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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. I would go to Alaska, just because I've always wanted to go there. :) If I couldn't go to Alaska then maybe British Columbia or Washington state.
  2. LOL I remember eons ago staying up super late because KISS meets the Phantom of the Park was going to be showing on MTV and we didn't have a VCR at that time. :p Heck yeah!! :hurray: :auto:
  3. Who isn't? :D hehehe I love rock. It's my favorite genre of music. Even my kids know all the old 70's bands and like them. One time our homeschool support group had a talent night. My dd didn't want to participate in it so we just went to watch the other kids. After a few kids had gotten up and sung, my dd decided she wanted to sing afterall. The woman who was on the microphone announcing the acts asked if there was anyone else who wanted to perform and dd went up to the front and grabbed the microphone and sang Ace Frehley's New York Groove acapella! :lol: :lol: It was so funny because all of the other kids were singing all these Contemporary Christian songs or worship songs and my dd is up there singing, "in the back of my Cadillac. Wicked lady sittin by my side saying 'Where are we?'....." :lol: After the show someone came up to me and said, "Well I guess we know what kind of music you listen to." :blushing: hehehehe
  4. Just a tad perhaps. :D Yeah me too. I love the sound of a Harley going off down the road too, but nothing beats an old school muscle car engine. Swoon! :svengo:
  5. Who are you talking about here? Sandusky or his attorney? I didn't follow the trial so I don't really know what his attorney was like. I was just really thinking aloud.
  6. :hurray: This makes me feel a little better. :) There's just something about that distorted growly sound that an electric guitar makes when it's plugged in on high running through some kick arse pedals that makes me grin from ear to ear. Love it! Same with muscle cars. When I hear one opening up the engine and tearing off down the road my heart skips a beat! Love that sound! :) Yeah, I'm weird. :p
  7. Maybe he does. I'm no attorney, but I often wonder how difficult it must be for an attorney who has to defend someone they know is guilty. Everyone has the right to a defense lawyer when they are on trial, but what do you do when you have to defend someone who is the scum of the Earth? Maybe let him hang himself publicly?
  8. :crying: This is so awful. That poor poor woman! And her sisters too. :( Was he ever arrested? I mean, if family services were involved there must have been an investigation.
  9. Well, fortunately in my case my grandma was the only one in the family who was this way. She married in to my grandfather's family who all live in Tampa and he and all his family were always super sweet nice and wonderful. They all seemed to have this gift of making you feel like you were there favorite one. :) I love my family in Tampa to death! My grandma really was the odd man out in a group of wonderful people. :) This article is interesting. These two bit in particular I found enlightening. :)
  10. Yeah, my grandma was mentally ill and could be cruel. That stinks about lefties. I guess it is a throwback to some weird belief in the past that being left handed was evil or some such nonsense. My SIL is a leftie too and she used to get whacked for writing with her left hand too when she was growing up. Now she does everything with her left hand and uses her right hand to write. :001_huh:
  11. Nope. I do this too! But they do have to be folded right side out. :) Me too! My grandmother used to tell me crazy stuff to spook me when I was young. She also knew I was pathologically afraid of cockroaches and so she would catch them (alive) and hold them up by the antennae and chase me with it! Yeah, abuela was a bundle of fun! :glare: My grandmother used to say stuff like this too. I don't like looking in mirrors at night either. In fact, I always turn the lights on when I have to go to the bathroom at night just so I don't have to have that peripheral view of the dark mirror. Does anyone remember Bloody Mary? You would hate my new neon yellow earrings I just got then. :p Okay, some of ya'll are truly weird, but isn't there anyone else out there who is a 40 something Christian homeschooling mama who likes to play hard rock/heavy metal on the guitar? Anyone? I'm getting a complex here. :001_unsure:
  12. [quote name=Mrs Mungo;4035739 Anyone offended by nudity should definitely not go to Italy' date=' especially Pompeii. LOL :lol: :lol: I've heard about Pompeii. I have a pen pal from Italy and she is a decidedly metropolitan Italian woman and even she blushed when she went to Pompeii. :p hehehe
  13. That's so great Bill!!! I'm so happy for you and your nephew! How cool. What is his name so I can keep my eye out for him in the future? :) I'm sure you're going to have a great season and I'm sure you'll be an awesome coach. You always approach everything with thought, care and concern and I'm sure that will be reflected in everything you do with your team. :) I hope you all do well and have a lot of fun. :) LOL Getting a t-shirt will be easy. They're selling in every store here, but I just have to decide which design I like best. :D hehe
  14. I always have such a soft place in my heart for Hillsborough County even though I was born and raised in Ft. Lauderdale. All of my peeps are in or from Tampa. My great grandfather literally built a big part of Ybor City back in the glory days and my grandfather was a city councilman there for two terms. I love Tampa. I can't wait til I can go back again and visit the aunts, uncles and cousins. :)
  15. That's awesome Bill! Will this be your first time coaching? I wish you well. That should be a lot of fun. Too bad you missed the game. It was good. :) Now I just have to decide which store to buy my Miami Heat 2012 NBA Champions t-shirt from. :D
  16. :) Glad to help. I don't know what county you're thinking of moving to, but I know Broward has a lot going on for homeschoolers. This is the drama group I was talking about. My dd has been in several of the productions and they really do an amazing job. :)
  17. I guess they just never forgave him for leaving Ohio. Man, you should have seen the celebrations down here last night!! They were showing it on the local news. It was nuts! lol :lol: :party:
  18. :lol::lol::lol: He looks like he had a mishap with the spray tan as well. :p
  19. LOL That is so funny. :lol::lol::lol: We don't have a problem with it in our house either.
  20. I hang out mainly on the General Boards, but I hit New Posts and my User CP buttons so I post pretty much everywhere I guess.
  21. I always take my shoes off when I enter my house or anyone else's. I wear slip on shoes though so there is no stinky feet smell to offend. :p Oh and my son is circumcised. ;) :D
  22. LOL My nephew says when he grows up he wants to take care of orphans either that or live in a junk yard! :lol: Kids say the craziest things. :lol::lol:
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