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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. Praying for Jean here too. Please keep us updated Rough Collie. :)
  2. Me too! He was so great in Robin Hood. The only great one in that movie really! :p
  3. How awesome!!! I'm celebrating with you!! I'm so happy for him. What a well done poem and water color picture. :) :hurray: :party: :thumbup:
  4. LOL Me too. I didn't know which kind of tea it was, but curiosity got the better of me anyway. :p
  5. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I have a profoundly Autistic ds so from one mama's heart of a special boy to another I totally get what you're feeling. They struggle so much, it's so great to see them happy and enjoying a good day. :)
  6. So precious. I'm glad he had such a good day. :)
  7. I'm so so sorry you're going through this. I don't have any advice, but I just wanted to offer some support and lots of :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  8. :iagree::iagree: What she said. For me, I would love to have another child, but I know that I just can't. I have two children with special needs. My youngest is profoundly Autistic and requires a prodigious deal of care. He has to be watched like a hawk because he endangers himself. I have wrestled so much about this. I would love to have another baby and there is a part of me that is always wondering who I am missing. I cannot imagine my life without the two that I have already and I always wonder who I am missing that I wouldn't be able to imagine my life without if they were here. It makes me cry sometimes, but I know as the caretaker how stretched I am already. My life is already lived at my full capacity with homeschooling and caring for my children. My eldest ADHD, OCD and Asperger's dd is a teenager and in Highschool now. It's a lot. I'm going to be 41 in September and even though I could physically get pregnant still, I don't know how I could possibly manage if I had another child with special needs so I don't. sniff. In my fantasy I would love to hold a baby again though.
  9. What a wonderful way to spend your 5,000th post! :hurray: Thanks for the pep talk. I'm one of those who had the less than stellar day yesterday. So far today is going much better. Thanks. :)
  10. :iagree::iagree: Oh me too!! That and Contact are the only two books I can think of where I actually like the movie better.
  11. OP I hope you can get it all sorted out. I would think exhaust too or or something wrong with the fuel line. The only other thing I can think of would be a mildewy cabin filter that might need to be changed. Hope you get it sorted out today. :grouphug:
  12. I wouldn't worry about it. If you sent it certified, your butt is covered. I highly doubt an unorganized office is going to bother auditing you. :)
  13. Oh sweetie!! :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: I wish so much for a sticky baby for you! Praying for you!
  14. I feel like dragging my feet a bit as well, but I know I have to start tomorrow and I know once I do start then we'll fall into a routine soon enough. This is the first summer I've had off in 6 years so I really made the most of it. :p hehe
  15. I don't have my schedule worked out yet, but I do know where my pencils are and where the books are even if they're not necessarily all in a row (yet), but I'm starting tomorrow anyway. :p I spent this week working in the house trying to get projects done that i know I won't be able to do once school starts, but I do have all of my books and I know what I need to do for tomorrow. I'll get my schedule for the year worked out sometime this week. :) Good luck in school! :) ETA: This is my 10th year homeschooling dd 2nd year homeschooling ds. :)
  16. It's a healthy fat something about shorter chains or something? It has lots of good stuff for the memory and brain and I think the heart too. :)
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