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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. I have just read the 5 pages of this thread that came after my post hoping that someone would say they liked my guitar and my heart sank that nobody did! hehe I tell my daughter she can only have chocolate for dessert after dinner, but I secretly eat it during the day whenever I want to. I am eating 5 Hershey kisses right now. My husband doesn't like to drive and makes me drive him everywhere and I feel like I'm driving Miss Daisy. :) I confess that I have been reading this thread instead of homeschooling. I really spend too much time on these boards!:tongue_smilie:
  2. :lol::lol::lol: LOL this just struck me so funny! hehehe I take it you like to sleep all spread out. hehe :D
  3. Another vote for Sonlight here too. I read the book lists for their core curriculum and get the books from my library. :)
  4. There are always some people who are going to say mean or unpleasant things. That whole misery loves company addage is very true. A person's worth doesn't come from a dress size or a number on a scale or if they have blue eyes or how much money they make in a year etc. I hope that you know your true worth and if someone is saying ugly things to you I hope that you are able to just ignore them and not take them to heart. I admit that sometimes that can be difficult, but being secure in yourself will make them eventually stop if they see that their words make no impact upon you. It helps also if you speak postive statements outloud over yourself. If someone is getting down on me and it starts to get under my skin, I just repeat to myself all the things that God says that I am. I personally don't really care very much what other people think of me. At the end of my life I'm going to be standing alone before God and no one else is going to be there with me. I figure He is the one I have to live to please. ;) :)
  5. LOL I hear ya! :) Ay, I am absolutely useless in regards to the new version I've only used the old. I didn't even know they had a new version. :blushing: Were you able to play around with it at the curriculum fair?? How did it look? Can you get a trial version off of their website and then just pay the difference to upgrade to the full version if you choose to buy it?? Hopefully someone else will chime in here soon who can be more helpful to you. :)
  6. How did you go about getting them involved?? I've been to the website, but I cannot figure out what to do to get them signed up. :confused:
  7. Thank you so much!! They do look good! What is the shipping charge to the lower 48 do you know?? edit: I just found a coupon code online for free shipping. "3003260" :)
  8. Have you ever used the Rosetta Stone before?? I used it with my daughter only as a supplement because she got so bored sitting there clicking the pictures. My library had the cd rom and I just checked it out to use it at home. I would check your library first before shelling out that kind of dough on a program you're not sure about. Just my humble 2 cents. btw, I'm no expert on dialects, but I can tell you that the Rosetta Stone teaches American Spanish with a neutral accent. I hope this helps. I personally use Spanish Now with my daughter. The new versions come with a cd rom and my daughter likes the funny dialogs and puzzles. They sell it at amazon.com Best of luck to you. :)
  9. Praying here too. Good luck tomorrow Heather. Please report back and let us know how it goes.:) :grouphug:
  10. I buy peppers and onions in bulk and spend one day chopping them up and putting them in ziplock bags to go in the freezer. Then when I am cooking I just take a handful to throw into the pot without having to chop it up every time. I also buy limes and lemons when they are on sale. Sometimes the local latin market has limes 20 for a dollar and I juice them all and put them in ice cube trays to freeze. when they are frozen I transfer them to ziplock bags and just take out one cube at a time as I need them. I use a lot of citrus in marinades for meats and it is also perfect for a quick single glass of lemonade for my husband. He loves lemonade. I also will buy meat when it's on sale and clean all the skin and fat off and wash it well and season it and put it into ziplock bags so that when I have to cook dinner. I just take it out to defrost in the morning and throw it directly into the pan to cook come 4pm. No prep work for dinner. :) I also bought a shark steam cleaner for my tile floors and this saves me so much time. I used to sweep, mop and then dry my floor with towels and now I just have to sweep and use my steam cleaner. It dries almost instantly and doesn't leave any streaks. :)
  11. Me too!! I confess that I just joined here on April 3rd of THIS YEAR and this will be my 459th post!! :eek: I LOVE cars and always wanted to learn auto mechanics. I still do! :blushing: I wanted to take auto mechanics when I got out of highschool but my mother forbid it. I still wish I could learn enough auto mechanics to buy an old car with a classic body style like a 1969 Camaro and restore it myself. That would be a dream! For now, I satisfy my love of cars by detailing. I used to be a moderator on 3 different auto detailing websites but had to quit because of the time commitment. I recently did 2 detailing jobs on the side to raise money for my daughter's summer camp. hehe I also am a guitar nut and own 5 electric guitars and 2 acoustics. I love to play guitar and I'm not talking about James Taylor Carol King type stuff either. Although I like that music that is not what I like to play. I like to play lead style, hard rock guitar and dream of being able to play with the technical virtuosity of Joe Satriani. Ay, I'm so femenine aren't I?? :blushing: hehehe At least one of my guitars is pink! ;) :D
  12. I see what you are saying, but I am not meaning it in the sense of the parents "giving in" to the demands of the daughter or letting the daughter have control. On the contrary, I believe if the child is being bratty, that behavior needs to be dealt with because her "sin" is greater than the "perceived sin" of her father. I hope you understand what I mean, I don't have the gift to put words together so well. But what I was meaning rather, was that if something really really bothers the child and it is bringing her pain and it is an easy thing to not do, then why not just not do it? I don't think it's a matter of appeasing the child or giving the child control, but rather a matter of love. I hope that this makes sense. I think I"m too tired to talk clearly tonight. hehe :) Blessings, Jennifer
  13. For me, I see two ways of handling this situation... 1) 1 Corinthians 8:13 talks about if something that is okay to us, but causes someone else to stumble then we should abstain for their sake. (paraphrase mine) Since you and your husband are not big drinkers as it is, this would probably be an easy thing to do. If your daughter really feels that strongly, then maybe it would be better to avoid it altogether. 2) Exodus 20:12 commands that children honor their father and their mother. You could explain to your daughter that her feelings are noted, but that she needs to submit to the authority of her parents and honor them just the same even if she disagrees. Just my humble 2 cents for whatever their worth.
  14. We started Singapore with the 4A and 4B as well. By the time I got into 4B I was even struggling to understand how to solve some of the word problems. We managed to get through it and for 5A and 5B I bought the HIG as well. I am SO GLAD I did. I cannot imagine getting through it without it. I like Singapore because it doesn't teach you how to solve a certain type of problem that looks a certain way, it teaches you to think mathematically and how to solve problems with the concepts and tools that you've learned. Some of the word problems are very challenging and the HIG was a wonderful resource for me. I always buy them now when I buy the other books.
  15. Are they good sandals?? Are they on sale right now?? I need to get my son a new pair of sandals for summer. Do you have a link?
  16. Sigh. I don't even have words to respond to that one! :( That's just.... Awful!!
  17. I'm glad I didn't meet her then! hehe Everyone's entitled to their own opinion, but I'm not a big fan of being personally attacked. ;) :D hehe Thank you for your kind words. :) It is a long time to nurse, but I didn't see what else I could do. He just refused everything else. I'm sure most moms would do the same though in the same circumstance. :)
  18. Awww shucks. :blushing: hehe Thank you for your kind words. That was very nice of you to say. :)
  19. I recently discovered them also thanks to that free CD that Opra let people download from her site for Christmas. I don't watch Opra and I don't even remember how I found out about the cd on her site, but I"m so glad I did. The song that Il Divo sing on there brings me to tears and I break out in goosebumps all over every time I hear it. AMAZING talent!!
  20. I would love to get my son involved in this. Can anyone give me tips or advice as to what I would need to know to get him involved?? He's 8 years old btw, with Autism. He LOVES to run and I think it would be such a great experience for him. Thank you to all who reply. :)
  21. Wow!! I've never heard anything like that before. If anything breastmilk is God's plan for feeding an infant. I can't think of anything more natural, but to think of breastfeeding as child abuse is completely bizarre to me!! :eek: I probably would have given that lady a heart attack if she knew I breastfed my son until he was 5 years old! :eek: It wasn't my idea to feed him that long, honestly, I didn't want to go longer than a year, but he has Autism and he wouldn't drink ANYTHING other than breastmilk or apple juice. No formula, goats milk, chocolate milk, stawberry milk, soy milk, rice milk... nada. So I fed him until he weaned himself. He only drinks juice and occasionally water now. Even though I never wanted to nurse that long, I'm glad that I did for his sake.
  22. Absolutely. http://www.bigbrainz.com/ The green icon on the left is the free version that you can download. They recently had a Spring sale where the full version was $10.00 off, but it ended already unfortunately. But I'm sure they will have one again at some point. Maybe for back to school?? I'm sure you're son will love it. :)
  23. Okay, I purposed not to participate in this thread because honestly the answer to the question is so absurdly obvious to me. But ya'll wore me down and I have to comment now. Obviously weight has nothing to do with intelligence. If that were the case, then anorexics and fashion models would all be rocket scientists and members of the world's "think tanks". Name me one that is??
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