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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. Wow she was so young! Poor thing. How tragic for her family. I will definitely pray for them. :(
  2. I just saw the news just now. I'm sad too. I always loved him. He was so funny and seemed so nice. God rest his soul.
  3. D'oh! :tongue_smilie: I thought that was your story. I'm glad it wasn't you. :)
  4. Man!!! That sounds like something that would happen in Florida! I hate that bueraucratic (sp?) run around. so sorry to hear that you got sick. You were all better after only 4 days?? That's pretty good. You must be in very good health to begin with.
  5. My daughter does this too. She'll say something and then repeat the last word in a whisper. For example she'll say something like, "Man, I really want a dog." And then whisper, "dog". She does that constantly. hehe
  6. Ugh! My mom does that ALL THE TIME and it drives me CRAZY!!! Everytime she comes to visit me she puts her purse up on my dining room table. I ask her every single time she does it to please take her purse off the table and yet the very next time she comes, there goes the purse up on my table. It drives me nuts. I feel like I have to boil my table afterwards! hehe
  7. I'm glad. :) I know for me, if I wasn't laughing I'd be crying so I choose to laugh as much as I can. Plus that quote is from Charles Schultz who I recognize to be the father of all wisdom. ;) :D
  8. Ah good to know. Thanks for sharing that. I didn't realize that the medication was only for the first few hours of the illness. :)
  9. Another vote for the eval. I got a referral through my pediatrician and the eval was done free by the county. They did a very thorough job too. The also made several recommendations and gave me a direction to start with and some contacts for therapies, neurologists, etc. :grouphug: My daughter used to be like that too when she was younger. We had to take all of the furniture out of her room to keep her from hurting herself when she was having a tantrum. She used to rip fistfuls of hair out of her head and scream these primordial screams that sounded like a banchee. We had to switch the door knob on her door so that it locked on the outside and we would just lock her in there until she calmed down because it was the only safe place for her to be where she wouldn't hurt herself with furniture and stuff. I know what you are going through. It is brutal. But let me encourage you that it does get better. They don't stay this way forever. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  10. I thought that there was some drug that they were prescribing for treatment of the swine flu??? What did your doctor say to do to treat it? Just curious. Sorry your wee ones are sick. That sucks. :( :grouphug:
  11. Yes I think it was a cold. When he was throwing up it was mostly phlem. **Sorry to be so gross.** We try to teach him how to blow his nose, but he just doesn't understand. He swallows all that junk and then throws up. I think that's why he doesn't eat much when he's sick. But he's really healing up quickly. I'm really surprised at how fast he's getting better. I know it's all the prayers. :) Thanks again. :)
  12. A question for those of you that bought the sonlight scope. Does it come with slides and stuff or is it just the microscope itself?? Thanks. :)
  13. It is now 1am and he is just now falling asleep. He didn't wake up that late this morning and he has been active all day so I think he is definitely on the mend. I have never seen him go through a cold this fast and I know it's everyones prayers. Thank you so much. You gals are the best! :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  14. My daughter has this book called Wild Weather. I tried to find it on amazon, but I couldnt' find the exact same one. But this one looked interesting. http://www.amazon.com/Weather-Kingfisher-Voyages-Warren-Faidley/dp/0753459116/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1241412711&sr=1-2
  15. hehehe I was surprised that you had so many cases for the same reason, so many Cubans. hehe Actually, my family over there account for a lot of the Cubans in Ybor City. :) My mom was born and raised there and my grandfather was a city councilman for 2 terms there. I have countless cousins, aunts and uncles there. :)
  16. Yeah I'm in Broward cty, but to my knowledge they aren't closing any schools yet. Just telling the girl who is infected that she cannot come. 5 cases in Hillsborough! Wow! Almost all my family are over there in Tampa. I hope no one gets sick. Some of my relatives there are quite elderly now.
  17. Wow!! Awesome!! I'm going to do the happy dance with you!! :) :party::party:
  18. Does anyone know what country the Sonlight microscope is made in?? Do they have discount codes or sale codes you can use at checkout?? Thx. :)
  19. I need to buy a microscope for my daughter's 7th grade science for next year. I want to buy a good one that she can use for the rest of her schooling throughout highschool, but am pretty clueless about what makes a good microscope "good". I would be so grateful for some advice/suggestions. I would like to keep it under $300.00 if possible. So far I have been looking at this one, but like I said, I really dont' know what I should be looking for in a microscope. Is this a good one? http://www.hometrainingtools.com/products/5820-home-microscope Thank you all so much for the advice. :)
  20. Thank you ladies so much for your support and prayers. Sweet ds is still throwing up although not as much. He's not eating much of anything but at least his is still drinking. He still just slightly warm and is awake during the day and sleeping at night so it just seems a typical cold. I'm praying that he will be feeling better soon. Thank you all so much for your continued prayers. :grouphug:
  21. I just heard this morning that there are now 2 confirmed cases of the swine flu in Florida and 8 others that are suspect but the lab results are not back yet. :(
  22. Congratulations on your new baby!! :grouphug: My son is in the Autism cluster in Public School. He gets speech, occupation and physical therapy there. He's had the same teacher for 3 years now and she loves him. The class has 6 students and there is one teacher and 3 aides. I think they've done a good job with him. He is learning and improving all the time. He used to be in a different cluster and they were absolutely horrible! Night and day from where he is now. The other cluster was awful and after only like 6 weeks there I took him out of school because he was crying all the time and he NEVER cries unless something is really wrong. We got him into this other cluster and he's doing great so my best advice to you is to shop around. I know I would love to bring him home at some point, but right now he is better off where he is. I wouldn't have a clue how to homeschool him at this point, plus he wouldn't have access to therapies that he gets in school. My daughter on the other hand who is high functioning, she has Aspergers, she I homeschool and she is doing great. :)
  23. Thank you everyone for your prayers. Please continue to pray, it is working. :) Well the good news, is that it is probably not the swine flu. :hurray: He is barely warm and he is full of energy so the symptoms don't match those of the flu. The doctor's office told me not to even bother bringing him in unless he gets hot and is really lethargic and cranky so that is good news. :) Thank you everyone for prayers. Please continue to pray for him and the rest of us that we don't get sick. Thank you. :)
  24. Thank you. I'll keep you all posted as I know more. Thank you for your prayers. :grouphug:
  25. He was fine all day today and nothing was out of the ordinary. He suddenly awoke at 4am vomiting. He keeps sneezing and throwing up. I'm going to take him to the doctor as soon as they open in the morning. Please pray for him. He is severly Autistic and has a hard time taking medications. I appreciate all prayers for him. Thank you so much. :)
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