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Everything posted by AlmiraGulch

  1. I actually think the pineapple date is the most visually appealing, but I let DD11 vote this time, and she voted for the chocolate peanut butter swirl. She liked the color contrast, and the geometric looking shape that the chocolate makes in the bread. So, the vote went for the latter.
  2. My maternal grandfather was Choctaw, and his family referred to themselves as Indians. They've all been dead for many years, so I don't know if it has changed now. Here's a story that makes my eyes roll, though. My sister was working at law firm on a case where they had to reference Indian Law. It's an actual thing, and that's exactly what it's called. Someone heard her reference it, got offended, complained to HR, and my sister was reprimanded. For calling something by its actual name, in the correct context.
  3. My first was all natural. It was 100% back labor and excruciating, but I managed, and when it was done, it was done. I was up and showering within 15 minutes of the birth, much to the chagrin of the nurses! I intended to go natural the 2nd time, too, but the back labor started again, and it was worse even than the 1st time, so I asked for an epidural. Shortly after, my labor completely stopped. They administered Pitocin, and the baby's heart rate dropped to near nothing, while mine skyrocketed. They then administered...um....I can't remember, but basically something to counteract the Pitocin, and were preparing for an emergency C-section when our heart rates regulated themselves, so we waited. My water had broken some time ago by that point. Fast forward.....she was born, and a few hours later was blue. Turns out she had aspirated meconium and she nearly died. She spent 2 nights in the ICU and was sent home on a heart monitor for six months. So, would I do it again? No. If I were to have another child, I would just suck it up. My labor had been progressing nicely and I was nearly 7 centimeters when I got the epidural. I believe if I had just continued naturally she would have been born shortly thereafter and would not have had the issues she did. I have no proof of that, of course, but it makes sense.
  4. I posted this thread/poll and then promptly forgot about it. I swear, my brain is going to kill me one day. For the record: 1. I usually take a shower (although it makes no sense, grammatically speaking) 2. I am always naked in the shower. 3. Sometimes I just "shower" 4. I never, ever "get" a shower, because that phrase bugs the crap out of me. And it happens to be what my husband says. I told him no one says that but him, but clearly, I am wrong. 5. I will not be telling him what I just said in #4. ETA: I probably will be showing him the poll results, though, since right now it's 83 votes for "take" and only 1 for "get." Therefore, I win. :lol:
  5. This is for showerers only. Bathers are not part of this poll. Sorry. So....do you take a shower? Do you get a shower? Have one? Get in the shower? Or, do you say you have to bathe, but then do so with the shower? This is a very important subject in my marriage right now, so please vote.
  6. Ha! As a matter of fact, I have explicit, written permission....nay, ORDERS...to post that picture. So there.
  7. I have serious iron-envy over my friend's and my sister's Shark irons. They're light. They iron quite well. Nothing is sticking to the bottom. I really need to get one. I wonder if the first poster who has problems with hers has a lemon? It may be a commonly reported issue....I don't know. I haven't researched. I do know it isn't something my sister or friend experience.
  8. I have several friends who work for companies with similar policies here in the U.S. (yes, they do exist), and it isn't an issue. No one seems to abuse it, and if they did, their performance reviews and mobility in the company would reflect their failure to accomplish anything. I think it's a great policy.
  9. I know what you mean, from a landlord/tenant point of view, but I know more than one clear exception. I don't actually think they are the exception. I think there are certain places where dog fighting and breeding for aggression are common, but of all the pit owners I know and have known, and there have been many, not one fits that description/type. And I completely disagree with you about the responsibility. It would be a good thing for her to do to report, and I think she should, but it isn't her dog, she isn't "harboring" it, and it is most certainly not her responsibility if the dog shows aggression later.
  10. Oh, brother. I'll bite. (No pun intended) So, what kind of person is that, exactly? Look....everyone knows that pits have historically been bred for fighting, and that their reputation for aggression is not completely unfounded. There is just as much truth to the stories of pit bulls and other bully breeds being beloved family pets, with no incidents of aggression at all. To say that "the kind of people that own pits...are disturbing" is, at the very least, alarmist. I believe that any time a dog attacks another it should be documented and reported. A dog that attacks once is likely to do it again, and while I know the OP is busy caring for her own dog, I think that if she doesn't report it and the dog later attacks a person, she'll have regret. Not that she'd bear any of the responsibility, but I do think she might feel some anyway.
  11. I thought it was the transubstantiation that got rid of all the cooties, but what do I know? :p
  12. I think the watch looks very cool, and that type of technology has never interested me before. I won't be buying it because I don't wear a watch at all, but if I did, I'd consider it. I'll be getting the iPhone 6 as soon as it's available for pre-order on Friday, but the 6 Plus is too large for me. Even dh's LG2, at 5.2 inches, is too big to be comfortable in my hands.
  13. Another vote here for Touareg. We'd have one for sure but my husband wanted a car instead of an SUV. He traded in his Chevy Equinox (which was fine, but less than zero get up and go) for a VW, and Touareg was his first choice for a lot of reasons but he went with a car instead of an SUV.
  14. I've been watching 9/11 documentaries all week, as I do every year. Last night I was watching and DD11 came in and was watching with me. It was the first time she'd seen some of the most horrible sights and sounds (like the people falling from the towers) and so I was watching her reactions closely. She didn't say much, but I could see her processing. We'll be on a plane on Friday, and she asked what if we get on a plane that someone hijacks. I explained to her that the likelihood of that happening is very small, and even more so based on the route we're taking. She asked a few probing questions, and I said that the hijackers picked those specific planes, on those specific routes, because they wanted large planes with as much fuel as possible based on the long planned routes. The flight we'll be on is relatively short, and the plane is not particularly large. She thought a minute and said that makes sense, and said that we've been on flights from Atlanta to Seattle, Atlanta to Portland, Atlanta to LA, and if nothing happened on those, she's pretty confident nothing will happen on Friday. It was a good conversation. She asked good questions. I still hate that we live in a time where I even have to have those discussions.
  15. I cook breakfast on occasion. Usually it's a weekend but not always. I made breakfast this morning, but I was in the mood for what I made and I had people (guests) here to eat it. I usually make dinner, or we'll go out, but it's not uncommon for people to fend for themselves. Everyone's pretty much on their own for all other meals. DD11 packs her own lunch. We just don't make a big fuss about it around here one way or another.
  16. Mine brought me flowers yesterday for no reason, and he brings me coffee every morning. I think that's sweet.
  17. I purchased a Sleep Number bed for the first time years ago after suffering with debilitating back and hip pain for years. I'm now a repeat buyer. It isn't the end-all, be-all, and I still have to get massages, but I can actually get out of bed in the morning without looking like the guy on the evolution chart...you know, starting out all hunched over and eventually upright after 8 or 10 steps. :-) I will say that the Sleep Number bed I have now is a much higher end one that then one I started with years ago, and I put a memory foam mattress cover on top of it, too. It's the best combination I've had so far. I keep the bed pretty firm, for support, but then sink into the memory foam topper a bit for the softness I prefer. If you do go the Sleep Number route, don't order one online. Go to the store. Spend hours there. Try all the beds. Adjust them to be firmer and softer, and hang out for a bit on each. It really has made a huge difference in my pain level and quality of life.
  18. Ohh...this is all great stuff! The only one I've read is Hitchhiker's Guide. Thank you!
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