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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. Well, considering I have a teenage daughter pretty much anything I would sing would embarrass her completely. :tongue_smilie:
  2. Oh nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!! That's terrible! :(
  3. Hydrocortisone?? Ay Jean, I keep thinking you're saying "celulite" when you write "cellulitis". lol Feel better mama. I wish I could remember the name of the stuff the dermatologist prescribed for me when the coffee pot blew up in my face. That stuff was absolutely amazing. :grouphug::grouphug: to you. Burns are no fun. :(
  4. Wow! I just read your post to my dd 15 who is sitting next to me and I asked her what she thought of the 18 year old's remarks. She said, "I think his logic is flawed." :tongue_smilie:
  5. Woah! That is so scary. It must be a difficult gift to have. I can sense the burden of responsibility that must come with it. :grouphug::grouphug: I got off really easy, I think my spiritual gift is Encouragement. :p hehe
  6. hehehehe The pastor who preached at the church where I was saved didn't know what to make of me either. :p hehe
  7. I just wanted to use this comment as a springboard to also add to my other post, that it is not only in Charismatic fellowships. The experience I had happened in a Methodist church and I got saved in a place that doesn't even have altar calls. God can meet us anywhere that we're at whether it be in a Charismatic fellowship, a traditional denominational fellowship, on the road to Damascus or even at a well. ;) :p No matter where we are He is able. :)
  8. That is so awesome! Something similar happened to me when I got saved. God just spoke miraculously and directly to me through the pastor and it was so specific I KNEW it was for me and no one else. I couldn't believe it! I gave my life to Him that day and have thanked Him everyday since for it! I couldn't believe that God even knew my name or that He even cared about me at all, but He did. Not only did He know my name, He knew every single hurt in my heart and burden that I was carrying on my back and He healed me and lifted that burden off me that day. I had an appointment with my Lord that day and didn't even realize and He showed up early and was waiting for me to arrive. :crying: I'm so so grateful and thankful that He does speak directly to us today and that His name is still mighty to save and do miracles. Praise His holy name!! :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  9. I apologize, I saw this before and meant to comment back on it after I had finished reading all the posts and I realize I didn't. :) I'm glad it's working out for you. It's amazing how much better you feel with just a little bit of help isn't it? :) Sure! Post one up. :)
  10. Honey you're not bothering me at all! Neither is anyone else. I'm happy to be useful to someone if I can be. :) For the shade, I would say natural medium. That's the shade I have and I'm only a little lighter than you. I found this from a google search! :) Swatches of the four concealer colors. I think the natural medium would be the way to go for you. :)
  11. "You're constantly in each other's faces and it forces you to interact and even be more pleasant." LOL I shared just a kitchen with my mother for a month and I thought she was going to burst a blood vessel. We drove her crazy always being there and she has a large house! :p In answer to the OP's original question. I couldn't live in a house that tiny. I think it's great that it is working for them and that they are happy with their lifestyle choice, but that's just a little too cramped for me. My house is pretty small now and we don't have a mortgage. We always struggle with storage space, but that's mostly because we just have too much stuff. :D I certainly couldn't imagine living in a smaller house than this one. I cracked up though when she said she had way to many clothes. :)
  12. LOL you're smarter than I am! :p I keep having faith that someone else will contribute their answers to the OP's questions. I
  13. :lol::lol::lol: b-b-but you put the perfect Admiral Ackbar reference. I couldn't just walk away from bait like that! I have no self control! :p hehehehe
  14. Your Baby Can Read Lawsuits Maybe Johnny Cochran's baby can, but mine can't. :001_huh:
  15. lol Good idea. :p My rule of thumb is I keep it until it smells funky or has a change in consistency that can't be solved by shaking up. :p If you're concerned about bacteria, you can dip the lipsticks and the eyeliner in rubbing alcohol for a second or two and then let it air dry. I'd toss the mascara though. It's probably dried out anyway. If you're just looking for one to try that's not too pricey, just get the Revlon Colorstay and mix one pump of your moisturizer with an equal amount of the Revlon. Apply to the face and then smooth it out with a brush or a cosmetic sponge. If you use a sponge make sure to wet it first and squeeze out the water so that it's damp. Otherwise it will soak up all of your makeup into itself. :) Sounds like it's a setting powder then. Target should sell the ELF powder. :) Well, you already have a powder and a moisturizer, why not get the Colorstay and experiment? Target has some decent makeup brushes there in the ELF studio line and Sonia Kaschuk sp? You could get the foundation and a couple of brushes and play around and see what you like best. I don't wear the same foundation all year long either. I have some that I wear in the winter and others that I wear in the hotter months so it's good to have a couple of options on hand. :) HTH
  16. How long has it been there? Some makeup can be sanitized with rubbing alcohol, but others should be tossed depending on how old it is and what the product is.
  17. Oh thank God. I'm so glad they're going to give you the money. I was freaking out for you over the cost of that meal. lol :p
  18. OP I hope they are giving you money to pay for all that meat. :eek: I get roped into things like this too from time to time, but never for that many people. I think the most I've ever cooked for is about 50, but I made the entire meal and all the sides too. Nobody ever reimbursed me though. :( sniff.
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