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Everything posted by i.love.lucy

  1. BTW, the recipe I have actually calls for a healthy oil, like maybe coconut oil, instead of applesauce. But I use oil to cook them so I didn't want to add it to the recipe.
  2. I don't have kids that age, but 14 is too young for college in my state, so it's a non-issue. Sounds like a local thing to me.:confused:
  3. Would this count: Choc Chip Pancakes 2 c whole wheat flour 2T mashed banana 2t baking powder 1/2 t baking soda 2 eggs 2c milk or buttermilk 4T applesauce (unsweetened) 1/4 c ground flax 1/3 c dark choc mini chips Mix dry ingredients 1st, in a second bowl mix banana, eggs, sugar, milk, applesauce and fold into dry ingredients. Add choc chips and pour ont hot griddle per usual pancakes. We love to make these and freeze them. My kids will grab a couple and spread on a little natural peanut or almond butter and it makes a great breakfast!
  4. YAY! Late last night I was hoping I was successful at signing myself up for Prime via a free trial (heard about here) but I couldn't tell because it didn't ask me for any info (Amazon just knows I guess:tongue_smilie:). So I tried to order this this morning and VIOLA!!!! I got it for $2.44 and $0 2-day shipping. :hurray: This could be dangerous....
  5. Seems like she's loading them up on nightmare fuel. Wouldn't there be other cases she could have taken them to observe? Sounds to me like she has a fascination with this case and wanted to go, but can't leave the kids at home!
  6. I've been using Fat Secret for a while now and really like it. I keep my foods and exercise recorded. I think it's been really easy to log the foods but I haven't created any recipes. I usually log dinner as it's individual components. So far I like it a lot!
  7. The last really expensive one we went to was Paul McCartney. We've done that 3 times. Totally worth a second mortgage for that one!:D
  8. The Bible, of course. If non-fiction counts then "Taking Charge of Your Fertility" is the best book I have read on understanding the female body, and fertility. Got me a son out of that deal! Other than the Bible, I really don't care to read and reread books over and over. Never have. I will have to think more about what fiction works have really stood out for me and changed my life.
  9. Missed this thread. I didn't do so good last week - circumstances conspired against me. It wasn't my fault!!! I was forced to binge on chips late at night!!! :glare: At one point in the week pizza was ordered and I couldn't hurt it's feelings by not having some! But seriously I have had a GREAT 2 days! Worked out both days. Well today it was mowing and yardwork, but my heart was beating really fast and I was pouring sweat, so that's a workout! I'm doing Zone, but tracking everything on fatsecret.com and so far so good I think. This hour of the night is the worst for me, so I need to go to bed. I hope to not weigh in until next Monday, so I will check in again then. We can do this!!!!:hurray::party:
  10. We completed 3A and B last year in a hurry as much of it was review but taught concepts in a new way so I didn't skip much. But dd moved along faster because it was more review. Now that we've hit 4A there is more new material that we just can't skip. And I agree so much that ALL the problems just seem to have so much value. It's not mindless repetition. So, I agree, it's going to take us a while too. But I figure if it takes us into the summer to finish 4B, then that's fine because I would have wanted to work in summer anyhow. Personally since my dd is in 5th, I had hoped to jam through it and be in 5A by early spring, but I doubt that will happen. I'm okay with it. Just FYI, we spend an hour a day on math. That's usually a couple of 30 problem speed drills to work on facts, and then 2-3 pages of MM. DD seems okay with it.
  11. Lisa, praying here too! May God comfort you in your time of need.
  12. My dd turned 10 this summer. She's 92 lbs I think, and 4'9". So she is quite tall but not slim. Not chubby, but definitely has that pudge that some girls get. She has been wearing deodorant since K :001_huh: and I noticed her leg hair getting courser but no other hair. She does have a spot or two of acne and has had greasy hair for a while too. I think the breast buds are there, but some of it might be her anti-skinnyness too.;) She is uber-modest so I don't get to see her nekkid. We've had the talk about body changes and even periods but her modesty and embarrassment got in the way of me telling her more. I will soon. DH thinks its time. It's SUCH an awkward age isn't it? They go between being so childish one minute to completely mature the next. She will play and play with her brother and then shut him down and want to go to her room and put on makeup and high heels.:glare: Here's my girl:
  13. Okay, I didn't even think about the Fair!!!! Now I might actually get excited about this!!! It looks like you can also take DART (with connections) from Ft. Worth over to the Fair, and the kids would looooovvveeeee that. Thanks for the tips!!!
  14. I do notice curriculum sometimes. It could be that it just sparks an interest to go look it up. But I do always notice number of children, ages, etc. Usually to go wow! in awe at those with lots of kids at home! As for avatars, I am visual so I do notice those. I don't like it when people change theirs because I come to know them by it and not screen name. Sometimes it's the signature that tips me off that I am familiar with this person even though I didn't recognize a new avatar. I'm weird that way. My avatar is the real me. :D
  15. We need a little getaway (all of us, not just dh and I). Our 22nd anniversary is coming up mid Oct. We don't have much to spend, and can't drive too far. We will most likely spend a Sun/Mon night. But maybe the Sat too. Everything is SO expensive that I'm getting discouraged. We'd like to go in mid-Oct. I have checked every possible radius out from the Austin area. DH doesn't want to go to the beach. We just rented a house on the Frio this summer (but it wasn't super relaxing for me, MIL was along and all the cooking and prep was a lot). So in searching around I found a link to Burelson and then to Rustic Creek Ranch, which is now one of those Jellystone Parks with Yogi Bear. I was wondering if anyone has been there, or to Burleson and can share about it. We'd go for one of the little cottages. It's an RV/cottage place but I am guessing the RVs don't overpower the place? I was thinking maybe Burleson (Old Town) might have enough for that short trip to do, or maybe we could easily go on in to Ft. Worth and at least do the stockyards (I think my son would LOVE to see the longhorns and the cowboys). Is there anything else to do related to cowboys? I see the rodeo is not in town. What else? Maybe the Ft. Worth Zoo? Or the Nature and Science Museum? I'm so lost. The other idea was San Antonio but we want to save that for just after Thanksgiving for dh's birthday to see it all lit up for Christmas. :bigear:
  16. :iagree:It's the hanging off the truck that gets them. And for my ds, it's the cool gloves.:confused: Right now he wants to be a cowboy fireman too, but army man is starting to come through sometimes. DD still wants to be a NICU nurse.
  17. We had a pretty good day. I am going to have to tweak some things. DD10 is just not independant enough so that I can get much work done with DS6. I really need on just a couple of things to be able to cover the lesson and tell her to go do it. Mostly math and grammar I guess. Most everything else we do together, but I do need time with the little guy! Overall we started by 9 and got almost everything done. Lunch of tuna salad on whole wheat, and BBQ chips for the kids. I started the Zone today so I had a gigantic salad with some tuna on it. Then we went out for a walk/bike ride and it's so hot here that we got home completely wiped out! My house need some attention. Somebody kick me off the 'puter so I will straighten my house before dh gets home!!
  18. Fine. I will get out my DVD and actually put it in the player. Oh, yeah, and work out with it. *sigh* Instead today I took the kids out and they rode bikes while I walked on the track. It's 147 degrees here today with 300% humidity, so it was a super fun workout. That was an hour ago and I'm still sweating. :tongue_smilie: Working out with the gal I adore/despise most in the world does sound better, so tomorrow I SHRED!
  19. Preach it Sista! I am so done with the messes everyone leaves around. It seems to be worse on Sunday nights when dh has been around all weekend :confused: and I've let down my guard. We're getting it in shape tomorrow if it kills them. :gnorsi:
  20. :iagree: I can't believe I forgot this one. The movie looks mildly interesting (as a renter) as I can't really imagine Julia Roberts whining too much, but I couldn't get past page 40 or so of this book!!!
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