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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. Oh nooooo!! Don't you hate that?? I did the same actually. I placed an order last week for the remaining curricula that I needed, but I had searched the web for a free shipping code and used one. But I figure for anyone who hasn't finished purchasing their curricula yet, it will be help. :)
  2. Just thought I'd pass it along for anyone who is still needing to purchase curriculum for next year. :) Hope this is helpful. :)
  3. One word of warning about the Youtube girls. Many of them are given free products or are paid to use them in their tutorials and give them glowing reviews so that people will buy them. Michelle Phan is one of those. She's sponsored by Lancome. So just a head's up. By all means, watch for the techniques, but don't feel like you have to use the exact products that they use. HTH. :)
  4. Okay, trying to judge from the pictures, it looks like you would be somewhere in the NC 30's in MAC foundation. This is a good one to know for sure because MAC is so well known it's a lot easier to find your shade in a different brand if you know exactly what you are in MAC's brand. In some of the pictures you look like you could be a NC30, in others you look more like a NC35 or 37. If there's a way you can get to a MAC counter and get a match, that would be the most helpful to you. It's free and you're not obligated to buy anything so don't worry about that part. hehe Based on the Foundation Matrix though, you'll either be a Nude or Sand in the Laura Mercier (if you're a MAC NC30) or you'll be a Fawn, Sand or Almond in the Laura Mercier if you're a NC35 or 37. If you can't get to a MAC counter and have to pick one and hope for the best, I think you should get Sand since it's in both lists. hehe Your Bare Minerals powder looks like a good fit. You don't need a sponge for the tinted moisturizer, just use your fingers to blend it in and get into the crevices around your nose, eyes and chin. Blend until is soaks in and becomes one with your skin. Do the concealer after. Just put a tiny tiny dot on your finger tip, rub your two fingers together to warm it up and make it more creamy and spreadable and put it directly on the darkest parts of your circles and then work it out to the outer parts so that it thins out towards the edges. (I hope I'm making sense lol) It doesn't take much blending, then set with the powder and a fluffy brush to keep it in place and reduce the sheen. :) You really should use a brush with the powder though otherwise you'll put on too much and it will cake up and look ugly. hehe Any fluffy type of blending brush will do as long as it's soft and dense and fluffy. :) The main thing is that it is something like this so that it will fit your eye area and won't pick up too much color and make it cakey. For the Becca, you can use your fingers, but the best results are with a brush since it sets pretty quickly. You only have a few seconds to work with it before it sets so precision is key. Once it sets it doesn't come off til you take it off with soap and water. A brush that is something like this would be good for the Becca. You only want to get it just on the tips and of the bristles and then apply it in a circular motion. You want a stippling type brush for this for best results. :) Hope this is helpful to you.:)
  5. What a treasure! That is so amazing that she did that. :)
  6. I would feel the same way you do! hehe My family fortunately, are pretty good about passing down the old stories. I think I know all of them pretty well. :)
  7. Negin, go to this blog and enter your details in the boxes and it will give you a list of all of the shades in different brands that are similar to your tone. It's a great tool if you know what shade you are in one brand, but not in another so if you can't see it in person you can make an educated choice choosing the right shade. Can you upload a pic of yourself so we can see clearly what skin tone you have now? There's nothing worse than buying a gorgeous makeup in a shade you can't use. I personally think the Nude tinted moisturizer might be too light for you, but I won't know for sure without a pic. :) As for application, you can apply the tinted moisturizer with just your fingers. It blends into the skin so a brush or blender isn't really necessary the way it is with foundation. You can get the bye bye under eye at Beauty.com for a lot less than amazon. They have free shipping too and no taxes and are pretty quick as well. I usually get my order days after I place it. They also sell Laura Mercier too. :) It's good to have a setting powder, but again, see if you can post a pic before buying anything so we can help you get the right shade. :)
  8. Wow!! That must have hurt! I'm glad the taxes are going down for you now. :) I don't think I would want to go to a Walmart anywhere if I didn't have to. :p hehe hehehe That's so cute. I think European chocolate (esp. Belgian) is much more refined than our American chocolate, but I have to say, I love me some Hershey's. Even if it's more rustic, it's still good. :) If I couldn't get Hershey's I know I would definitely miss it. Especially the nuggets w/almonds. YUM! :eek: That's crazy! I know when I was in Europe (in 1995) I was choking at how expensive everything was. I got a coffee and a piece of cake in Holland and it cost me $30.00 USD!! :eek: We're so spoiled over here that's for sure! yeah, Target is so much better than Walmart! Their service is definitely better and their merchandise is head and shoulders better! They have such weird and cute stuff in Target. hehe LOL That sounds like a brilliant plan! :thumbup: Publix is great!! Every time we go they give my kids free cookies and balloons. hehe They love going to Publix. When I was a college student, I used to work at Jordan Marsh (department store in the mall) and they had great customer service too. I was a sales associate in the Young Men's department (or the men's area in general if they were short handed elsewhere) and in those days, we had an actual tailor on site that would do alterations if your suit or whatever didn't fit perfectly to your frame, they had free gift wrap in the Customer Relations dept. and you could return anything to any register in the store whether you had a receipt or not. We had to accept any return no matter what. People used to return stuff that was years old and so worn out and used, and we had to take it back and give them their money back per company policy! They were a really nice store and had the best service I'd ever seen anywhere, it's a shame they and Burdines (also owned by the same parent company) went under. They were a throw back to the old days and you just don't see places like that anymore. I never saw another tailor in any other retail clothing store I ever worked. :lol: That's too funny! hehehe
  9. :iagree::iagree::iagree: I was going to say the same thing. Lots of kids shows on Saturdays. They have Plaza Sesamo which is Mexico's version of Sesame Street. My dd used to watch it when she was little. :) Youtube also has some kids' videos in Spanish too. :)
  10. Thank you! And may I say very nicely put! :) You'd be welcome into my messy house anytime. :)
  11. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I'm sorry you had such a rough day. I hope tomorrow brings lots of smiles for you. :)
  12. hehehehehe Ewww is right. I've never ever understood it. They're gross. The funny thing to me though is that you see those little "boiled peanut" stands everywhere in the South and I have yet to see an actual customer stopped and buying some whenever I pass one! :lol:
  13. We've been sponsoring through Compassion for years! I've had nothing but good experiences with the organization. As for choosing the child, we just requested a child who had been waiting the longest. We've already graduated two kids from the program sniff and are starting over again with youngins. One boy was 5 when we started sponsoring him and he's all grown up now! Time flies!
  14. That is so sweet! And so much more meaningful than doing it in Farmville. :p
  15. Mine is too! For years I had recurring nightmares of my ds getting out of the house and getting into the pool in our complex. I am so glad he is now able to swim a little bit at least enough to keep his head above water and make it to the side. I would still panic if he got out somehow on his own because people fly down the street that runs in front of our complex, but at least I know he wouldn't drown if he got into the pool.
  16. LOL Honestly, what is it with the boiled peanuts everywhere in the south? Do people actually eat them?? lol I'd eat me some cajun peanuts, but boiled.... no thanks. :D hehe
  17. I'm afraid to google most things these days. I'm certainly afraid to google that one which is why I asked. I'm naive too! :p hehehe
  18. :lol: :lol: the comments were hilarious! That one made me literally LOL. One thing I want to know though is what is a "blumpkin"?? ROFL :lol: :lol: What a naughty girl you are! :D hehehehehe I WISH I had thought of that! :p
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