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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. hehehehe I got that video for my son for his Easter basket because he loves Wallace and Gromit but already has every single one of their videos. I figured since Shaun was in it he might like it. He loves the song! hehehe :) It does have the penchant for getting stuck in your head in a Chinese water torture kind of a way though. ;) :D hehe
  2. Bah Salsa!! I agree with Celia Cruz that Salsa is something they put on chips. ;) :D hehehehe The true name for "Salsa" music is "son". ;) :D That's so cute that they had that for your son's class. :) I'm surprised that they didn't play any Rumba. That's Cuban as well. :) Were the plantains green or ripe? Did your son eat them? I would have loved to have seen the kids dancing! That must have been precious! :)
  3. She would have to have quite an arm indeed to chuck it all the way to South Florida! hehehe ;) But if anybody could throw a sheep that far Rosie could! :) Why do I suddenly have the song, "It's Shaun the sheep" in my head? ;) :D edit**But where is Rosie?? I thought for sure she wouldn't be able to resist the bait I left for her! Maybe she's on a plane to South Florida already with her sheep in tow? Man, I better run for cover! ;) :D I'm just being playful with you, Rosie. :) I hope you don't mind. You're a good sport. :)
  4. I know "Y'all" isn't a word. It's "Ya'll" that's the proper Southern word. ;) :D hehehehe **runs and ducks before Rosie can throw a sheep at her**
  5. Ah you beat me to it!! hehe :iagree: This would be a great resource to sift through while you're waiting for all those books to come in. ;) :D If you scroll down past the DVD and other resources you can see the links to the related topics discussed on his radio program. Those are absolutely free to listen to. Chuck Missler is a great Bible teacher with an incredible depth of knowledge. I wholeheartedly agree with Elizabeth in this study of Revelation. :) Jennifer
  6. Hello! :) And welcome. :) I'm pretty new here myself. I have a two special children too. :) I hope you enjoy your time here. Congratulations on your new baby. :)
  7. mmmm you're making me hungry!! I LOVE curry. Curry chicken roti has got to be one of the best inventions in the history of the entire world! YUMMY! :D
  8. I'm so so sorry you're going through so much pain and frustration. I wish there was something I could do to help you. Divorce is so ugly. I'm so sorry. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  9. OOH it looks like you and I have very similar tastes. :) Here's a David Crowder one for you, Karen. :) Enjoy. :)
  10. :) I'm happy to help. I'm not that technological myself, but that method works for me. :)
  11. It's no stronger than any herb type plant. It doesn't smell bad (to me), but for animals with a very sensitive sense of smell, they won't go near it. I got mine off of Ebay. It's good to search it by it's botanical name to get the precise plant. It is covered by a patent so you can only get live plants, they won't let you grow it from seed, but I have found that they are easily divided like any coleus so you can buy some and split them up as they get bigger. Here's some info I pulled off of Richter's site about it. Piss-Off Plant Keeps Furry Pests AwayCats, dogs and rabbits won't go near it Much as we love our feline and canine friends, they can be a royal pain in the you-know-where when they carouse in our gardens. They romp around damaging plants, dig holes, and otherwise 'do their business' where they shouldn't. But dogs and cats (and rabbits too) stay away if a Piss-Off Plant is nearby. For some reason not yet understood, furry critters absolutely detest the odour of this plant and won't go near it. When planted three feet apart, the Piss-Off Plant will protect a whole garden. Surprisingly the plant is not offensive to humans, and it does not harm children or pets. And it has succulent leaves and attractive lavender flowers and makes an impressive easy-to-grow plant for hanging baskets and indoor windowsills. The Piss-Off Plant was developed four years ago in Germany when a Plectranthus canina plant was crossed with a Plectranthus esculentus plant. The goal was to produce an ornamental plant with compact growth habit. It was only later that the plant's unique animal-repelling property was discovered.
  12. Above the post in the blue area there is a pull down menu called "thread tools" click on the little arrow and it will drop down an option to "subscribe to thread" You can click on that to keep track of the threads you want to read. If you have posted in a thread and want to keep tabs on it, you don't have to subscribe if you don't want to. You can click on your user name and on the righthand corner of your page it will say "show all statistics" click on that and on the left hand side of the screen it will say, "show all posts" for your username. Then you can see all of the threads that you have posted in and look for the one that has an envelope icon that has new mail in it to read new replies in that thread. I hope this helps you. :)
  13. I'd be happy to talk to her if it would help. Weeding through all of the information can be overwhelming and without some good support, it is very easy to feel defeated. Especially when dealing with the PSS. Your friend can email me at jenbatisman@yahoo.com and I'd be happy to help her in any way I can. :) Blessings, Jennifer
  14. Wow!! It looks BEAUTIFUL!! I LOVE your garden!! I have a tiny plot that is loaded with rocks. It takes FOREVER to clear them out so I can only imagine what you are dealing with. Your hard work sure has paid off though. Your garden is gorgeous. I'm so envious. :) BTW, have you ever heard of that plant that deters cats, dogs, deer and other furry critters with a sensitive sense of smell? It's called, cats be gone or dogs be gone or the piss off plant. It goes by one of those three titles. It is a special type of coleus that is completely harmless and it emits an order that is strong but not unpleasant and the smell repels animals. I have one in my backyard because we have a lot of stray cats as well as racoons and I've never seen one since I've put it in. I don't have deer so I don't know if it words against them, but it's worked for me for the other critters. :)
  15. Oh, I bet it was beautiful. When I do my devotions in the morning I always start with some praise and worship on my acoustic. It's amazing how deeply you can enter in with a great praise song and just a simple guitar. :) That's so cool that your husband is the worship leader! I'll bet your house is always filled with music. :) That's awesome! My brother is a worship leader too. :)
  16. My son is Autistic and did the tippy toe thing since he could walk. He still does it sometimes and he is 8 now. I was told by an Occupational therapist that it is part of the whole Autism/sensory issues package. It sounds like your friend needs some advocacy. She can contact CARD (Center for Autism and Related Disabilities) Here is a link here. http://www.centerforautism.com/About/CARD_Locations.asp I don't know if they will help her without a diagnosis, but she can call and at least talk to someone and they can give her a lot of good advice and point her in the right direction. My son had an eval done by the county, before we had a diagnosis of Autism, but that was with my pediatricians referral. CARD is completely free btw. It's a resource to help parents and families raising Autism spectrum kids. I had some trouble with my son's school a couple of years ago, I thought they were giving me a bit of run around on things I wanted for my son. I called CARD a lady from there came into my son's classroom and observed and the school got so scared that they basically did anything I asked of them after that. They are a wonderful resource for advocacy. :) I hope this helps your friend. :)
  17. This is a great thread. I'm bookmarking away. :)
  18. Amen!! You put it so much better than I ever could. God bless all our troops and bring them home safe. Thank you all for your sacrifice. :grouphug:
  19. :iagree: I'd add Sacred Marriage by Gary Thomas, The Power of a Praying Wife by Stormie Omartian, Laugh your way to a Better Marriage by Mark Gungor (this is actually a DVD series, but it's wonderful. It really points out the differences in the way that men and women think and approach problems/issues and really sheds a light of understanding into how your mate thinks) My heartiest congratulations to your dd. :)
  20. I have ALWAYS wanted to see Alaska. I saw a feature on Alaska in a National Geographic type magazine when I was about 10 or 11 years old and I can't remember ever seeing anything so beautiful. That is one place I would love to see before I die. :) I heard a friend describe it once as "God's country". From the pictures I saw I think he was right. :)
  21. Thank you for the warning. Is there any idea as to how far back it goes?? I mean, if you bought it say, 2-3 months ago is there still a risk or was it only recently discovered? Thank you. :)
  22. Foreign language dialogues or music appreciation cd's?? Bible cd's where the Scriptures are read word for word?
  23. Ah I see. My son might be too young then. He just turned 8 in March. Thanks so much for replying and letting me know. :)
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