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Everything posted by mrsrevmeg

  1. Our dishwasher (well, we thought it was the dishwasher) stopped cleaning, then started leaking. I have been hand-washing our dishes for the last few months. I got this newsletter in my e-mail yesterday. It is frustrating to see that some companies really don't care if their products even WORK or not.
  2. Same thing here. He said the worst part of the whole procedure was the prep drink. His was pineapple flavored. That was a few years ago and he still will not eat or drink anything with pineapple in it.
  3. This sounds like I could have written it. My husband tells me all the time our kids should be out playing more, but the only one who wants to go out is our youngest. The older two tell me "my stomach hurts" (The oldest has IBS and spastic colon. It runs in my husband's family. I can never really know if the stomach ache is for real or a plot to get out of something. The one time I said "I don't care" it turns out he had diarrhea all.day.long. So I can never be sure.)
  4. It has just recently become an unbanned word here. My nine year old made a poster for his room of big, bubbly letters saying FART across it. I would prefer they say break wind or pass gas, if they fell they MUST mention it. They would rather say that would or "dropped a hot air biscuit" instead. On a funny note, my sister-in-law used to say her kids were "popping corn" in their diapers. My mother-in-law ate a lot of popcorn at that time. I wonder if my nephews thought when she would talk about going to the kitchen to make popcorn, if she was just gassy.
  5. is my favorite Christian rapper. I really like Toby Mac and GRITS, also.
  6. I made one recently that was the recipe from Hershey's Cocoa, and frosted it with Seven Minute Frosting that was really good.
  7. She and my almost 10 year old would get along marvelously! He loves all things bodily related. My seven year old would probably like it, too. He wanted to look at what the cat threw up today and then told his brothers all about it. :ack2:
  8. My overly skinny son can eat three pork chops, with veggies and a roll or two for dinner and 30-45 minutes later be looking for a snack. Tonight we had tacos and rice. Before I even had the kitchen cleaned up he was back asking what we had for a snack. :glare: I wish I had his metabolism.
  9. I voted sometimes but it is really more like usually. On days where he works, I pack some leftover supper as I am putting away the rest of the leftovers. When he works nights, I cook earlier than normal and pack his as the rest of the plates are being prepared. Sometimes when he is off, he just has a sandwich or something that he fixes himself.
  10. I agree with all, especially the bolded part. My mother got my oldest son Love You Forever and I never liked reading it. Goodnight Moon, however I loved. They were all very snuggly when it was read. Maybe that is why I liked it so.
  11. My oldest has said since he was in 2nd grade he wants to be a NASA scientist. But President of the US wouldn't be so bad, either. My middle son decided when we went to Wal-Mart and let him use the self-check aisle that he could work at Wal-Mart because it is easy. My youngest wants to work at Huhtamaki (making Chinet paper plates) and be a missionary and climb mountains in his off time. (My husband works for Huhtamaki. He works a swing shift so he is off 14 days out of each 28 day shift-cycle)
  12. I tried to replicate the HH Cheesey Hashbrown. 1-1/2 pounds of ground beef 1/2 a medium sized yellow onion 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder* 2 teaspoons Worchestershire sauce Just under a pound of frozen hashbrowns* 3/4 pound Velveeta (I would have rather used cheddar with a little milk added, but dh actually LIKES Velveeta! Brown the beef, onions, garlic powder, and Worcestershire in a skillet. Drain off any grease. Add the frozen potatoes and stir until they are done. Add the cheese, melt it and serve. *You could use fresh potatoes instead of frozen and garlic cloves instead of garlic powder. I had the frozen hashbrowns left from making hasbrown casserole (another thing for the hubby, not me). My family reacts like a bunch of vampires if they see garlic cloves in my kitchen.
  13. My husband and I have talked about this so many times. Produce adds so much to our grocery bills. (even from a farmer's market) Why does the hormone/antibiotic added meat cost less than the natural meat? Should the more natural (nothing injected) meat cost less???? A loaf of white bread costs $1.00. The ingredients to make bread cost more.
  14. Football has been on here every single day since THURSDAY!!! Normally I like only having one tv with cable hooked up, but this football season is shaping up to be miserable. The past two nights after every one else has gone to bed, I have stayed up and watched Lord of the Rings. My husband said that still is not something girlie to watch but I don't care. I love it!!
  15. This thread has made me laugh! A few weeks ago my husband called on his way home and we were talking about our grocery list and he said we should get some HH. :blink: This is the same man who, when we first got married and I bought HH wouldn't touch it. The same man who knows his family has been trying to get away from processed foods. Our grocery store had it on sale buy-one-get-one. Plus, they had a coupon on their website buy three get $0.75 off. So we got it cheap. Nobody hated it, but nobody loved either. A few nights ago I made my own version. The homemade version cost more. I can't imagine calling it "Poor man's Hamburger Helper". :lol:
  16. No shooting each other in the house. Be quiet or I am going to go all Three Stooges on you.
  17. We found a picture of a funny stop sign online. It was a standard stop sign, but had a smaller sign underneath that said "right there pilgrim". Below that I wrote Homeschool in session. People have respected it. (we do watch for the brown truck like crazy, though. He's welcome anytime!!) lol at we is busy:lol:
  18. I had it done about five years ago. I was completely knocked out for the procedure. I don't think it can be done any other way. Different doctors use different methods. I don't think think any involve cutting anything down there. My doctor used an electric current to cauterize everything. The day I had it done, we took the youth to an event. There was really no "recovery time". No cramping or anything. I have not had any problems since then. No periods, either. :D Hope things are that wonderful for any of you who have it.
  19. It is the norm to see only moms around here. For many reasons: single mothers, no dad in child's life dad is working dad doesn't go to "woman things" (and considers school related events woman things) dad is deployed Some reasons are very sad. My husband always went to events when our kids were in school. He was, if not the only, one of very few.
  20. My family loves this one: World's Best Lasagna. It is a bit time-consuming, but worth it! I'll never try a different recipe after find this one. *** I do omit the salt and sugar, but other than that, I have always made it as-is
  21. "And never, ever go into the attic. That's where they keep their se**al torture devices." :scared: I almost fell over watching that with my kids. Recently we watched Aladdin. (Disney version) I had forgotten some of the innuendos and the seduction way Jasmine acts. What are movie makers thinking and what were MY parents thinking?!?!?! I can remember my mother taking my friend and me to see The Fly 2, when we were in 5th or 6th grade. She went to see a different movie with her boyfriend. We were in a theater alone, watching an R-rated movie!!!
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