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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. It measures wind speeds. :) You hear it down here a lot during hurricane season. :D hehe
  2. I'm so sorry to hear this sad news. I'm so sad for you and his family. :(
  3. Nope!! It's never too early to celebrate one's independence. :)
  4. Enjoy your barbecues, fireworks and day with family. :) Happy Birthday America! :) :party: :hurray: :thumbup: :cheers2:
  5. Sounds like you all are having a fantastic time. Enjoy it. Give Heather a hug for me and have her give one to you from me. :) hehe
  6. Nothing at all. Wouldn't phase me a bit. "love you have a good day" is a final word/goodbye or sorts. If I were talking face to face I'd expect a "thanks you too. " or something similar, but over a text, wouldn't bother me if I didn't hear back. I assumed they read it, smiled and got busy with their day. No big deal. :)
  7. That's great news! congratulations. :) :hurray:
  8. How cool!! I had no idea that Heather was stateside! Have a wonderful time and PLEASE post pics! :)
  9. 7 year old home alone Macaulay Culkin's character was actually 8 when he was left home alone and the movie came out in 1990 so it's actually 22 years old now. :)
  10. Canadians? Yep. They really do exist. The live somewhere on the top of the world in an igloo on an ice floe. They spend their days :p
  11. After 40 years of taking Christianity for granted, I have some really big questions. Who is Jesus and what is a manger?
  12. what should I do with this baby blanket? You could make it into a hat or a brooch or a pterodactyl...
  13. Yeah, I know what you mean. Some adult humor just doesn't translate. How did your dd react to what he said? I hope it didn't hurt her. :(
  14. Is there anyway that the guy might have meant it in an ironic way? I've met people who say things like that because it is the opposite of the truth. Obviously your dd is gorgeous and all the cuter because of her freckles. Could he just be saying it with a twinkle in his eye and meaning it ironically??
  15. frizzy gray hair despite no-poo :eek: You do know that nobody puts poo in their hair right?? :confused:
  16. :lol::lol::lol: Imp, you're a fount of wisdom and truth. :D
  17. Happy Canada Day! :party: :hurray: :cheers2:
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