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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. Not to butt into your conversation with Jean, but have you ever tried this coconut oil? It's yummy (organic also) and smells and tastes like coconut. :)
  2. LOL I meant because I saw the time that she posted the question and the time that you posted with the answer and it was just minutes after she posted the question. :) That's pretty darn good! :) hehe
  3. Thanks. :) It's only got a tiny bit of greyscale in it, but it's not overly bright either. It goes well with all of our furniture too. Well except for that ugly tablecloth. Lol. I took that first pic when I had just finished painting. The walls were yellow before so the red tablecloth went nicely with that. Doesn't look good with the green though. :p
  4. I've never used the BM, but I do like the thickness of the SW Superpaint. I like that it's an all in one too so you don't have to prime. They are really good about the color matching. They changed a yellow for me that I had gallons of to match a photograph! They were awesome!! :)
  5. Thanks. :) My dd actually picked it out. :) We like it too. I don't have a Benjamin Moore near me so we always use Sherwin Williams, but I like that they have sales so often and have coupons on their website that you can print out. It helps. :)
  6. That is a pretty color! :) OP I happened to have some pink flowers so I put them up next to the wall and took a picture for you if it would be helpful. :) Here ya go. :)
  7. It doesn't really have much of the grey tones that would make me call it a sage. It really looks pretty close to a pistachio nut.
  8. We really liked "cucumber" from Sherwin Williams, although I wonder if it might be too minty for you. I would call it more pistachio. It would look really good with pink though. This is how it looks on my walls. The flash makes the color different, but the lightest part is truest to the real color. HTH. :)
  9. Or too much Thomas the Tank Engine. :D Have a great time. I know He will meet you where you are at. I will be praying for you and your family. See you when you get back. :grouphug:
  10. pros and cons of a Kindle Fire The pros- you can roast stuff like marshmallows, hot dogs, or a chicken if you had a spit. The cons- you could set the whole place on fire or maybe singe your eyebrows or some nose hairs if you get to close.
  11. Okay, we're back from the comic book store. The girl in the store said they have a special guy who does all the ordering so she doesn't know where the giant Tardis came from, but she did say that we could email him to find out. The email addy is: tatescomics.com Just ask him where you could find the "giant Tardis that they used to have hanging from the ceiling" he'll know what you mean. They had it hanging up there for years. I asked here why it wasn't there and she said they sold it! It was the last one they had! Hope this is helpful to you. :)
  12. How should someone respond if yellow jacket bees are attacking them? Scream and do the bee dance? Works for me! :)
  13. It's going to look so awesome when it's done! I'm sending you lots of energy and Alleve! :p
  14. I love that door! That's a real door! hehehehe Are the tiles linoleum? It looks like it to me and they were used heavily in the 70's. I don't know what the paper bag method is so I don't think I can be helpful with advice. I've done tiling before, but I went the standard thinset, tile and grout method. That room is going to be so awesome when you're done! :) :hurray: Cupcake shots after! :p
  15. hehehehehe Well I knew that! I was teasing the OP. :p
  16. That's fantastic!!! Good for you!! :hurray: I'm in the same boat. Trying to get my house under control. It's a work in progress and it takes a looooooong time, but I'm already seeing the benefit from it. Hang in there! You can do it! :hurray:
  17. Sonia Sofia Sophie Monica Naomi Noemi Veronica Veronique Dominique
  18. amazon has some posters and cardboard stuff. I don't know if you could epoxy the cardboard one to the door maybe?? It's supposed to be life sized.
  19. I'm supposed to go there with dd tomorrow so I'll see if I can get them to tell me. :D
  20. There is a comic book store that I take my dd to that has a big Tardis hanging down from the ceiling. It's probably something like 6 feet tall. It's one of those nylon and wire doohickey type deals that you twist it a certain way to make it lie flat or twist it the other way to open it and it is full sized. I really want one!! :p I don't know if that could be found online (probably) but I know I'd love that for a gift. :D
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