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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. Do you have a flea market you could go to? That could be an option if you want to have the sale, but don't want people by your house.
  2. Oh my gosh what beautiful babies. Thanks so much for sharing your pictures and you heart with us so we can share them with you. :)
  3. I wouldn't have one at my home. I don't want strangers knowing where I live. You just never know with people these days and the stories in this thread just reinforce it in my mind. :eek:
  4. Well, they're both Autistic so it's later than normal kids. Kinda like dog years vs. human years, kwim? :D
  5. LOL she has some of the best lines. Love her! "Don't be defeatist dear, it's so middle class." :lol: I corrected my last post, I meant to say Shirley McClaine was Cora's mom not MIL. Maybe I shouldn't drink and post! :p hehe
  6. Yay!!! I'm so glad you did! I KNEW you would love it. It's just so :001_wub: :) Now we're all waiting for season 3. I hear Shirley McClaine is going to be in it as Cora's mother. That should prove for some interesting moments between her and the Dowager countess. :D
  7. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: I love that picture! I would be emotional too. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  8. I hope it goes well for you. I have to say I was completely surprised by how no one came to ours. I've shopped at used curricula sales and they were always packed full of people. I really don't understand why no one came to ours. The only one who really made any sales was the one lady whose children brought a grill to make hotdogs. People in the neighborhood were coming up and buying them. I learned something though, if I ever have a yard sale again (not likely :tongue_smilie: ) bring a grill too! :p
  9. :iagree::iagree: What she said. I've only VERY recently started doing the things I want to do again and my kids are 15 and 11.
  10. :lol::lol::lol: I didn't put that on my list, but yeah, I tend to do that too! :D hehe DAWN!! So good to see you. Where ya been girl? :p
  11. Yay!!! :hurray: It looks like you had a wonderful time. I'm so happy for you that you were able to be a part of this experience! :) I was thinking of you yesterday when I was watching the track and field and have been stalking this thread for an update! Thanks for posting up the pics. You have a beautiful family. I'm so glad you all were able to take part in it. What braggin rights your kids are going to have! :D hehe
  12. I play guitar and cello, I detail my car, I like to learn new recipes or just new things in general, LOVE to read usually non-fiction, I like to restore things and bring them back to their former glory.
  13. I don't know what it is called and haven't really encountered anyone who talks like that. I have some family members who I KNOW have been through extremely hard times, but they never talk about it. When they do talk about their life in those times, they never really dwell on the hardships, they'll just say something like, "but you know we didn't have much money then." or "times were different back then." but never talk about how hard it was or how they suffered or anything. I do have an aunt though that is funny with illness. She's convinced that her headaches are more painful than anyone else's. Her sore throat is more painful than a regular sore throat etc. She always makes my mom (her sister) go like this :rolleyes: hehe
  14. Ack :eek: OP that is DISGUSTING! EWWWW. I did a homeschool curriculum yard sale once with a bunch of other homeschoolers. The sale was advertised on our local homeschool yahoo group, it was put into the homeschool email loop and the word was put out pretty much everywhere we could. We sat in the hot sun all day long and nobody came. We wound up just buying things from each other. lol
  15. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: 4 months is a long time. I'm so sorry you'll be apart.
  16. Can I make another suggestion? You could invite us over and we'll help take care of those leftovers for you. All of those things sound delicious! :D hehe
  17. :iagree: Me too. Where I used to live before I got married there was a Luthern Church up the road. On winter and spring days when the weather was nice we would open the windows and I could hear the bells wafting in on the breeze. It was lovely. I used to love to take a nap to that sounds. It's so soothing. :)
  18. I was an agnostic before I became a Christian. My parents never raised me to follow any religion and all of my friends were atheists or agnostics. When I became a Christian it shook everything up. I lost all of my friends except for my very best friend. She hung with me for a few years until eventually I lost her too. I had gone to church and got saved there. When I came home and told my mom I had given my life to God her reply was, "That's fine for you, just don't put it off on me." And that's pretty much how our relationship was. She didn't criticize or ridicule me or anything like that, she just made it clear she wanted no part in it. My brother was in the military at that time and when he got out and came back home he started going to church with me and he got saved. My brother kept inviting my mom to come to church and she never went. Finally one Easter she went to my brother's church (I went too) and she gave her life to God that day. Now that we are all Christians it's not an issue anymore, but really even when we weren't it wasn't horribly bad. My mom still accepted me how I was even if she didn't agree with it back then.
  19. :lol::lol::lol::lol: sounds like Rear Window. hehehe
  20. You're welcome honey. If you have any problems let me know and I'll try to walk you through it. :) It's a few clicks, but it's worth it. I promise. :)
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