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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. OOOH I love it when someone agrees with me! :) I feel special now! hehehehe ;) :D Silliness aside... I LOVE this book. You should see my personal copy of it. It's practically in tatters I've read it so many times. It's been taped and glued so much! :eek: I finally broke down and bought a new copy of it to read, but I'll always keep my original copy of it. I've read it at least 30 times, probably more than that. I couldn't bear to part with it. :)
  2. You took the words right out of my mouth ( or out of my fingers maybe I should say. ;) ) Shop vacs are so much more powerful than household vacs and they have many attachments that you can use with them. You can even buy a separate attachment kit if you wish. They work GREAT and you can find them at any Home Depot or Lowes. :)
  3. Wooo! :party: :party: :grouphug: :grouphug: Congratulations!! Enjoy your little man. :)
  4. You are not alone in your beliefs sister. I'm standing right there with you. :)
  5. Wow!! Your garden sounds HUGE. Do you have a picture of it? I'd LOVE to see it if you care to share it. :) Do you live entirely off of the veggies that you grow or do you still have to buy the occasional veggie at the store?? Thank you for your reply. :)
  6. I wish I had a great answer for you... heck, I wish I had a magic wand that could make it all better for you. That's a hard place you're in. My dd has Asperger's too. It's definitely not easy and she's the ONLY student I have. I am sending you lots of good thoughts and :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I will pray for you. Jennifer
  7. The one thing I really liked about Saxon was that the teacher's manual was so scripted, but my dd just hated it so much that no matter of script was going to help that. :( Have you ever considered a book for yourself to help you develop those concepts??? I have heard some of the other forum members here talk about this book that it helped them teach their children better. http://www.singaporemath.com/Elementary_Mathematics_for_Teachers_p/emft.htm
  8. I have no words... just... no words!! It is shocking that this type of thing goes on. Shocking!
  9. Camille and Julia your gardens look so nice. I wish I had a decent patch of land to scratch. Sigh. I have to content myself with a terrace container garden. I won't be planting anything though until after hurricane season is over. I'll start some seeds in late October to grow over winter. Winter is our main growing season down here anyway. :) Camille where in AL are you?? I've been to Alabama many times in my life, but only the parts that are near GA and FL. The area you live in looks so beautiful. I loved the pic with the fish too! That's a nice catch there! I'll be you had a nice fish fry after that. :)
  10. :iagree::iagree::iagree: I totally agree with you. That is what BUGS me to no end about Dracula. The book is so great, but every movie I've ever seen of it is absolutely nothing like the book at all. It's always so campy and ridiculous. I had hopes when Francis Ford Coppola was going to make a (then new) movie based on Brams Stoker's book. He even called it Bram's Stoker's Dracula. It was nothing like the book. I don't usually walk out of theatres when I've paid good money to see a movie, but I just couldn't sit through that garbage of a movie. It's such a shame because the portrayals of the character Dracula are so over the top that everybody writes the book off and won't even bother with it and it really is an excellent story of good vs. evil against all odds.
  11. Thank you so much for sharing your samples. May I ask, how far in advance do you type into the spreadsheet the assigned work? I mean, for example, do you plan the entire year in advance or do you do it weekly, monthly?? Thank you for your reply. :)
  12. LOL I didn't even see Darwin's name in there. When you said it I went back and looked. hehe It is interesting what he said though. I liked the quotes from him. He acknowledges a Creator at least. :)
  13. I'm so sorry to hear that your dc are struggling. I wish I had good answers for you. I am always struggling with math as well so I'll be interested in seeing what replies you get here. :) I hope that your math next year will be much better. I'm glad they scored so well with reading and language. :) My daughter is the same. She always scores low in math but is in like the 99% percentile for reading. :)
  14. I just want to give you lots of :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: There is nothing worse in the world that having a sick child. What you are going through is so wrong! :( My son has severe Autism and the only therapy he gets is what he gets in school, why? because we cannot afford the co-pay for the speech and occupational therapy that he needs 3 times a week through our insurance. He used to be on a government grant called Therapy for Sucess since all studies show that the best hope for an Autistic person is to get them treatment early on. Therapy for sucess only would cover one type of therapy so we had to choose between speech or ot. There also was only ONE provider that accepted this grant that we could go to in our entire county. We chose the OT since he has so many sensory issues. They allowed us 2 half hour sessions a week. I had to reapply for the grant EVERY month and sometimes they didn't approve it right away so there would be a gap in the treatment. After not even a year on this grant program the goverment did away with it altogether. My son has not had ANY outside therapy since. The only therapy he gets at all is in his autism cluster in his public school.
  15. I'm so sorry to hear you are going through so many trials. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  16. Wow!! That was just amazing!! Awesome video. Thanks for posting it up. :)
  17. Oh that's terrible!! :( I've gotten in trouble for using coins as well. I was in France once and it was a saturday so I couldn't change any money (this was before the Euro) and I had to pay the check at the restaurant with coin Francs. The waitress wasn't too pleased.
  18. :lol::lol: That's so funny! hehe I remember seeing the preview for that movie when it was coming out. It looked soooog good and I really wanted to take my daughter to see it, but somehow I just forgot all about it and it wasn't showing anymore. I"m glad now I never did if it is as bad as all that. :) I think Contact and The Lord of the Rings series were better movies than the books as well. I LOVED the movie Contact, but couldn't get into the book at all. And LOTR did such a great job of keeping track of all of the characters for me, whereas I had to make a list in order to keep track of them in the book. :)
  19. Man, I would LOVE to go to Japan!! They have the best guitar stores there.
  20. 10 miles south of my home town. I've lived in the same county all my life.
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