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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. Okay, so my birthday was this month and I got a new (to me) guitar. I play mostly electrics and I had only 1 steel string acoustic and 1 nylon string classical. My classical isn't really practical to take out playing because it is not really the type of music I would be playing out (if that makes any kind of sense). My steel string would be more suitable, but it is a 1976 Ibanez Concord in absolute perfectly minty-fresh condition and I wouldn't dare take it out to play for fear of getting dings or scratches or whatnot. I don't even take this guitar out of it's case until my kids have gone to bed and I never let it leave the house. hehe So anyway, I am going to be teaching a guitar co-op out of my house and I also have a couple of venues coming up for the holidays and I wanted to get a decent guitar that sounded good that I didn't have to worry about taking it out. I got a used steel string acoustic that would fit the bill perfectly. It's a good guitar, well made, good sound and it's in "player's" condition with the usual knicks, dings and some scratches on the back. I got it a couple of days ago and after looking it over, I just marveled at the beauty of the woods it was made out of. I'll spare ya'll the details about the types of woods it is made of etc, just suffice it to say that it is gorgeous and after a good cleaning and polishing of the frets she would look a heap of a lot better, but I am wondering now if I should take the extra pains to try to restore her to her former glory. This guitar is 40 years old and it must have been a stunner when it was brand new. I have a buffer that I use for auto detailing and the skills to use it and I also have some guitar polish that I could use with the buffer to remove some of those scratches. It wouldn't come out perfect, but I could do a lot to make it look better. Hubby says no, that I should just clean it and then leave it as it is since the scratches give the guitar character and I just cannot decide if I should leave it or go for the gusto. What do ya'll think? I'm sure this is all incredibly boring to most of you, but to a guitar freak like me it is a pretty agonizing decision. hehe If you've read this far and are still with me, thank you! So do you think yes I should restore it to the best of my abilities or no just clean it and leave it as dh says?? Thanks to all who reply. I really appreciate it. :) Blessings, Jen
  2. I know what you mean. I read it a few days ago and googled her name again yesterday to see what was going on in the case and found that they had arrested the killer. It's tragic what happened to her. They said it was a case of "workplace violence" :( Poor, poor girl! Her family and her fiancee must be absolutely devastated. :crying:
  3. That's so great!! It's wonderful when the curriculum matches the child perfectly. Congratulations. :)
  4. The funny thing to me is that when I was growing up it was a common thing to be spanked by someone other than your parent. I remember mouthing off to one of my neighbors when I was a kid and they spanked me and then marched me back to my house and knocked on the door and told my mother what I said. My mom asked her if she spanked me and the lady said yes. My mom said good and spanked me again. I wonder if that lady Ballard grew up in a neighborhood like that, but still spanking a total stranger's child isn't the same thing as a neighbor. I wouldn't want anyone laying a hand on my child other than me, but times were different just a few decades ago and I'm not even as old as that lady Ballard. Still she was way out of line. I don't know if she's mentally ill or not, but certainly has some boundary issues. :eek:
  5. LOL I was just wondering if "chatting" counts. :) I hold Rosie hostage all the time with my inane babbling, does that count?
  6. I can't speak for a laptop, but I have a Dell PC. Dh paid like a thousand dollars for the set up and it has some sensor issue or something that cannot be fixed and it is a nightmare if it shuts down. I wouldn't get a Dell again. Just my humble 2 cents.
  7. ROFL :lol::lol::lol: The beats are infectious! I miss the 80's when they were all over the radio and MTV. :)
  8. :bigear: I would love to know this as well. Both of my kids are special needs. :)
  9. :lol::lol::lol: That is just too cute!! I could just see that little guy in the back seat of the car with his baseball hat sideways singing Paul Revere. hehehehe
  10. I don't think it was right of them to divulge it either. Especially after he specifically requested them not to. But man, Kanye West has to feeling like the biggest jerk in the country right about now being called a "jackass" by the president! :svengo:
  11. Did you shine a flashlight into his eyes and see how his pupils responded? Poor little thing. I'm sorry he hurt himself. :grouphug:
  12. I try not to assume the worst and give them the benefit of the doubt. It's amazing how many times something simple can be misinterpreted and can be cleared up by asking for clarification. If I encounter a particularly negative (or provoking) person who has a record for being that way, I don't take what they say personally. They are like that to everybody and are not singling me out to be nasty. They're just that way. If they really really bug me, I just try to avoid them if I can. I'm a pretty easy going person and don't get ruffled too easily, but when I do these things work for me. :) HTH. :)
  13. Joe Satriani :D I can't help myself! He's my favorite guitarist and I listen to him all. the. time. hehehe But both of my kids love him too. My son will pipe up from the back seat and call out the track number he wants to hear. :p lol
  14. I would try to sell it too. Then take the money and go out to dinner with dh or with dh and the kids. Maybe Ebay??
  15. :iagree::iagree: Ditto here!! My kitchen looks like a bomb went off. Well, it's kinda true too in a way if you count my exploding coffee pot. :p I love the framed cross that you have in the window sill too! I just got a new guitar (it comes in tomorrow yay!) and it has a cross on the headstock just like that one. :)
  16. :lol::lol::lol::lol: I was thinking the same thing when I saw that he was "remorseful" for what he said.
  17. Oh wow!! How cool is that! Congratulations! Enjoy your ponies. :)
  18. I think a great one for the whole family is from Joshua 24:15 "as for me and my house we will serve the Lord." Another verse that I love so much I could see up on a wall is Jeremiah 29:11-13 11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. 12 Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. 13 And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart. You have to reply back and tell us what verse you chose. :) Happy hunting. :)
  19. Gosh I'm so boring! I only come here and go to Facebook other than Yahoo to check my email. I used to be a moderator on 3 Auto Detailing sites, but I quit doing that because it was taking over my life. I used to hang out on a guitar forum years ago, but there are too many rowdy people there. hehe There are some rowdy people here too, but the language is better. :p hehe
  20. :grouphug: I'm so sorry for you! I agree with you. Cancer stinks!! I hate it too. My mil died from liver cancer two months after she was diagnosed. :crying: She never got to see my son. :(
  21. I agree. I've been behind at that time of the year before and my dd had done so much work already it didn't even matter. Her portfolio is just a sample of her school work anyway. It's not meant to be everything. She still passed with flying colors and I submitted my evaluation results to the school board. Never had a problem. :)
  22. Oh gosh!! I just Googled him to see what you were talking about! I didn't know he died! Oh how sad. :( Man, it seems like cancer is taking everybody these days. :crying:
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