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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. :lol::lol::lol::lol: Oh my gosh that is too funny! I'd never heard that one. "so I turned the other cheek" :lol: hehe is funny too.
  2. Oh I haven't seen that one. I haven't had cable for years now. I look forward to seeing it. :p
  3. :lol::lol::lol: The video is one of his Michael Jackson spoofs. Eat it. hehe I love the jacket with the smiley face. :lol:
  4. That's terrible! Maybe his parents liked their home and neighborhood and didn't want to move. I think it's awful that people came down on him when he must have been overcome with grief. Poor guy. :(
  5. LOL I think you may be right. :) I loved the Muppet Show. Animal was my favorite. :p I remember listening to Weird Al on the Dr. Demento radio show before MTV even existed. When MTV came on the scene and he started making videos it brought his songs to a whole new level. Do ya'll remember . :p
  6. LOL My Bologna was great! hehehe I liked King of Suede too, but I liked the original song as well. :lol: :lol: I remember that one too. So funny. hehe Oh no!! I didn't know that. How awful. :(
  7. Ay Benny Hinn. lol I actually went to his church in Orlando once when I was going to Disney just to see if it's as much of a circus as it appears on tv. It's is. lol He touches people and they get "slain in the Spirit" (fall down). In the beginning part of the video where he is holding the light saber, in reality he just touches them with his hand and they fall down. Then he was waving his jacket at them and they were falling down. It cracks me up in the video how the jacket glows red like the light saber. :lol: :lol:
  8. :lol::lol::lol: "are you still mad I gave a mohawk to the cat?" lol I'd never heard that one. Thanks for sharing it. hehe
  9. Isn't it? I can't even imagine how long it must have taken him. The song is really nice too. :)
  10. Well, someone took footage of Benny Hinn and put the dialogue from Emperor Palpatine on it and then put in the light saber sounds. I must have seen that video close to a 100 times by now and I still die laughing every time. I love the lightning at the end. :lol:
  11. :lol::lol: I remember that one from MTV hehehehe. is one of my fave's from Weird Al. The marbles crack me up everytime. hehe
  12. I love this one too turning into Emperor Palpatine. lol Too Funny! :lol:
  13. That is HILARIOUS! I would love to have one with Darth Vader's voice. lol
  14. Renmew, have you ever seen ? It's not a parody, but I just LOVE this video. It's all done in stop motion. Really amazing. :)
  15. LOL That one is funny too. I think he's a pop culture nut! :lol:
  16. LOL Bye Bye Miss American Pie! hehehe I used to have that on 8 track. :p is my favorite Weird Al Star Wars parody.
  17. It wouldn't matter to me if I voted for him or not, I respect the office of the President and whoever holds it. If I had an opportunity to meet him or take the kids absolutely I would do it no matter who it is!
  18. Thank You for Suggesting Dramatized Pilgrim's Progress And thank you for not acting it out. :)
  19. Board Game Suggestions for boring people? Maybe something with drills?
  20. What theasaurus do you recommend? I recommend the Brachiothesaurus. It's the largest one. :)
  21. I'm using it right now for ds's Veggietales. :)
  22. LOL Could you imagine! hehehe The Aristocats! :lol: :lol: :lol: WilCat. :p
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