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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. I guess that blows my theory right out of the water! :tongue_smilie: hehe The left side does look like a smile though and the right side does look kinda like a frown (she said hoping that somebody out there would throw her a life line) ;) :D
  2. Oh how wonderful!!! Contratulations!! :hurray:
  3. Cool! Yeah my daughter loved the free game and played it for a long time. She kept begging me to get the full version and I told her I would at some point. I'm going to buy it now that it's on sale. :)
  4. hehehehe Me neither. I like your posts, they are so colorful. How do you get so many colors in your posts?? You seem like a very artsy type. :) It's nice. :) Sorry for the momentary thread hijack... :)
  5. Oh I could so do rolling hills. I think they are beautiful too, but to me the scene of rolling hills with horses dotting them in the dewy mist of the morning is just surreal. You guys are so lucky to be surrounded by such natural beauty every day. I'd love a link to your realtor if you have one. I am starting to check listings in the various counties in NC and Ct that people have listed here. I've been reporting to my husband my findings as you wonderful people advise me and he tells me to keep researching. So I thank you all so much and please keep the advise coming. Anything particular I should know about houses up there?? Coming from Florida, I'm not sure about how homes are up there and what the most important things to look for are. Down here, strong roofs and cement foundations and hurricane proof glass are the most important things. :)
  6. Oh I'm glad to hear that you guys will be going to counselling. I wish you all the best. My husband and I had a very rocky few years where we came very close to splitsville too, except in our case I was the one who wanted to leave. He finally realized that I was serious and he started getting his act together. We are so much happier today. I can tell you that the book Sacred Marriage by Gary Thomas and the 5 love languages by Gary Chapman helped me so much. I think it's great that you guys will be working on your issues. I pray that God will do a major healing in your marriage and in your home. May God pour down His blessings upon you sister. Keep looking up. :) :grouphug: Jennifer
  7. Ay, I've got one that happened just this afternoon. My 11 year old daughter and I were out and while we were walking she was talking to me about ice cream and she said, "I like neopolitician" I said, "it's neopolitan, dear." She said, "well maybe so but I think neopolitician sounds better so that's how I'm going to call it." I said, "but baby, you can't do that. Nobody will understand what you're talking about if you come up with your own pronunciation. You can't decide to call the sky a "ski" and say, 'oh look at the ski, isn't it beautiful??' She said, "well that's because calling the sky a ski is lame. But people will like neopolitician because it has more flair." :tongue_smilie: hehehehehehe
  8. Ah that is the recipe I use too!! I actually posted it up here somewhere in one of these threads. :)
  9. Oops you're absolutely right. I should have clarified my remark with "South Fla" not Florida in general. My bad. People in Central Florida/Gulf Coast and North Florida are super nice and alot of them are bend over backwards nice to strangers. God love 'em. I love how the more north you go in Florida, the more Southern it gets. :) The more South you go, the more International it gets. ;) :)
  10. Those are GORGEOUS pics!!! Thank you so much for sharing them. :)
  11. Just wanted to bump this to the top again in case it will be helpful to someone. I hope you all don't mind. :) Blessings, Jennifer
  12. LOOOOL :lol::lol::lol: Man, this thread is so funny. They should make a sticky of it so we can have it right there to read when we're having a bad day. :)
  13. She'll thank you when she has kids of her own. :) If you're considered evil you must be doing something right. :) Blessings, Jen
  14. Kudos to you for working at Disney. The have to be the best customer service people on the planet. I can only imagine all the crazy stuff ya'll see, but you always make a guest feel special. I only had one bad experience with an employee of Disney. When I was like 9 or 10 years old, I found someone in a Mickey costume and I went over to him to get my picture taken with him and I hear this very gruff man's voice coming from Mickey's smiling head say, "Get away from me kid!" hehehehe
  15. LOL classic!! When I used to work in the mall when I was in college, we had a lot of Spanish speaking people from Miami that would come into our store. They would come in and start talking to me and asking me all kinds of questions in Spanish and then after talking to me for like 5 minutes they would ask me IN SPANISH, "Do you speak spanish?" It used to happen to me constantly! Fortunately I did. :)
  16. :) :) hehehehe Don't feel too bad though, Bill. I had to look up "pullet" in the dictionary just now. :) hehe Oh my gosh, this is my 200th post!! And I just joined this site 21 days ago!!! Man, can I talk!! hehehehe I think I need a muzzle for my fingers. ;) hehehe
  17. hehehehe Did he get alot of blank stares?? :001_huh::001_huh::001_huh::001_huh: Oh wait.... I mean A LOT. :) hehehe:tongue_smilie:
  18. That's great!!! :) How many levels are there in the full version?? Just curious. :)
  19. Cool!! I'm glad it worked out that way. :) My daughter loved the game too. She still asks me to play it. I had it on a now deceased computer as well. hehe I'm going to go ahead and get the full version since it's on sale. I think practicing the times tables is always a good thing no matter how old they are. :)
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