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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. Cool!! That was so thoughtful of you. :) I've always been interested in yoga as a means of relaxation and to gain flexibility, but everytime I've tried it I wind up being a total clutz and falling all over the place. hehehe I have heard of this other type of similar exercise called Ki Gong, it is supposedly a Tai Chi type but even easier. I've been wondering about trying that one since I'm too clumsy for yoga. Have you ever come across videos on that?? I would be really interested. :) Blessings, Jen
  2. I'm sure there would be many people in that jail alongside you if it happened to their kids too. :)
  3. Cool! Can I be a stowaway in your :auto:??? I'll leave a note for hubby that I ran away from home! hehehe Ay, I wish. I love my family to death, but it would be nice to be able to get away alone sometimes. That would be an interested poll here. How many homeschooling moms actually get time alone. hehehehe :)
  4. PHEW!! I'm so glad!! Praise God!! :)
  5. hehehe I do the same thing. I'd love to afford to stay in the park, but we just can't afford it. I usually stay in a cheap hotel near the park that offers a shuttle service to the parks, but I think your condo idea is much better. Have a wonderful time. Say hi to Mickey for me. :) Jennifer
  6. WHAT??!!! Oh that's just so wrong!! Ibuprophen??!! I don't see how they can even legally do that!! I agree with you, that seems to be under the jurisdiction of the police. How can a school official have the authority to perform a strip search on a student?? That seems criminal to me. Unbelievable! Thank you Lord for the freedom to homeschool my kids! Thank you, thank you thank you!!
  7. Oh man!! I'm so jealous! Can I go with you?? :tongue_smilie:;) :)
  8. My daughter has a funky grip as well. I've tried and tried to get her to change it, but she says she can't write the way I tell her and that it is uncomfortable for her. I'm looking forward to reading the replies here as well. :)
  9. Hi! :) I'm new here too! Welcome! :) Come on in and make yourself at home. Would you like a cup of coffee or tea?? :) :D
  10. hehe I'm such a Disney geek too. I'm a native of South Florida and I've been going to Disney for as long as I can remember and I NEVER get tired of it. The first time I took my husband and daughter (my son wasn't born yet), my husband didn't want to go. He's an intellectual, out of NYC and he just thought it was so beneath him to go to a commercial place like Disney. He wanted to take dd to art museums instead so that she could get culture. :tongue_smilie: I told him, "all kids have got to go to Disney at least once in their lives. That's it, just once, if you don't like it, I'll never ask you to go again." He agreed and we went. Man, when we got in that park I don't know who had more fun, him or her! He went down Splash Mountain like 10 times. He went around narfing on turkey legs every time we were in Adventureland. He was up on top of the bridge over the white water rapids in Animal Kingdom shooting water from the water guns on the bridge at all the people in the rafts below (leave it to Disney to find away for even sadists to have fun! ;) ) and he had such a blast! He couldn't wait to go back and it was his idea to go when my son came along! He'll still tell me from time to time, "we need to go to DW again. I"m missing the magic" ;) hehe Disney can be the vacation of a lifetime, but it can also be an expensive nightmare if you go at the wrong time of year. Trust me, you DO NOT want to go in September if you can at all avoid it. Summertime is off season for a reason. It is too hot. It is humid and the sun is so strong that it will literally make you sick if you're not used to heat. It rains EVERYDAY in the afternoon from about 2-3pm on and we're not talking sprinkles here, we're talking monsoon like downpours. Because of all the rain, the humidity is unbelievable and in August and September it's like being outside in a steam room. I'm not kidding. You go outside in the morning and you will literally see steam rising off of the ground. The mornings are not cool, they are muggy and the air is still and did I mention the mosquitoes?? And during the summer you always run the risk of having to contend with a hurricane. I would just hate to see that happen to anyone. Florida is a beautiful place and most of the people (okay... some of the people... okay the "natives") are very warm and friendly. ;) :D It can be a tourist's playground and there is alot of fun to be had, but what time of year you come makes all the difference in your vacation experience. I know summer is cheaper, but if you're miserable, then it's not worth it. I personally think that November is the magic month if you can possibly come then. I just want you to have a good experience and to enjoy your time in my beloved Sunshine State, but I am rambling here. Basta! I'll end it here. Best of luck to you. :) Jen
  11. July is hot, but not as hot as August and September, but another thing to consider is that July is in hurricane season also. Hurricane season starts June 1st and runs through November 30th with August and September being the most active months just to give you a heads up. If you go during this time it's a good idea to make sure that you can get your money back from the hotel etc if a storm should hit while you're there. November is a great time to go if you can swing it then, the tourists haven't all come down yet for the winter and it is starting to cool off after summer. Also it's the end of hurricane season and it's rare to get one that late in the year. It is also drier in the fall. In the summers here we get downpours in the afternoon almost everyday. Just another heads up for ya. I hope this helps in your trip planning. Disney is so much fun. I hope you and your family have a wonderful time when you come. :) Blessings, Jennifer
  12. She has a beautiful voice. She gives me goosebumps all over listening to her. I think now with the all of the publicity she is getting that she is getting the last laugh. Way to go, Susan!! You go girl! :) Dream the dream! :)
  13. That sounds really good. Thanks for sharing your recipe. YUM. :)
  14. It's a bar laundry soap that excels at getting out stains. I use it on everything and it comes out. You can use it on all colors. It doesn't bleach or fade the fabric, it just gets out the stain. Even greasy stains, blood, grass etc. Even with stains that have set it comes out. It works great and it's dirt cheap too. I buy mine in the laundry aisle of the grocery store. One bar costs 99 cents. :) It looks like this. :) Hope this helps you. :)
  15. I've had good luck with snapdragons where I live. I'm in zone 10. I also love mirabilis jalapa. They're so pretty and fill out planters and containers so nicely. If you're growing nasturtiums, you can probably also grow the moon vine on a trellis or arbor. They open in the evening and have a nice fragrance. Freesias, balsam, sweet peas or evening primrose would be nice for a fragrance garden. If you are buying bulbs too amaryllis are beautiful. :) Coleus grow awesome from seed in warm climes and if you pinch the tops they get nice and bushy. Although they're mostly a foliage plant they do flower with little purple buds. I like also the balloon flower. It's unique. This is one of my favorite seed sites. I like it because they have good quality seeds and you can see actual photos of how it looks. It also lists the zone for each plant. I've been buying from them for years and have never had a problem. :) http://www.parkseed.com/gardening/store/TextSearch?storeId=10101&SearchUnion=Y&CustSearchText=mirabilis+jalapa You can browse the seed catalogue and see what grows in your zone. There are just so many beautiful flowers. Carnations might also grow well where you are. I wish you the best of luck with your garden. :) Jennifer
  16. Mangoes. I'm a total mango junkie. :) Duh, I just realized that you said zone 7. Scratch mangoes then unless you're going to grow the dwarf one in a greehouse or something. If I lived up north, I'd LOVE to have a cherry tree. Bing cherries are so good. I wish they grew down here. :) Good luck to you. :)
  17. Is your shirt washable or dry clean only?? If it's washable, I'd wet that spot, rub some Fels Naptha soap on it. Work it in for a minute or so and rinse.
  18. Another one that I make alot that it is yummy can be quick if you prepare ahead or buy the crusts. I make the pizza crusts ahead of time and then freeze them and then just add the toppings. For the pizza dough: 1 and a half cups of warm water (110-115 degrees) 2 Tbs. yeast 2 Tbs. sugar Mix that and let it rise for about 20-30 minutes In a large mixing bowl add 3 cups of flour and a teaspoon of salt and about 2-3 tbsp. olive oil. Pour the risen yeast into the flour and stir until all the flour is wet. Add 1-2 more cups of flour and turn out to knead. Knead until it's not sticky anymore and then let it rest in an oiled mixing bowl to rise until double. About 45-60 minutes. Turn out the dough onto a floured board and divide into 3 parts. Roll each part out to fit your pan and then wrap in plastic wrap and put in the freezer. Toppings: My favorites in a pinch are spagetti sauce and pepperoni slices and cheese for the kids. For me, my favorite is this veggie pizza. I don't use any sauce. I put red onions (that have been soaked in water for 30 minutes) bell peppers (all colors) and some goat cheese broken into crumbles and scattered all over the top. I then just drizzle some olive oil over the top of the pizza and bake that at 400 degrees until the crust turns golden. Probably 10-15 minutes depending on the oven. YUM. The dough takes some time, but if made ahead or if you use store bought, this is a meal that can be made in a pinch too. :)
  19. LOOOL My hubby too. If he doesn't have meat at every meal he thinks that he hasn't eaten. hehe :)
  20. OOOOH that looks good. I love Thai food. I'll have to try that recipe. Thanks so much for sharing it. :)
  21. :iagree::iagree: I was using Saxon with my daughter and she got so frustrated with the number of problems that she had to work. I started assigning just even or odd numbers and it helped, but she still just didn't like the format of it. I switched to Singapore 2 years ago and she likes it much better. If you have an interest in Singapore I would strongly encourage you to take the placement test that they have on their site. http://www.singaporemath.com/Placement_s/12.htm That helped me tremendously when I switched my daughter. I hope this helps you. :) Blessings, Jennifer
  22. That is so awesome!!! Oh, it's so wonderful when they get it and want to keep reading! :) Way to go, mom! Yay!! :)
  23. My daughter and husband both do the same exact thing!! hehe Wiping the crumbs off of their mouths from breakfast and asking what's for lunch. I choose to take it as a compliment that they like my cooking and can't wait to eat it again. :tongue_smilie::D hehe
  24. Man, that's sad!! He's a BEAUTIFUL horse! I WISH I could get a horse for my son. He loves them so much and they're so good for him because of his autism, but I live in a small house in a city and there would be no where to keep one. sigh. They're such amazing animals.
  25. That sounds good too. :) Anyone else have a quick recipe for dinner?? Anyone?? Anyone?? Bueller?? Bueller?? ;) :D
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