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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. :iagree::iagree: I love that book so much. I read it to my dd this last year and after we read it we watched the movie. Both are so beautiful! :)
  2. Yay!! I'm so glad she's doing better. :hurray: I've been praying for her everyday. :)
  3. Cool! I'm going to show dh your post when he comes home. :)
  4. I don't know much about her (I'm not a country music fan) other than she's dated a few actors, but I was irked the other day when dh had on one of those Extra/Entertainment Tonight type of programs and they were comparing Taylor Swift to Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis and saying that Taylor was a style icon just like Jackie O. Ummmm no. She's not! :glare: Taylor Swift trying to fit in Jackie O's shoes would be like a little girl playing dress up in her mommy's closet. :p
  5. I was in 1971!! :party: It brought a whole new meaning to the holiday for my mom! :p hehe
  6. Take the hockey puck out of your mouth and then try walking through the door again. :p Sorry, that was lame, but I've had no sleep and I'm delirious now. :lol:
  7. We get up at 6:30am and go to the beach to do P.E. :p It's also physical therapy for my son. Then if there are any stores we have to hit that day we go before coming back home. Then we have breakfast and devotions and start school after that. Start time varies based upon whether or not we've had to go to the store and if there is a big discussion during devotions which happens pretty often. Then we start hitting the books. :)
  8. I don't know what OAMC means, but I do cook ahead. I cook big batches of stuff on the weekend and put it in the freezer so I have it at the ready during the week when I'm schooling and pressed for time. I'll make beans (black beans for rice, kidney beans to throw in a pot of chili, pintos for burritos etc) in big batches and freeze them in smaller containers for later use. I buy a family sized package of chicken breast and wash and cut them up into bite sizes and season and cook them for burritos or wraps during for quick meals. I freeze those in ziplocks and lay them flat in the freezer. Spagetti sauce is great to make ahead and freeze. Whenever I cook lasangna (not too often) I always make two and freeze the other one in the glass baking dish. Mostly I just do the labor intensive stuff on the weekends so I can either whip up something quick or at least cut a big chunk of the time off of what I have to make for dinner during the week. HTH. :)
  9. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: I'll just add to the list that she is one tough cookie too. She lives with constant pain and disability and that's just in dealing with her MIL :p (drum roll cymbal crash) then she has the RSD to contend with and homeschooling and caring for her children and still being a sexy mamma for her Wolfman when he comes home. That is one lady who knows how to keep all the plates spinning! :) And of course her being Canadian is just the icing on the cake. :)
  10. LOL Well he probably didn't want to waste good tea since he knew he was going to have to throw it and then topple the table. It would make sense that a bagged tea would get that reaction, no? :D hehe And the cameo by Sean Connery as Richard the Lionheart too. :D hehe Oh my gosh I totally forgot he was in Die Hard. :) Oooooh I've never seen that one. :D Yay! Off to check the library! :hurray:
  11. :lol::lol::lol: I love what the one guy said about Kevin Costner in Robin Hood sounding like he'd just come in from the airport! :lol: Too funny. He was PAINFULLY awful in that movie! Alan Rickman was genius as always though. :hurray:
  12. I'm so so sorry Brandy, but so thankful that you all aren't hurt badly. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  13. LOL at the messy fridge tag :lol: and can I just say Mrs. Mungo, that when I grow up I want to be able to say what I think so clearly and succinctly like you do. :) You rock lady! :thumbup:
  14. LOL Me too. He's got such an awesome voice and diction. :)
  15. :iagree::iagree: Me too. I don't have it on my phone, but on the HP Touchpad and I turned it off. :glare:
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