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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. My church broadcasts all of its services live online. It is a non-denominational Bible teaching church. They have services on Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday. The link is calvaryftl.org if you're interested. :) I know that Greg Laurie's and Chuck Smith's church services are also online. :) I quit going to church too for awhile when my daughter was a baby/toddler for the same reason. I got tired of cleaning up the all night puke fests and of catching everything that she caught. She was sick so much when she was 2,3,4 that a lot of times I just stayed home from church for weeks and listened online.
  2. Wow!! What grocery store do you go to? I've never heard of a grocery open at midnight. That would work for me too! :D
  3. Hi Kirsty! :) Welcome. There are lots of folks from the UK here so I think you'll be in good company. :) I hope you enjoy your stay. :)
  4. I have asked them so many times. I even did a formal request in writing explaining to them how it is relevant to Florida culture since it is dealing with the lives of Cuban exiles in Miami. I've told them how it is historic because it was the first bilingual program on tv. Nothing. I've been asking them for years and they still don't have it in the county's system :( I really don't want to fork out the 100 bucks to buy it off of PBS either because of all the stuff my library does buy, I think this should be one of them. It makes more sense to have at least one copy of Que Pasa, USA than 100 copies of James Bond Quantum of Solace. ;) :D
  5. Thanks for the links GretaLynne. I am going to play around with these too. :)
  6. Wow!! Thanks so much for the information. That really is a lot to consider. So even with the various prices for the different models and the things that were extra above the model price, it was still a lot less for her than buying a typical home? But the key to that was the price of the land more than anything right?
  7. LOL Oh boy!! Well, fortunately it's not my decision to make so I don't have that burden completely on my shoulders. There are still so many variables to take into consideration that it is going to be some time before we know for sure. We have to be able to sell our house in order to move anywhere and we all know how the market is right now. In South Florida there are so many homes for sale it's not even funny. Then there's schools for my son that we have to consider, and a job for dh etc. Ultimately, I think it's going to all come down to the job. We can want to live anywhere, but we won't be able to live anywhere without some funds coming in.
  8. Woo Hoo!! :party: Thanks for the suggestion. I didn't even think of checking the library. Mine had the complete 6 DVD set as well. I put it on hold to be sent to my branch! I'm #1 in the hold's list. :) :hurray: :) Now if they would just get the Que Pasa, USA dvd's I'd really be happy! :) hehe
  9. Congratulations Cathmom and Caryn!! :hurray: :party: :) And thank you Nestof3 for your generosity. :)
  10. Thanks so much Vineyard for your post. All your posts are so informative and have helped me a lot. Thank you. I had a question about your friend's house. When you were talking about the comparisons that she did and that she had to put out more money, was that a comparison of modulars to standard houses or modulars to modulars? The extra money that she had to pay, was that extra over what the estimate was or extra over what a standard price home would cost? I'm just trying to clarify. Thanks for your time. :)
  11. :) :) I'm so glad it's helping you. It's helping me immensely as well. :) What schools are you looking at in SC??
  12. You see, I think this is where I am struggling with the whole Pledge issue. I guess my fundamental problem is I've never been taught what it actually means. I was taught to say the pledge growing up, but never why or why we say it. When I think about the words of it, the individual lines really don't make much sense to me. The most I can get out of it is that the pledge is a promise to be loyal to the United States and to the republic for which it stands, but I'm not sure what even that means?? :confused::confused: Is it just me being particularly thick? I really don't get what it is saying and what what that pledge actually requires of me. If someone can explain this to me I would be really grateful. :) edit: I'm really enjoying reading everyone's responses. There are so many sides to this and it is fascinating to hear everyone's individual take. :)
  13. :lol::lol::lol: Oh my gosh, this had me in stitches! hehehehe Ay, I don't know that much about Canadians I'm sorry to say, but one thing I know is that you guys have a good sense of humor! hehehe :D
  14. Yeah I can see what you mean. I am a Christian also and I agree that it is a bit of a sticky situation when it comes to the Pledge. Jesus talks about not taking oaths in Matthew 5:33-37 specifically saying to "let your 'yes' be 'yes' and your 'no' be 'no' for whatever is more than these comes from the evil one" But would the Pledge be considered an oath?? An oath in my understanding is binding and a covenant type arrangement. But what are you even really bound to by the Pledge?? The words are pretty ambiguous. "I pledge allegiance to the flag", but what does that really even mean? :confused::confused: What do ya'll think? Maybe I am thinking about this way too much, but the more I think about it, the more confused I feel. What the heck is the Pledge of Allegiance really saying and what is the purpose for it? I mean, if it is an oath of allegiance to the country, what is it exactly that you are pledging to do?? The Pledge doesn't give any specifics at all so what are we really pledging anyway and why pledge to do something that is unknown?? :confused::confused: Ay, my brain is starting to hurt. ;) :D
  15. We haven't had cable for over 12 years. We got a converter box for the t.v. and we havent' needed anything else. American Idol and Extreme Makeover are still on network tv so I don't know why you wouldn't still be able to record them. :confused: I myself am not much of a tv watcher, but my husband watches certain shows and also brings movies home from the library. I honestly can't think of any show that would induce me to pay cable prices. I get so many extra channels now with the converter box. There is one called Create that is similar to a HGTV type channel. The only thing missing is the Discovery Channel and the History Channel, but I know I can check out similar DVD's out of the library. :) Good luck with the transition. I think you'll be surprised at how easily you can make it. :)
  16. Thank you for your post. :) So are you saying that Canadians aren't encouraged to be patriotic in front of others because they don't want to appear to be from the United States?? Did I read interpret that correctly?? Is it just a form of distinction to otherwise distinguish two similar peoples or is out of some sort of ambivalence? I'm not saying that in any kind of negative way. I don't know how to say this in any way that doesn't "read bad" over the internet. If you could see my face you'd know that what you wrote isn't being taken in any kind of bad way, I'm just asking this question out of a desire to understand the dynamics between our two countries since I am not Canadian and cannot see the Canadian perspective without someone showing it to me. Thanks. :) Jen
  17. We will be doing some wrapping up after the PS school year "officially" ends, but then we will be taking a much needed break. We switched to Singapore for 5th grade, but I had to start my daugher with 4A & 4B. So last year we did all of 4A, 4B and did 5A over summer. She had one week off before starting school back in August and this year we've done 5B, 6A, and were working through 6B so that she can start 7th grade in the fall in Math as well as her other subjects. It's been a long hard 2 years and I think we are both ready for a nice long fun filled summer. I'm so proud of her! She's worked really hard these last 2 years. Go DD! :) :hurray:
  18. Wow! That is really impressive. It has to be very empowering as well I imagine. I mean, there are so many things wrong in this world, I think it is so easy to just throw up your hands and say, "what can I do? I'm just one person." But I think what you just wrote there shows what just one person can do when she puts her mind to it! That's totally awesome! :hurray: :party: That gets my vote for the understatement of the year. ;) :D You go girl! :grouphug: Thank you so much for your post. It is truly inspiring! Now I have to see what I can do. :)
  19. I touch on Florida's history each year. I don't do a big complex study, but I definitely cover the main events in our history. Each year I use a different book. One year I did a coloring book that had facts on each page and puzzles and stuff. One year I did a sticker book similar to the coloring book, I've done readers and books about Florida. I've even gotten some videos out of the library etc. I think it's good to know where you come from and that is why I teach it. I'm not sure if it's required or not, but I would do it anyway. :)
  20. Was your house built on site do you know?? I wonder how they do the plumbing and all that. It's amazing to me how these houses are made. What type of foundation does your house sit on?? Thanks so much for answering so many questions. I look forward to your reply. :)
  21. Thank you very much for the link. I bookmarked it for my husband. :)
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