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Everything posted by mrsrevmeg

  1. 3 medium sweet potatoes 3-4 medium apples 2 Tablespoons butter 1/2 cup brown sugar 2 Tablespoons cinnamon Peel and slice sweet potatoes. (To make this easier, soften for a few minutes in the microwave) Core, peel and chop apples. Place about half of the potato slices in a buttered casserole dish. Top with half of the apples. Cut the butter into small pieces. Dollop half of the butter on top of the apples. Mix the cinnamon and brown sugar together. Sprinkle half on top of the potatoes/apples/butter. Do another layer on top. bake for 375 degrees for 35-40 minutes or until potatoes are tender.
  2. My husband recently taught on this subject. The youth at our church all come from dysfunctional families. While it does say that wives are supposed to submit their husbands, if you keep reading you will notice that the charge given to men is much more stern and challenging. Wives are told to RESPECT their husbands, husbands are told to LOVE their wives. Men are told to love their wives as Christ loved the church. They are told to lead her spiritually so that she may be presented blameless. That is is a big responsibility-if a man takes it seriously. He is told to love and cherish his wife. Unfortunately there are men who stop reading at verse 24. They want their women to live by the Bible, but they want no responsibility themselves. That is not a Godly man. Am I submissive to my husband? Yes. He is the man who takes his charge very seriously and is always puts my needs before his. He would love to be in a full time ministry and write in his spare time. However, in order for me to stay home and homeschool our children, he works 12 hour shifts in a paper plate factory. In addition to being a youth pastor. The way that he loves me (and counsels other men to do to their wives) is enough to make me follow his lead, in any situation.
  3. I second that. I like the kind in the bag as opposed to the little ones in the little foil pan. Everyone at my house wants the middle ones in the pan, and everyone loves the bigger ones, with honey butter.
  4. I am so sorry that you had to endure this. I think that leaving a husband (even a very bad one) when you have no support is a tough decision. My sil had a horrendous husband. He lied to their pastor and said that his wife was not willing to work out their problems. (he had drugged her and posted pics on the internet, among other things) He had such a strong hold on her that she believed his perversion was somehow her fault. She lost her job (as a preschool teacher in a church), her reputation, her dreams of a having a happy family because of him. Most of their church family was related to him. She had no support. He had isolated her from all her friends. It was so hard for her to step out and leave him. It breaks my heart to see women in the same place that she once was. I am so glad to know that you got out BMW. One day your children will be able to say that you were there for them and you got them out.
  5. My hairdresser recommended putting baby oil on my son's scalp and scraping it with a fine toothed comb. That worked until recently. The pediatrician recommended coal tar shampoo, every other day, followed by regular shampoo.
  6. I am considered conservative to the extreme by my church (Southern Baptist). I borrowed a copy of Created to be His Helpmeet and was shocked. I told my husband that I felt like it was promoting husband-worship, like as in saying the husband can do no wrong. (he actually asked me why I kept reading)I stopped reading when i got to the part about the woman whose husband had affairs, visited with prostitutes and such and instead of leaving him..... she and their son showed up at his work one day holding up posters they had made that said #1 Dad. And the Pearls thought this was a good thing! That was not the first thing that shocked/sickened me. Their website is even worse. I saw things they were touting as "Godly parenting" that I consider abuse. (and I am a spanker) I had a big three or four page e-mail I was going to send, but my husband reminded me that I am not going to change their minds. They have built a business of their warped ideas. As long as people are buying, they are going to keep promoting. I will not read their books, visit their site, etc. They are false teachers who very much so promote things that I try to protect my children from.
  7. I am so glad to know that Lego wars happen at other house. It makes me feel normal. (well, almost normal anyway:tongue_smilie:)
  8. I completely understand what you are saying. We have recently begun to revamp our standards of what is acceptable and what is not. (and by most people's definitions, we were already strict) We still do some fantasy (think Narnia and Eragon) but not others (HP and Twilight). One rule at our house is if it scares my youngest child we don't watch it. That knocks out Harry Potter (and Lord of the Rings). The second rule is does it glorify things that God disapproves? Narnia has a witch. She is portrayed as "bad". She is not the hero of the story. In the Twilight stories the vampire is seen as "good", Harry Potter is portrayed as the "hero", many TV show characters who are the stars of the show are promiscuous, vain, and just plain mean. So we choose to stay away from those shows. It is the same with kids' shows. Most of them have bullying, name calling and the like. The characters are rude. They are not the kind of kids I would want in my house. For some reason there are a lot of shows that portray the main characters cross dressing, usually boys, for an episode or two.
  9. I just use my regular cookie recipe, on a cookie sheet. I turn the oven's heat down by 50 degrees or so, to keep the edges from burning. I use buttercream frosting.
  10. Thanks for the replies! I knew that you were not supposed to tip fridges, but I was hoping it might be different on freezers. I really like the small child idea. I have one that would see that as being cool! He has wanted to climb in the freezer before.
  11. ewww, that makes me want to lose weight and not use any cosmetics from Europe!:ack2:
  12. I unplugged my chest freezer to defrost/clean it. What I did not realize is there was a chocolate popsicle and an ear of corn in the bottom. Now there is a gooey mess that I can't reach. Is it okay to turn it on its side? Just long enough to scrub it out?
  13. funny thing is, until he parted his hair the opposite way and painted on a goatee, I thought he was the one who looked most like me. The other two are total clones of their dad. my husband as a child my oldest my youngest
  14. My kids love LfC. The instructor is a little on the nerdy side, but so are we in our house. :biggrinjester: My first grader watches the videos with his brothers. I was not planning on him doing LfC until third grade, but we might go ahead and do it next year, since he already knows alot of it. They have goofy little segments of outtakes and a continuing story called How the West Was Unus that keep them paying attention.
  15. Tapestry of Grace is designed to meet different learning styles. I am using it with a factual Mr. Textbook, a dreamy Mr. Literature, and an active Mr. Hands-on. It works for all of them. You would probably want to get the evaluations for the one who likes workbooks, but they would not be necessary for the loves unit studies/hates workbook child.
  16. We just tried Publix for the first time. We usually go to Wal-Mart, because in our town we only have Wal-Mart and Piggly Wiggly. Publix is a little further, but we spent $130.00. $30.00 of that was supplies to make lasagna. We bought dish detergent, but not laundry detergent. We bought hand soap (on sale for $.70 each). Our usual grocery bill is over $200.00. I think we'll stick with Publix.
  17. Susan Moore Elementary School, Susan Moore, Alabama. Principal- J. D. Webb. K-Mrs. Minshew (I wondered why her name was Men-shoe, not lady-shoe) 1-Mrs. Nichols 2-Mrs. Tidwell 3- Mrs Johnson (one of those that should not be allowed with kids) 4-Mrs Faulkner 5- Mr. Gillespie 6-Mrs Starkey
  18. I start off with a big cornbread, grated with my salad shooter. My kids and husband don't like to bite down on anything in their dressing so it has celery seeds, onion salt, sage, rosemary, parsley, paprika, thyme, and chicken broth. When he turkey is done, I pour some of the pan drippings in, like my grandmother used to. It is not healthy, I know, but we only have it a few times per year, so we splurge.
  19. I know we did something special, but for the life of me I do not remember what. What I do remember is that my husband wrote me a book. He used pictures from the time we met up to our tenth anniversary to illustrate his story. He put a lot of thought into it. Each chapter has a cute little title like The Wonder Years or Is Your Honeymoon Over? The chapters where our boys were born were called One Little... Two Little... Three Little Indians. It was very special and I still show it to people.
  20. I don't have a front load washer, but we use the Wal-Mart brand of laundry detergent. (the name has left me at the moment, I think it is Everyday Elegance) We used to used Tide, but when the gas prices hit over $3.00 a gallon we had to cut back. This does not break any of our family out, it gets the clothes clean, and smells good. All breaks out my excema suffering son. Gain makes another son break out and gives him headaches from the smell.
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