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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. That REALLY stinks!! I'm so sorry to hear this. They have to see that these kids are slipping through the cracks. I hope somebody in VA comes and takes responsibility for these kids. The parents cannot do it all on their own. Have you contacted CARD?? What do they say about this? I'm so sorry to hear that. :( :grouphug::grouphug:
  2. Thank you so much!! This is EXACTLY what I wanted to know. :)
  3. I am thinking of using CLE math in conjunction with Singapore. I have been to the site and have looked at the sample pages, but I have some questions about them. I most likely wouldn't need every book in the set since some of the topics will be overlapping with the Singapore, but I wanted to ask how you determine which book you need? Is there an index somewhere that tells you what skills are taught for each book in the set so that I can pick and choose? Are the pages in the samples indicative of the concepts that are taught in that particular book? Do I need to purchase the Teacher book or the answer keys? Thank you kindly to all who reply. :) I greatly appreciate the advice. :) Blessings, Jennifer
  4. Ooh we're so close!! I"m the 2nd. :) Gotta love a birthday that comes during the height of hurricane season. :D hehe
  5. I'm a September baby too! :) When's your day?
  6. Oh yeah. I'm sure a 3 year old could do it. My Autistic 8 yo. son can do it as well. I have the Powerpac version that has several languages on it. I use the English setting for my Autistic son. The biggest challenge with a younger kid will be getting them to stay seated long enough to benefit from it. If I remember correctly, I think there are only like 20 or so frames of pictures and if they get most of them right then they can go on to the next set.
  7. Thank you kindly for your replies. Is there a way to find out what each book covers to be able pick a book that has the skills she needs to work on? I'm looking at the site but I can't find an index for grade 7's book. Thank you. :)
  8. I just wanted to make sure if these are the products you are referring to? Can you tell me if they are? Thank you so much for your time and help. :) http://www.amazon.com/Riverdeep-SW50031D-Carmen-Sandiego-Detective/dp/B000AQD6GE http://www.shopping.com/xPO-Mindware-Math-Mosaics-Subtraction-Secrets-Ages-6-to-10 http://www.amazon.com/Mindware-Venn-Perplexors-Mindwares-Problems/dp/1892069466 Blessings, Jennifer
  9. I agree. I LOVE Singapore for this very reason. It teaches you how to think mathematically. I am learning so much from going through it with my daughter. :)
  10. Was the test prep book enough for your dc to make up the slack? Which one did you use may I ask? Thank you so much for your reply. :) Jennifer
  11. Ay, I don't want to freak you out. I love Singapore and will continue to use it, I just noticed that compared to some American math programs they teach concepts in a much different order. I noticed that the R&S and the CLE were pretty close and I reckon that Saxon is also, but I just noticed from the sample sheets that they got much more into some topics than Singapore has for the same grades, but the reverse is also true I think, I think there are probably some things that Singapore has already covered that have yet to be covered in the American programs in the same depth. I was just looking for something to supplement my daughter's Singapore with so that she will do well on her evaluation. It really affects her (and my husband) if she scores poorly.
  12. Thank you for the recommendations. I'll google them and check them out. Please let me know how your kids did when you get your scores back. :) Thanks so much for your reply. :)
  13. I used the Rosetta stone with my daughter when she was very young for practice. I can't remember exactly how old she was when I started her on it but it was probably 1st or 2nd grade. You can set it up with different parameters. For example, you can set it up to show just the pictures and and hear the word, or just the pictures and read the word, or the pictures, hearing and seeing the word. It's up to you. I would let my daughter play on it for about 20-30 minutes and she did great on it.
  14. Thank you for your reply, Brindee. :) Did your dd take a placement test for CLE? Is that why you are starting her in the 8th grade curriculum? I'm doing LOF also. But we do that mostly for fun. lol I tell her she has to finish her school before she can do LOF so to her, it's just a fun book. :) hehe She's doing LOF Fractions and is halfway through it already. I bought it a few weeks ago. I also got the Decimals book to work with next school year. She has a tendency to forget facts and I can see the need for adding daily drills which we haven't been doing, so I was wondering if CLE might fit the bill for this? Maybe I can get away with sneaking in a second math curriculum by telling her, "this is your math drills. Singapore is your math curriculum." hehe ;) :D
  15. Thank you for your replies. Maureen, I'm sorry I'm being thick, but what does S&S mean? I checked the abbreviation sticky, but I didn't see it. Do you know where I can get the placement test for 7th grade? Is it online? I know every child is different, but can you tell me on average, how long it takes your children to work through one lesson in CLE? Thank you so much for your time and your reply. :) Blessings, Jennifer
  16. I don't know how it is with your insurance, but unless your pediatrician is a specialist in developmental delays, you will most likely get a referral to have an evaluation done outside. My son's evaluation was done at a center because of his age (he was under 2 at the time) and was then referred to a pediatric neurologist to confirm the findings, my daughter who has Asperger's was diagnosed at a much later age (8)directly by the pediatric neurologist. Both of my children are registered through CARD and have received free services from them and my son is in an Autism cluster in the public school and he gets free therapies there for his Autism.
  17. :iagree: with you and I thank you for your reply, but my concern is how it makes my daughter feel when she is taking a test and she doesn't know the answers. She gets a good deal of test anxiety beforehand and it has an effect on her self esteem when she doesn't understand questions or know the answers. She thinks she is stupid if she doesn't do well no matter how many times I tell her that is not so. I also worry that if she does poorly on the evaluations in math year after year, that she will think that homeschooling "doesn't work". Am I just being crazy and thinking way too much?? I really liked the look of the CLE from the sample pages and I'm wondering if it would be good to use like a supplement. Can someone who has used CLE math tell me how intensive it is? Does it require a great deal of time? Are there many problems and drills (like Saxon)? I am planning to add math drills to keep the facts fresh over summer and I was planning on continuing them next year when school starts up again. Would CLE fit for this? Are these pages directly out of the student text or is there more to the program than this?? http://www.clp.org/documents/2719/original/Math_701.pdf I apologize for asking so many questions, I just want to the best thing for my daughter and it is so hard to know sometimes if I am doing something right or wrong for her. I really appreciate any help or advice that I can get here. Thank you all so much for being such a knowledgable and supportive group. :grouphug: Blessings, Jennifer
  18. Another vote for an evaluation here. I took my son to his well baby visit and she thought something was "off" and gave me a referral for an evaluation. It was completely free and it turns out he does have Autism. Once he had a diagnosis it opened up resources for me that I didn't have before. Therapy through the PSS, advocacy from CARD etc. Knowing definitively what you are dealing with will also help you in being able to equip yourself with knowledge in order to help them. I wish you all the best with your precious one. :)
  19. Wow I'm so sorry to hear what you're going through. I agree with acbuy. You have been patient, you have been communicative, it's time to take matters into your own hands. Have you talked to a moderator to see if they can get communication from this member? I do think you should start the process with Paypal to try to get your money back. I hope it all works out for you. :grouphug:
  20. I've been hearing so much on here about CLE and R&S for math that I have been doing some browsing on their websites and looking at sample pages. My daughter is going into 7th grade and has been using Singapore exclusively for Math since the 5th grade (she actually started with 4A&B, but we did it in 5th grade due to a learning gap). Before that she did Saxon. After looking at the sample pages for the CLE and R&S for 6th and 7th grade I'm wondering why Singapore seems to teach entirely different skills for these same grades?? It's making me nervous as to how she will do on her evaluation. She always seems to score lower in math than all her other subjects on her end of the year tests and I'm wondering if maybe using Singapore may be why? Would it be a good idea to mix it up with another curriculum? Or would that just be too much or worse, mess her up all together? I liked the CLE that I saw online, but the pre-test for the 7th grade covers topics from their 6th grade course, that my daughter hasn't learned yet in Singapore. Sheesh, I feel like I"m just rambling here and not making any sense. Grrr. I should have drunk a cup of coffee before posting. I guess what I'm wanting to know is, 1) would it be a good thing to do both CLE and Singapore for 7th grade or would that be too much math/too many concepts? 2)Is it better to just focus on one curriculum and don't worry about how she scores on the evaluations? Has anyone else here mixed Singapore and CLE? Thanks to all who reply. I'm sorry for writing the question so schizo. Hopefully I made some sense. I guess sleep is always a good idea before posting. :blushing: ;) :D
  21. :lol::lol::lol: I'm glad you finally decided to drop your "civic duty" and come and play with us! The laugh you gave me was worth the wait for you to come. :) btw is "civic duty" code for going to the bathroom or something?? **runs and ducks again!** ;) Oh, I'm really gonna get it now! :D hehehe
  22. Thank you so much for your reply. :) Do you write up the schedule for the year on the computer and then just print it out a month at a time? I'm going to try your method for this next year. I did a year schedule this last year, but I want something better than what I did.
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