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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. LOL at the tags. hehehe I'm sure NASA's landing it successfully had everything to do with their knowledge and skills and little to do with my peanut butter crackers. hehehehe :p
  2. "Now we'll see where our Curiosity will take us. " Awesome!!! Yay NASA!!! :hurray: :party: :thumbup: :cheers2:
  3. Here too. I'm just teasing ya'll anyway. I'm happy you guys actually sleep. I feel like I never do. :001_huh:
  4. LOL Ya'll are lightweights! ;) :D hehe
  5. Ewwww! Where do these people come from?? My goodness! :eek: :lol: on the Depends. hehehehe
  6. It's going to be at 1:30am here, but we're going to stay up and watch it anyway. :)
  7. Woo Hoo!! That's so awesome! :party: :hurray: :thumbup:
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