to talk about what's going on with my nose! I don't think I've ever had so many boogers in my life! :tongue_smilie: And prickly hard ones too! Ewww!
  7. Was it in 2004 or 2005?? We had tons of hurricanes those two years. The 2005 season they ran out of letters of the alphabet to name them. They had to go to the Greek alphabet! :001_huh: Hurricanes are bad because they cover such a large area, but at least you know when they're coming and you can prepare. Tornadoes are so scary. You never know when they're going to come. We don't have tornado sirens here so it's so eerie when we get one because there is this big funnel cloud and no warning whatsoever other than the notice at the bottom of the screen if you happen to have the tv on, but if you don't have the tv on forget it. LOL So you're saying you want to visit me but maybe not because you're delirious?? :001_huh: Jeez thanks! lol :lol: And I was going to say you'd be welcome to! hehehehe ;) :lol::lol:
  8. My mom has a heater, but she sets it low and since I'm a guest in her house I don't want to mess with her settings. She's already basically told me not to touch her thermostat anyway. :p I've been moving around a lot. My son is like a F5 tornado so I'm always cleaning up after him, but as soon as I sit down I'm freezing.
  9. Yeah, September is still considered summer in Florida. :p You're lucky it was only 80. It's usually in the 90's in September. You see, I can handle the heat because I know how to be in it, but I'm just so out of my element in the cold. I don't know what to do to get warm, hence this thread. :D hehe
  10. When it warms up to 28?!?! :svengo: :eek: Yeah, it's drying all right! And my cheeks are all rosy now too. My son's too I noticed. I only have Florida clothes with me which are obviously not warm enough. I don't want to buy a ton of new clothes because I'm just visiting here and won't need them for long and won't have any use for them when I go back home, but for the here and now I'm just trying to keep warmer. We're supposed to go out to Wallyworld when my mom gets back home so I'll look for a good lotion and get some back up lip balms. I only brought one with me and I have to put it on constantly. you must be right. I've never been in temps this cold at home even in our coldest winters. I drink lots and lots because I'm used to drinking copious amounts of water at home, but the water is making me feel even colder. I can only drink so many hot liquids. I've had 2 cups of coffee already today and really just want to drink water, but it's too cold and I have it outside of the refrigerator on the counter top. :confused:
  11. Oh my gosh!! -40!! :eek: :svengo: I cannot even fathom it. Nope. I just cannot even imagine it! :svengo: I would just totally drop dead I just know it. I would lose my will to live an any rate. ;) I think that's my problem. I'm a 4th generation native South Floridian and before that my family came from the Caribbean so I think my blood is just too used to warm weather. I'm so so cold. I have a long sleeved thermal shirt on long sweat pants and toastees socks on plus slippers and a blanket. Every time I wash a dish or my hands or anything that involves the tap the water comes out ice freaking cold and takes forever to warm up. My sleeves keep falling and getting wet and so I'm going around with wet shirt sleeves. GRRRR I can't live like this!! :willy_nilly: At home I live in t-shirts and shorts. If it gets cold I put on socks and I'm fine. I don't know how I'm going to survive this visit with my mother! Why did she have to move so far away when she retired?? :svengo: LOL :grouphug: Belize is such a beautiful country, but they get hurricanes too so you might need a hammock for most days and then a concrete house for the more windy ones. ;)
  12. LOL I think I'm the polar opposite. I would rather be hot than cold. :eek: I can't even imagine going out in 35 degrees with no coat. It's 50-something degrees out right now and I won't go out there. No way! hehehehee I'm in my mom's house and she's got humidifiers running all over the place. There are at least 4 on right now. I still feel all dried out though and my hair is all spastic from the static. Could it be that I'm just too used to the really high humidity in Florida?? Where I live even our dry season has usually 70-80% humidity. I have no idea what the humidity is here in North Georgia.
  13. What fibers are we talking about here?? Everything I have is cotton, but I have tons of stuff on and blankets too which I'm not sure what they're made of. They belong to my mother. It's one of those super soft fluffy blanket thingys though. Ay, I'm so cold. My hat goes off to ya'll that can hack this. I'm such a wimp in cold temps. I'll take my South Florida heat anyday. :D
  14. Sleepy Hollow or the Catskills?? I'm a Washington Irving fan. :D
  15. Ooooh what is Roll up the Rim?? Explain please. I love anything that has to do with coffee. :) what kind of tea are you talking about here?? ;) I could gladly give up cold weather for Lent. :)
  16. Ugh, I've been in North Georgia for the last 4 days and I'm absolutely FREEZING!! It was 28 degrees last night! :svengo: I've never been in 28 degrees before. My lips are all chapped, my hands are drying out and cracking, everything I touch gives me a static electricity shock... My son is afraid to touch anything because he gets shocked so much. This morning he got so frustrated he just started crying. I have so many clothes on, socks, slippers, blankets and I can't get warm. How do you cold weather people do this every winter?? I'm dyin' here! :eek:
  17. Oh you poor deprived child! You must, MUST see this movie as soon as is humanly possible. Your cultural education simply cannot be complete until you do. :p :) That sounds like fun. hehe What a novel idea. :)
  18. LOL In the frozen lands of Nador, they were forced to eat Robin's minstrels. And there was much rejoicing. "Yay!"
  19. Well, two separate threads have been started recently complaining about the kilt pics so not everyone is a fan apparently. :tongue_smilie:
  20. hehehehe I've seen it so many times it's like it's burned into my brain! lol I'll probably watch it again though soon after reading this thread. :) But I really want to watch Holy Grail first! I haven't seen that one in even longer and it's one of my favorites. :)
  21. :) That sounds like me. I have a coat, but never have to use it. I usually can get away with a hoodie in the winter time. We have central air conditioning and heating so if a cold front comes through we may turn the heater on once just to warm the house up and then turn it off and that's typically enough. Once the sun comes up it warms up pretty quick.
  22. LOL i have yet to see the show, but I took the quiz. These are my results. Did I get a good character?? Your results: You are Lady Mary Crawley (Michelle Dockery). You yearn for glamour and excitement. And the exhumation of poor Mr Pamuk. Oh how you miss him! ETA: My generated name was Lady Eugenie, Countess Withiel Florey
  23. Ah yes that would make sense. I live in cotton shorts, jeans or t-shirts or other type light fabric short sleeved tops. I don't own anything wool at all. I don't even know if you can get wool here. But I can see how if a person were accustomed to wearing sweaters and woolen clothing and came down here they most certainly would be sweating even with our current balmy temps. I just looked up my current temperature for where I live. Right now at 2:38am it is 70 degrees. It actually feels really nice outside. A little cold, but not too cold.
  24. LOL Sowwweeeeeee hehehehe It's been at least a year or two since I've seen it so I'm going on my carp memory! :p hehe
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