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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. :001_huh: It all seems so complicated. Don't people just use rolling papers or small pipes anymore? :confused:
  2. Too true. It literally makes my stomach turn in knots. Horrible horrible horrible!!!
  3. :lol::lol::lol::lol: I love businesses that have a sense of humor. :D hehe
  4. Really? I've never heard that one before. What do they do with the knives?? :confused:
  5. :lol::lol::lol: I wonder if they really are going commando under there. These are American guys after all. lol
  6. I already posted my suggestion on the FB page. ;) :D
  7. Strategies for handling complaining and lack of effort If you have a problem with me you could just talk to me directly! You don't have to start a thread about it! :glare:
  8. Ugh, that reminded me of my brother. He borrowed my amplifier once and kept it for a really long time. After a few months I asked him, "Hey are you done with my amp yet?" and he was like "oh, I'm still using it if that's okay. It's a great amp." I said, "Alright you can keep using it, just don't forget to bring it back when you're done with it." He assured me he would. One day probably almost a year later I asked, "so when are you going to give me my amp back?" and he was like, "Oh dude! I sold it. Sorry." :001_huh: He didn't even give me money to reimburse me! :glare:
  9. Oh yes! It truly was. It was no fun to be without electricity for 2 and a half weeks, but the night sky almost made it worth it. :D
  10. I'm just so jealous you were able to see the Milky Way!! I haven't seen it since Hurricane Wilma blew through and knocked all the lights out. :p I didn't get to see the meteor shower here either. Too cloudy. :(
  11. That's awful!! I'm allergic to cats and I still go visit my mother who has one now. I even stayed with her for a month in February! I'm so sorry for your kids.
  12. It really depresses me how many people there are like this in the world. :(
  13. Should we do anything about this information? Yes that information should be analyzed, collated and then filed under "I".
  14. I don't get it--people *not* getting married I'm married. I totally get it. j/k I really love my husband. I do. :D hehe
  15. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: Oh how sad! I'm so sorry. :( Poor doggie. :crying:
  16. I'm so sorry you're going through this all at the same time. We're praying for you here as well! :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  17. You can always move! :D hehe Half and half is your standard coffee creamer. It's half cream and half milk. Whipped cream is the stuff in the can that you spray on.
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