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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. :iagree::iagree: I was going to say something along those lines, but you said it much better than I could have. Thanks. :)
  2. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I am so so sorry to hear about your dear friend. :( What a brave woman. Reading your post brought tears to my eyes! Man how I HATE cancer!!
  3. That was so cool!! When he said that we've only explored about 3% of the world's oceans I was blown away! I never realized it was that small a percent. Didn't know there were waterfalls under the ocean either! :eek: Wow!! That's amazing. I loved the two-toned squid too! Too funny! hehe :) Thanks for posting up the link. :)
  4. :iagree::iagree: My mom had breast cancer last year and I am happy to say that it appears to be completely gone now.:) While she was going through it though and we would talk, she would tell me her feelings about having a mastectomy or the fear of losing her hair with the chemo. It may seem shallow to some, but going through it vicariously with her I can see how much of a woman's "womanhood" and feelings of femininity are wrapped up in things like breasts and hair. She was so extremely vulnerable emotionally during that time. I think it is great that those men wanted to get involved to help raise money for a cure, but those t-shirts are in very poor taste IMO. I wish they could find something that gives more respect to the brave women who are battling the disease. I guess I'm a prude too.
  5. Oh perfect. It looks like I can watch the entire thing with that link. Thank you so much. Ay, I know that it will probably greatly affect me. My mother had cancer last year and is a survivor, but my mother-in-law did not survive her battle with this horrible disease. :(
  6. I just want to give you lots of hugs!! :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: God bless you!! Your words brought tears to my eyes. :grouphug:
  7. I don't have cable. :( Is there any other way to watch it?? Online maybe?? Thx. :)
  8. Oh was it on last night?? I had wanted to watch it, but didn't know when it would be on. I assumed that it wouldn't be on for several weeks. :( Poor woman!! I feel so sorry for her and her family. Cancer is horrible!! :(
  9. Homeschooling with 7 children year round?? I think you deserve a medal for "mom of the year"!! That is an amazing feat! God bless you! :)
  10. I can understand what you are going through as well. Although my husband definitely wears the pants in the family and makes decisions and we all submit to them, he relies on me HEAVILY. He comes from a family where the woman takes care of everything and the man just shows up and expects to be waited on hand and foot. With 2 special needs kids to take care of and a husband who expects to be taken care of as well, it can get very stressful and overwhelming for me. I find for myself, that reading marriage books together was very helpful. My husband has a very delicate ego and will take things the wrong way when I try to bring things to his attention. It's always a challenge for me to find a way to phrase things so that he take it as a criticism. Books (and videos) have helped me a lot in this regard. I've chosen books on topics that I would like to discuss with him, but that I don't feel I can bring up to him because of his sensitivity. When we read the books together, he "gets the message" but since I am not the messenger he takes it better. I think for him, he can take a constructive criticism from an indirect source better than it coming from me directly and that coupled with prayer for God to speak to his heart has helped me a lot over the years. The Sacred Marriage by Gary Thomas, The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman and Laugh your way to a Better Marriage (DVD) by Mark Gungor were very helpful to us. :) God is faithful and if you are faithful to Him and submit to His will , He will give you the desires of your heart. :grouphug: I hope this is helpful to you. :)
  11. I think it's a great idea!! May as well get them started now on these boards so that when they get married and are homeschooling their own kids, they'll already be well rooted in a great support group! :)
  12. We bought the upgrade this year too when they had that $10.00 off sale recently. It is SO MUCH BETTER than the trial version. She loves it and is even trying to teach my son how to play it! hehehe :)
  13. I am just now discovering this as well. Let me just say that I am NOT a naturally organized person. Homeschooling has helped me tremendously though in becoming better organized and every year I get a little better and am more prepared than the year before. This year I already have all of my curriculum for next year already purchased and only have to buy a microscope and a science kit before August. :) Normally, I'm still buying stuff in August when school has already begun!! :eek: I bought the Life of Fred books to use with my daughter's Singapore for next year's school and since it was a supplement, I thought, "why not start it now?" She loves it! And it has really put a second wind in our sails to finish up this school year. We're already halfway through the book! :eek: It's a good thing I bought the first two books so we'll have something still to work on come August! :) lol
  14. My daughter and son both liked www.uptoten.com and http://www.orisinal.com :)
  15. I love it too! My daughter plays it all the time and multiplication improved greatly after she started playing that game! :)
  16. The amazing thing to me is that I don't even know who the mods are! It's like their super heroes or something. Protecting the world, but secretly. :) I used to mod on three different websites. It is a lot to keep track of and the community there wasn't quite as large as this one. I can only imagine how many mods it must take to keep this forum running so smoothly. :hurray: for the mods! :D
  17. That's wonderful news!! Congratulations!! Paying off a house and a car are a tremendous feat!! Kudos to you and your husband for sticking with it!:):hurray:
  18. Such bittersweet posts!! It makes me want to go and hug my son right now. God bless you ladies. I'm so glad your son is home. :grouphug:
  19. Oh that is so AWESOME!!! What a great story!! Thank you so much for sharing your blessing. :)
  20. That is so great!!! I wish I had a set up like that. It seems so perfect for everyone. I have a few friends who also homeschool, but it never works out that way for me. They use different curricula than I do and their kids are in younger grades so I always have to buy my curricula. :(
  21. Does anyone have the link to the original thread?? I haven't read it and it sounds really funny. :) Thank you kindly. :) That is so odd selling meat door to door! Wonders will never cease! hehe
  22. Oh thanks!! I have alot of curricula that I've accumulated over 7 years of homeschooling. I have lots of teacher's manuals in really good condition (I keep them in the original boxes for storage) that I hope to sell along with some Foreign language stuff. I have never sold anything over the Internet before so I'm a little nervous, and I worry that I will get lost in all the posts, but I'm willing to give it my best shot. I really want to get my daughter a nice microscope for next year's Science. She'll be doing alot of biology, so I need to raise the funds. I'm already selling baked goods and things to friends on the side trying to raise some money, but it will take a lot of cookies to get to $259.00! :eek: ;) :D hehehe Thanks for the encouragement! I'll get my stuff together this weekend and take some pictures and post some ads up here. :)
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