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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. ROFL :lol::lol::lol: Ay! I totally forgot that part until you said it. Ow! Ow my stomach is hurting from laughing. And I see that this thread has already been tagged "koolaid" sigh. it's gonna be a long night. Mr. Mungo, the Patron if you don't mind. ;) :cheers2: :p
  2. Ay poor cleaning lady. I feel sorry for her because obviously due to the nature of her job she is going to sweat and get dirty too. Does she clean other houses before she comes to yours?? That could contribute to the stink factor. Is it a matter of the nature of her job do you think or is she truly un-hygenic? If yours is the first house and she's showing up all stinky and smelly then yeah maybe a nice gift basket is in order. ;) I like the idea of adding in a variety of objects so it's not so obvious. Maybe a nice designer fragrance gift set from Marshalls or something?? Good luck. I can't stand b.o. either. It gives me vicious headaches. :ack2:
  3. LOL But before Heaven's Gate and all the rest there was a "drink" once upon a time that we used to drink with a cheerful smiling pitcher mascot called Koolaid. All of the pictures of me when I was 10 and under I had the permanent red "Koolaid smile" on my upper lip! :lol:
  4. I don't mind driving people around but I am so OCD about my car nobody ever wants to ride with me because there are too many rules. I'm the "no fun" mom when it comes to my car. ;) :p
  5. Ay, what is wrong with Koolaid (apart from the whole Heaven's Gate thing which wasn't the Koolaids fault really). I hate to be guilty of killing yet another thread. I never know what topics are forboden until I open my mouth. :( Sorryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
  6. lol Don't feel bad Bill, I was duped too and felt it was my duty as a Floridian to support the space program by drinking that nasty stuff! lol Although we also drank Kool-aid, ate Twinkies and Little Debbie "snack" cakes. Jeez, what was my mom thinking!! :tongue_smilie:
  7. Yes I agree! Although I do remember some Madonna stunt where she literally walked down the street completely naked through traffic with her thumb up like she was hitch hiking. :rolleyes: IIRC nobody offered her a ride either. :tongue_smilie: yeah Cher's fashions certainly changed over time. **Warning** Icky Cher pics inside. Do not open if you don't want to be assaulted by bad fashion. :tongue_smilie: http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.tomkarr.com/images/SONNY__CHERa.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.tomkarr.com/concert.html&usg=__6uZ4fQxYmrTiqDnVPHOd_BhE2_Y=&h=372&w=286&sz=28&hl=en&start=38&tbnid=erRu1PNkXX27eM:&tbnh=122&tbnw=94&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dsonny%2Band%2BCher%26gbv%3D2%26ndsp%3D18%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26start%3D36 http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://artfiles.art.com/images/-/Cher-Photograph-C12142223.jpeg&imgrefurl=http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php%3Faz%3Dview_all%26address%3D105x7391724&usg=__6jhRxLogRFOB3r_mSzqzlpd8tZg=&h=450&w=362&sz=33&hl=en&start=4&tbnid=Udxl3T8kXuRUwM:&tbnh=127&tbnw=102&prev=/images%3Fq%3DCher%26gbv%3D2%26hl%3Den
  8. That's true!! Gosh Cher! What was up with her in the 80's?? lol Remeber the Jack Lalanne commercials she did with the big spikey hair? :lol: I agree with you, with the exception of Madonna walking down the street nekkid I can't think of anybody else who could touch Cher in the scantily clad dept. ;) :p
  9. LOL Yeah it really bugged me too, but I also understand the thinking behind it. The truth is that the school doesn't trust parents (or legally cannot) and will not just "take them at their word". They require proof. I find that extremely annoying but I also realize that the policy is there because of truancy in cases where there is no illness. Just another case of bad apples spoiling it for the bunch I reckon. I did take my son in for the earliest appointment time (7:45am) and got there early so he would hopefully cut his risk of exposure to other illnesses. The waiting room was still dirty though from the day before so who knows. But so far he seems fine and it's all in God's hands anyway.
  10. My pediatrician's office has this too, but I have noticed that nobody really adhere's to it. I cannot think of a single time that I've brought my kids in for their well baby visits that I haven't seen sick kids on the well side. :glare:
  11. I almost wish they did have truancy officers still. Times have certainly changed, but at least you wouldn't be shlepping kids off to dr.'s offices just to get notes. :rolleyes: That's a good point that you bring up about what would they do if you didn't have the note. Hmmmm. I wonder what they WOULD do. That stinks about the deductible!! My co-pay for the GP is pretty good I guess, but still it is money that is going out instead of coming in and with dh's job situation the way it is now with him having to take days off without pay every bit matters even 15 bucks. But still it bugs me that I have to spend money, time and like you said risk exposure to other illnesses in the waiting room for a stupid formality. I even called the dr.'s office to see if I could just get them to write me the note without having to bring him in but they said no. :( Where's that truancy officer when you need him. :rolleyes:
  12. LOL When I read this post initially I figured that you were probably talking about David Lee Roth and his butt-cut-out pants, but I couldn't resist putting this up here for you. I figured it would make you smile. :)
  13. I'm sorry to hear about your ps struggles, Lisa. If it's any consolation I'm right there with you. :( :grouphug:
  14. I just had to take my son to the doctor today for this very reason. He's been out of school since last Friday and I have been treating him at home and he's been responding well to the treatments. I called the school Wednesday and told him that he would be out the rest of the week and they told me I had to have a doctor's note for when he came back. :( The doctor examined him and told me that the treatments were working fine and then told me I could get the note at the front desk when I checked out. :mad: I gave the note to my dh to get a photocopy of it at work just in case the school should lose it or something. I told him, "that note cost us 15 bucks, make sure to get a copy of it." Sigh. I WISH I could homeschool my ds too. I hope some day I will be able to and write the school off completely.
  15. Bien hecho! Felicitaciones. :) :party: :hurray:
  16. She's BEAUTIFUL!!! Awww!! God bless her!! Welcome to the world little Hadassah and congratulations to you mom!! Babies are so wonderful! :)
  17. I'm using MOH also for and I like that it is in chronological order and that it incorporates the Bible but I too am feeling that the lessons are too short and thin on content. What books do you all use as supplements?? I'd love some suggestions as it will save me time weeding through the ones in the library. Thanks.
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