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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. I was wondering that too. I never saw the pageant shows, but the girl did look familiar.
  2. :hurray: :party: :thumbup: :cheers2: Oh I'm so happy for you! That is a looooong time. Thank you both so much for your sacrifice and your service. :patriot: :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  3. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: Oh honey. I pray you get a sticky baby too! That's so hard. :(
  4. If there is mine certainly wasn't. We got married 3 and a half weeks after the proposal. :tongue_smilie:
  5. I thought so too. I was trying to figure out what the funny was until someone said it was reticulated.
  6. Chicken diapers? :001_huh: where was I when that one was going on? I miss everything. sigh.
  7. :iagree::iagree: I don't have cable (and haven't since the 90's), but I always thought it was The Learning Channel. :001_huh: Good grief! Do they have educational programming anymore?
  8. Oh my gosh you look almost exactly like my step sister! Cool! :) :iagree::iagree: Just add some glasses and she's the same! :)
  9. hehehehe Thanks. It's sprayed to the hilt with hairspray though I can assure you. It was hard. lol The second one with me at Epcot is what my hair looks like I've tried to curl it like in the first pic, and the curls have fallen out. Hot mess! hehehe
  10. Really? I didn't know you and Mrs. Mungo were sisters. Sheesh where have I been? lol You two were so cute. I LOVE the hair!! I always had stick straight, flat and boring hair. I always tried to curl it, but I had to spray it til it was like plastic and even then the curls fell out. :(
  11. My dh works full time outside of the home. He doesn't participate in the schooling or anything with the running of the house. That's my responsibility. He takes ds out for walks, takes him swimming, and will read an occasional book to him. He will shower him and brush his teeth and get him ready for bed. I do the rest. :)
  12. My mom has all the pics of me when I was young at her house. These are the only ones I have on my computer. The first one is my Highschool senior yearbook pic (1989) the second is from when I was in college sometime in the early 90's.
  13. How fun! Did you meet up with any of our Canadian boardies??
  14. Ay she is SO ADORABLE!!!! I would be counting too! :)
  15. He is a cutie. I like the space theme to his hair. :) It's great that they can be that smart and yet still be playful and show their fun side at their work. Where does he get that name Bobak from though? He looks Latino.
  16. :iagree::iagree: What she said! They're precious. :)
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