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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. I thought about putting this just in the special needs board, but I figured I might get more responses here. My son has Autism, he is a toe walker and has been since he could walk and because of always being on his tippy toes, he has shortened the tendons in the back of his legs. A year or so ago I was recommended (on these very boards I might add :) ) Fit flops sandals as a way to help lengthen the tendons in his legs and hopefully to help him avoid surgery. The type I bought him were these . I was going to buy the next full size up to replace the ones he has now because they're too small and pretty worn out, but amazon only has the baby sizes and I can't find this shoe anywhere. :( Not on amazon or any of the shoe sites I've looked at. :( Does anyone know of another brand of shoe that works like fitflops to stretch out the tendons that are a sandal type like that? I would be so grateful for any help. Thank you to all who reply. :)
  2. I'm one of those women. Dh handles all of that, and I'm glad that he does because honestly I have plenty of things that I am responsible for and that is one less thing on my plate. He has shown me where he keeps all of his papers so if God forbid anything should happen to him, I know where everything is kept, but he's the one who takes care of all the bills and financial stuff.
  3. Thanks hon. :) You soak the beans overnight like all beans, no? Maybe I'll put some to soak and make this recipe tomorrow. :)
  4. Thanks for your reply. Whenever I make beans I use the stove top and cook them in a big pot so I could probably figure the times out, I just didn't know if had to have a slow cooker for them to come out properly according to the recipe.
  5. Is the "slow cooker" the recipe mentions a crock pot?? I don't have one of those. Could I cook them on the stove top in a big pot instead?
  6. I actually learned to dive when I was 10! They made an exception for me because my entire family was doing it and I would have been 11 by the time I finished the classes and got my certification. I think it would be okay to let dd learn, especially since ya'll are advanced divers and can be the best dive buddy for her. Not every dive has to be caves or deep water dives, kwim? I don't see anything wrong with doing 30 foot dives and letting her get experience under her belt, a few night dives etc. and let her gain competence. FTR, I wasn't a particularly mature young person, but I was pretty responsible. I have lost my buddy (and whole group for that matter) on a night dive, run out of air, lost my mask and a few other things I'm sure and I was able to handle all of the situations because of the training. It just kicked in and I did what I had been trained to do and I got through everything. :) I'm sure your dd would do even better with two master diver parents looking out for her. :)
  7. :iagree: I totally agree with this. When my husband's mother was dying, he was right there with her. God totally gave him that peace in the moment and he was just imbued with a quiet strength to do whatever needed to be done. Everybody else left the room, they couldn't take it and dh wound being the only one in the room with her when she left this world. It really turned out to be a beautiful and sacred moment and he was there with her praying over her and reading to her and holding her hand and helping her through until she breathed her last. Dh had that same quiet strength while they made the arrangements and did what needed to be done for the funeral. He wound up being such a blessing to everyone else in the family because of his ability to deal with the tragedy and do what needed to be done. Everyone else was a wreck and dh was such a blessing in such a time. :iagree: That poem Footprints always reduces me to tears because it is such a true picture of how God carries us through. Nothing that happens to us surprises God. He knows what we will have to deal with, but carries us through it when we cannot walk it alone. :crying: :grouphug: Your post brought me to tears. It sounds like you had a wonderful mama. I'm sure you're very grateful for that as well. :grouphug::grouphug: You ladies are reducing me to a sobbing mess! Thank you so much for sharing your stories. Even though they are filled with pain, the strength of faith shines through and is very encouraging. This is a fallen world. We all will go through suffering and pain because of it, but I just take comfort in knowing that God will never leave me or forsake me. That no matter what happens, when other people freak and bail out and leave me alone, God will never leave me alone. He will always carry me, carry us through it all. God bless you all my sisters! :grouphug:
  8. LOL could you imagine Susan's face if we all showed up one day. :p Poor woman! hehehe
  9. Okay, I did some searching and found that this site still has your color in stock. :)
  10. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:. I am so very sorry. My heart hurts for you. :( :grouphug::grouphug:
  11. :grouphug: :grouphug: Sometimes I face things with grace, sometimes I don't. I guess it just depends on where I'm at when it hits. I'm stubborn and cynical and have trust issues so many times in my walk with God (almost 23 years now) I have experienced wounds that have been self inflicted, but I did learn from the experience. I think our walk with God is so highly individual and God calls us from so many different places and backgrounds. He chose us the way we were and is working in us to make us better. I often see people who are so much better Christians than myself, but then I remember that God chose me too. He's not through with me yet and I hope to glorify Him with my life. I honestly don't know how I would react to getting cancer or something very serious happening to me. I hope I would handle it well, but I really don't know. When my son was diagnosed with Autism I cried day and night for 6 weeks. I even cried in my sleep and would wake up with a wet face and pillow. It was really really hard. I didn't get mad at God, I think more than anything I was confused and didn't understand. We pray for healing, but so far God has not healed our boy. I worry about the future and who will care for him when dh and I are dead. I worry about his safety in this big scary world, but at the end of the day I always fall back on this... I KNOW that God is good and I know that He won't give me more than I can handle. As much as I love my son, I know that he is God's and not really "mine". He will take care of him and provide all of his needs whether I worry or not so I try not to worry. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  12. b-b-but, isn't Canada you know, cold? I've never been in snow and don't like being cold. Dare I say it, I really dislike country music too. :blushing: Could we have a southern kibbutz too where the music is more latin or rock based? :D :p LOL or twenty. :D :lol::lol: hehehehehe Maybe they would be sent "outside the camp" for 24 hours? Ah, who am I kidding, ya'll won't want to have a Latin flavored Kibbutz in warm Florida anyway. Nobody likes it here except me. :p
  13. And Hershey's Nuggets with almonds and Ghiardellis. :) I can teach music and my dh is a computer guy too. My dd is a writer and graphic novelist. She can provide books to read. :) I can also help in the kitchen. I'm a fair cook. :)
  14. The stories in this thread are so shocking. Faith I totally agree with you on the bolded part. So important. As an aside, I never knew that Michigan was living in the future. :p ;) hehe
  15. :lol: :lol: Those are the funnest times in school. :) Your dd will never forget Lao Zi I can tell you that.:) hehehe
  16. LOL My step dad gave me that cassette when I was like 3 years old. :001_huh: It was the first cassette I owned. lol :lol::lol::lol: I love that song! hehehe
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