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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. :lol::lol: mmmmm Cherry Garcia, the ultimate remedy! :tongue_smilie:
  2. I talked to my husband when he came home from work tonight. I told him about all of the wonderful information you ladies have been so gracious to share with me and he said that CT looks less and less likely based upon what you all have said. Truth be told, I'm TIRED of city living. The city where I live is only 26 square miles and we have 250,000 permanent residents and that number doubles to 500,000 during the tourist season from November to April. I'm so tired of the traffic, the crime, the crowds, the hurricanes... I love the ocean and I know I would miss that, but I am so ready to live a quieter life. I'd love to live in the country in fresh air and open spaces. That would be like heaven on earth to me.
  3. Thank you so much for your post. It really helps to have the advice from someone who actually lives there. Your house sounds exactly like what I would like. I would like a house with at least 3 bedrooms so my daughter can finally have her own room. And I'd love some land. An acre would be great. If I could afford more land I would get it, but I would be pleased as punch to have an acre. I'd like to be able to plant some fruit trees and to be able to have a decent family garden that we can cut some of our food costs. I try to garden here where I live, but I only can grow some plants in containers on my terrace outside my bedroom so it's very small. I would like to have some animals... dog, cat, I'd LOVE to have a little goat and if I could afford it, I'd love to have enough land to be able to have a horse for my son. My husband thinks we can walk away with $100,000 from the sale of our house since we would have it completely paid off in a couple of years. If we could find a house on some land for $200,000 or under that would be so wonderful. Do you think it's doable?? Does Wake have any hills/mountains?? Do you have a creek near your home?? Thanks so much to you and to all of the posters who are so kind to take the time to advise me. It means so much. I'm so grateful to you all. :) Blessings, Jennifer
  4. That's so nice of you. Love that pic btw. My son is a Josiah too! :)
  5. Ugh, I hate that too. I think people are just so self absorbed that they literally don't even notice anyone else around them. I remember going to the bakery when my daughter was just an infant, maybe 5-6 months old. I was walking up to the bakery door with my baby in my arms. There was an elderly couple ahead of me walking in to the bakery. The man held open the door for his wife and he saw me walking up behind her because I made eye contact with him. His wife walked through the door, he walked through the door after her and then let the door slam on me and my baby. I was furious!!! It took everything in me to not make a scene in that bakery. Who does that? Slams a door on an infant?? :angry:
  6. Thanks. Do you know roughly what percentage they charge for state and federal tax in NC??
  7. I am a native of South Florida and went to public school my entire life. There is ALOT I don't know. That's one of the things I love most about homeschooling. I'm giving myself the education I never had at the same time I'm educating my daughter. Homeschooling rules! :)
  8. Thank you all so much for the info. This is really helpful. I'm going to have my dh read this thread when he gets home. :) Vineyard, does that 22 out of 24 rating for New London mean that it is ranking high or low as far as a good place to live? Also, just how cold does it get in CT in the winter?? I've never seen snow in person in my life. The coldest temps I've ever been outside in were around 55 degrees.
  9. :lol::lol::lol: I'm sure that a man is the one who came up with that treatment. hehehe :)
  10. ROFL :lol::lol::lol: Oh man!! And what a milestone! hehehehehe I drink probably close to a gallon of water a day. I'll give the Glucosamine a shot and see what it does. But does anybody actually know what physciologically causes the pops?? I'm just curious. It might be a good trivia thing to know for cocktail parties when I'm out hobnobbing in South Hampton. Yeah right! hehehe:tongue_smilie:
  11. Man that stinks!! But the evidence is clearly on your side. I think when the package arrives at her house she might be willing to call off the Pay Pal dogs, but either way, you have proof that you sent it and you will have proof of delivery when she receives it. It seems pretty cut and dry to me. I'm sure you'll get your money back once the person assigned to your case views all the facts. :)
  12. Oh that's fantastic!! Thank you so much. Where in Ny do you live may I ask??
  13. ROFL You guys are too funny! hehehe Thanks for the laugh. I didn't realize that there was a name for what I've always called "mommy brains". Now I know... it is DNS. hehehe :) Thanks 3littlekeets for the advice on the Glucosamine. I haven't taken it before. The pops don't really bother me, I was just more wondering why it happens when you get older. :) I'll probably try the glucosamine just to see what it does though. :) Thanks. :)
  14. I make my own laundry detergent. I've been using it for years and I love it. You can adjust the amounts to make bigger or smaller batches, I use the amounts in the recipe I'm giving you just because I live in a small house and don't have the storage space. 1/2 a bar of Fels Naptha soap 1/4 Cup Borax (I use 20 mule team) 1/4 Washing soda (I use Arm and Hammer super washing soda) 2 and a half gallons of water. Pour 2 1/2 gallons of very hot water into a big bucket or similar type container. Add in the borax and washing soda and stir until disolved. Grate the 1/2 bar of Fels Naptha and then put the soap shavings into a small pot with enough water just to cover. Heat it up on medium heat and stir until melted. Add the melted soap to the bucket of hot water and stir until everything is disolved and mixed well. Let it sit overnight before using. It will cool to a gel like consistency. You can use it on all colors and fabrics. Use one cup per load. For stains, wet the area and rub the unused half of the Fels Naptha bar onto the spot. Rub together and let it sit for a minute before washing. Works great on all kinds of stains and won't change the color of the fabric. :)
  15. My 11 year old daughter wanted to reply to this post. She says, "Bolt is the best thing since the incredibles and if you buy it at Walmart it comes with a comic book."
  16. When I choose a sport or other physical type activity for my daughter I usually steer her toward something that I know she'll be able to do as an adult and where her height is a benefit (she's very tall for her age). Like vollyeball, basketball or tennis. If she's deadset on an activity I won't tell her no, but I just inform her that she may not be able to do it all her life. Like gymnastics. When I was in elementary school I LOVED gymnastics and I was very good at it too. I was committed and would have loved to have been a gymnast, but as I grew taller and taller, I started getting worse and worse at it as my body grew longer. I loved it so much, but my body just wasn't adapted to it. I'm now just shy of 5'10. I didn't want my daughter to go through that so I never signed her up for gymnastics.
  17. Wow!! What an amazing story. My son still doesn't call me mommy. He just grabs me by the hand when he wants something and then takes me to the general area where the thing is and just waits for me to figure out what he wants. hehehe I'm curious, what did the docs do about your son's cyst?? Did they operate or just leave it there. Thanks so much for sharing your story.:) :grouphug:
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