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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. You're very welcome. I'm happy to help. :)
  2. Oh, my pleasure, Cat. I'm happy to be of any use. :)
  3. I'm not well versed either, but usually what I do is click on my screen name and then click on "show all statistic" on the righthand side of the screen and then click on "find all posts" on the left hand side of the screen. Then I just look at the list of threads I've posted in and look for the ones that have the envelope with new mail in it and click on them to read what I've missed. :) Maybe someone has a more simplified way of doing this, but for now this is what works best for me.:)
  4. Awesome! :) Whenever I buy things online I usually go to Google and type in "store name" "coupon code" "discount code" or "promotion code" according to the lingo used on whichever site I'm on. I find a lot of codes that way. Some don't work but some do as is the case with the one I gave you. :) I usually manage to save a few bucks that way or get some sort of free gift. ;) :D
  5. Forgive my ignorance here, but what does "First Nations" mean?? Does that mean Native American?? It is a shame that race still seems to be such an issue here in the US. My husband is from the Dominican Republic and the people there are so mixed between black, white, indian and asian that nobody even sees a distinction anymore. They are all just Dominicans. Sure some are whiter than others, some look more Indian or more African, but nobody cares. I guess in South Florida it's not such an issue as other places in the States. At least I have never experienced any racism or strange looks when I go out with my husband somewhere. To many I'm sure we would be a "bi-racial" couple because I look more caucasian (I'm Spanish and Cuban) and my husband is actually a dead ringer for President Obama. But to me we are the same because we are both from a Carribean culture. I'm a mutt and so is he. Race isn't even an issue for us. To me it's always been a ridiculous thing anyway. People are people whether they are black, white, indian, asian or whatever.
  6. LOL my daughter loved the cheetah! hehehe She's finishing up BJU 6th this year also. She loved it and we had a lot of fun with the experiements. We just bought the books, not the DVD's though. This week my son has been sick so I've been having her do it independently and she's doing it with no problems. We're doing BJU again for next year. :)
  7. Awesome!! I'm so glad. Thank you for letting me know. :)
  8. My daughter's language arts curriculum for next year (7th grade) is introducing Shakespeare. They chose Much Ado About Nothing as the text. :)
  9. Yes!! :) I teach spanish to a lady from my home and I needed to record dialogues onto cd for her since she didn't own a cassette player. I went to Walmart and found in the electronics aisle a little digital voice recorder and it works great! It's a RCA RP5120. It was only around $30.00 and it has many features. The instruction manual is very helpful and teaches you how to create files in order to burn them to a cd. I am NOT a computer oriented person at all and normally would NEVER have been able to do something that advanced, but the instructions were so well written and tell you what to do step by step and have photographs of what the screen will look like at each step so I was able to do it with ease. My student loves the cd's I make for her and it was a very worthy investment IMO. :) I hope this helps you. :)
  10. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I'm not going either. To be honest I have never gone in all my years of homeschooling. Not because I didn't want to but for other reasons. I always hear from other homeschooler's though that it is fantastic. I hope you can go next year. :grouphug:
  11. I used this code about a week ago. "289107tr" I don't know what the expiration date is on this one. It is for 10% off of orders over $35.00, but it wound up equalling the amount of my shipping so it worked out well for me. I hope this helps someone. :)
  12. Wow!! That's awesome!! You're probably going to get 100's of PM's now for your wife's ob's name. :D I wish my ob's had been that way!
  13. Your post moved me so much. I got misty eyed reading it. What a beautiful story. I am so glad that she is your sister-in-law now. I imagine you two are as close as real sister can be. :) My best gift ever is probably going to seem very trite and cliche to some, but like yours came at a time when I was at a very low point. I was at as low a point as a person can get and that gift was knowledge that God was real and that He loved me. I never was sure before that day and then on that day He touched my heart and my life and I have never been the same again. All my sadness, pain, depression, misery was gone in an instant and I felt true joy for the first time in my life. I cannot think about it without tears rolling down my cheeks and feeling the overwhelming desire to fall on my face before the Lord and just tell him over and over how grateful I am. Thank you Lord. I love you so much!! You are the greatest gift I have ever received!!
  14. That's so awesome!! They are a terrific ministry. :)
  15. I am sorry that you have had such bad experience with Christians. We are sinners saved by grace and nothing more. Jesus went to the cross for us while we were still trapped in our sin because He had GREAT mercy and compassion on us. A lot of us, myself included, were SERIOUSLY road worn by the time we came to Christ. I was born again in 1989 and I myself experienced great judgement from others in my church because I was still struggling with my sin. Sometimes when people come to Christ they are completely delivered at the point of salvation and I think that is wonderful, but for a lot of us, myself included, we are born again, but we have to work through our issues through the process of sanctification. It is a lifelong process. I am not the same that I was back in 1989. Every year I am better than the year before and I hope to be more and more like Christ as I continue on this journey. One thing I find tremendous comfort in is that Jesus never told us to follow His followers, He said, "Follow Me". Christians are not perfect just because they are Christians, we are sinners saved by an amazing grace. That is all. My heart goes out to you Night Elf because I can hear your struggle in your words. You seem like a person who is genuinely seeking to know the truth and to find understanding. I pray that God will reveal Himself to you and that you will truly know Him and His love. I pray that other people's behavior would not be a deterrant to your seeking the Lord. We are all sinners saved by grace. If we were able to be righteous of our own accord we wouldn't have needed a Savior in the first place. The fact that we do need a Savior is proof that we are all in the same boat. All of us are drowning in sin, all of us need salvation, all of us would be lost without the love and great mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ. :grouphug: I pray that God would open the gates of heaven and shower down His love and blessings upon you. God bless you.:grouphug:
  16. :iagree::iagree: My cousin is such a wonderful person. I love him so much. For me, he is who he is. He's not my gay cousin, he's just my cousin whom I love very much. The fact that he is gay doesn't make me see him any different light. I love him no matter what. I pray for him because I know he is not born again. I pray for a lot of other family members to know Christ also who don't yet know Him. It's not a matter of gay or straight, tolerant or intolerant. I love my cousin, my cousin doesn't know the Lord and is stuck in sin, I pray for his salvation because I want to spend eternity with him. btw, welcome to the boards. :)
  17. Congratulations!! Enjoy your baby. :) What names are you going to put for a boy or girl?
  18. Fantasy Fest down here in Keys is pretty rough too. I won't even go to Key West anywhere near Fantasy fest anymore because it's X-rated!! :eek: This story is so sad. My absolute favorite cousin is gay. I love him to death and would stand by him and defend him to the death. I don't see him in terms of gay or not gay. He is my cousin, he's my blood, my family. That said, I take a Biblical view on homosexuality and I do believe that it is not God's plan, but neither is alcoholism, adultery, stealing, lying etc. I don't see it as any different than any other sin that people are bound by. I don't think that homosexuality defines a person either, it's just what they are struggling with. I know that the homoesexual agenda IS to define it as just a part of who they are and that they are born that way, but I don't buy it. Any more than I would buy alcoholics needing their own parade to march for rights or gamblers. Sin is sin. We live in a fallen world. Heterosexuals struggle with sexual sin too. It's not an uncommon thing in this world, but to hold your sin up high on a pedastle (sp?) and ask everyone to say that your sin is great and natural... well, they can keep trying but it is not going to change the fact that it's still sin. I love my cousin to death and he is my favorite person to hang out with. I trust him with my kids and I don't let his homesexuality affect how I treat him any more than I would let another relative's alcoholism affect how I treat them. Love the sinner hate the sin. That's my belief. I pray for my cousin and I do pray that he will come to a saving knowledge of Jesus, but until then, I will keep loving on him and being the best cousin that I can to him. :)
  19. My 11 yo (soon to be 12) dd has Asperger's, OCD and ADHD and my 8 yo ds is severely Autistic so believe me I can feel your pain as well. It's not easy. :grouphug:
  20. Wow Heather!! It's so beautiful!! I"m so very happy for you. It puts me in mind of that verse, "he (or she ;) ) who is faithful in the little things will be put in charge of much" God bless you. I'm SO EXCITED for your new adventure in your life. :grouphug:
  21. Gosh!! I have no idea. It's a cute little turtle though. My daughter had the bear one like that one when she was a baby. :) I hope someone can figure it out because I'd like to know what it is too. :)
  22. Wow!!!! :eek: That is TRULY horrible!! I'm so sorry you had to go through that! :grouphug: :grouphug:
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