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Everything posted by i.love.lucy

  1. Well, all ramen noodles need is really hot water, so possibly yes. But does the water get hot enough in the coffee pot?
  2. Off to a great start! My ds6 told my husband tonight 7 biomes, 8 parts of speech, chanted the latin, and skip counted to 24. I can see we are going to have a fun year and I'm really glad we joined CC. I'm tutoring too, so it's a double blessing and will really keep me accountable!
  3. Faith, bless you for the love and care you have shown this girl.:grouphug:
  4. My son was also circ'd at about 8mo for the same reason, but we would have done it anyways.
  5. I agree with this, and even see help needed for single moms escaping bad/abusive situations. I have experience with a few and it's been a nightmare for them to get any help. Their kids are dragged along with them. But it's so hard to know if it's the right thing to open your own home up to such people without knowing the impact it could have on your own kids. I'm sure that's where the blessing could come from, but if harm were to come to my own kids while I was trying to help someone else, I'm not sure I could forgive myself. But helping financially somehow, or with counseling or mentoring, yes.
  6. Homeschool Buyers Coop often has 40% off but I think their most recent sale just ended. It'll be back again soon though, if you can wait.
  7. The family doc is a good place to start because when they run that bloodwork they can also check some other things that would be more appropriate to discuss with them than a gyno, like cholesterol and triglycerides. At the same time you can treat it like a physical and check blood pressure and discuss anything else that's going on. The problem that I have is that my thyroid numbers come back supposedly in range, so they generally blow off the dozen symptoms I have. So if your family doc will only look at the range and call you normal without listening to why you think thyroid is off, you are better off going to an endocrinologist.
  8. For me it's the thought that counts. So if I have to spell it out, then he didn't do the thinking. So yes, I do get disappointed. I wish, after all this time together, he could see that all I wanted was for him to think "how can I make her feel special?". A dinner out is FINE. But I would want him to think of it, plan it, get a sitter, etc. When I have to do all the planning for every birthday, holiday, anniversary, etc, it makes me feel like I have the chance to make everyone else feel special and no one does that for me. Eh, the life of a mom, huh?
  9. I just wanted to say I appreciate your honesty. As Rosie said, your level of desire is what it is, and you are not broken. I have spent most of my marriage thinking something is wrong with me that I don't have much desire for it. The ol' self esteem really takes a hit when you are constantly CONSTANTLY told a bunch of little "tips" and "tricks" and "well, if you'd just try..." My dh is at a low libido point right now and is frustrated by it. He's SO stressed and I know that has everything to do with it, but he's just now making the connection. He finally admitted to me that he realizes now what it's like to just not have the desire. Just not think about teA for days and days, until you realize you should have thought about it, should have wanted it...but didn't...don't. The unresolved bitterness has been a big thing for me too. But I don't think an easy pat answer of - hey, girl, get rid of that big bag of bitterness you're carrying around and it'll all be better. I think Chris was able to do that, but it sounds like her bitterness was caused and then able to be solved/removed by herself. In your case, no? Not in mine. I usually just have to put it out of my mind or I will stew in it. So for me it's a combo of so many things. Not being matched in desire. Not having my love language met. Having unresolved bitterness and self-esteem issues. I wish it were so easy to just do it but my brain keeps getting in the way!
  10. I have found that not every day has to have "fun" stuff, or it dilutes the times I do have it and I run out of ideas. How about getting your 5th graders ideas? I can always throw in helping me cook/bake as an easy activity for my 5th grader and it keeps her happy. I also always have craft/art supplies on hand and freely allow access and creative juices flow. Can you tie in some things with your science or history study? If you take an hour out of your day and start googling, I bet you will find all kinds of ideas. I also throw in math games and practice online, and typing lessons online for something that breaks up the monotony. Read aloud or use books on tape too, like during lunch.
  11. CLE Math. I was a big supporter at first, but then realized that dd was just filling in the blanks and was not getting any conceptual understanding at all. We moved on to MM and have had major lightbulbs and retention.
  12. :seeya: Waving "HI" from Cedar Park. I remember seeing someone mentioning they are in Killeen. I can't for the life of me remember her screen name. It is her school name and I'm going to kick myself when I remember it!:lol:
  13. Hey! I'll be your accountability partner! I'm 5'11 too!!! I rarely find people as tall as I am. I'd love to weigh 175 eventually too, but for right now I will focus on 200. I'm also going to do the Zone. But I haven't yet wrapped my mind around what foods I can/should eat. Like I wanted to start this morning but I don't know what to have for breakfast. I think I'm going to go hard-boil some eggs to have on hand. And I have steel cut oats I made for dh in the crock pot. I better go get my book before I eat something I shouldn't! I will commit to doing a video today for work out. It's pouring rain here all day so going out for a walk is out. I just need to get school done before we head out for Chess Club, so it might have to happen with the kids - P.E.!:tongue_smilie: ETA: 1/2 c oatmeal with 1/2 diced apple. 1HB egg. Pretty good, huh? And I'm STUFFED!
  14. We're doing the Explorer's Bible Study together via the free download. But I only have about 24 weeks of it because they have changed their website and no longer offer it for free. We start with that and prayer and will work in our Ephesians 6 memory work. I will probably also add in some memory work on the shorter catechism as the year gets going.
  15. We're in a slump right now so I read this thread with interest. Our whole marriage it's been that he really wants tea often and I don't. Not a reflection on him, I think my hormones have always been just not quite right. Now that he's under so much stress at work he doesn't want tea anymore much at all. And doesn't think he could. That's worrisome. I have a plan to get us back into the groove of at least once every 2 weeks. More than that is not reasonable for me to expect of us and would put too much pressure on me. I am 43 and he's 45 and we've been married almost 22 years. But our kids are still young and life is stressful. Gotta give yourself a break. I think the biggest problem comes from when one wants more tea than the other one. But if there is a mutual agreement, like Peela said, then it's fine and no one has to be counting.
  16. I'm in Central TX, so lots, but I might not remember all the screen names exactly.... Julie in Austin. AngieW in TX. Ellie. Hill Co Classical Academy. Gooblink. TejasMamacita. vonfirmath. I think also TXMary2. I know IRL: Adrianne in TX, amctm (I can't remember all the a's and c's and m's in that one - but it's Ann), sullymom and balle26 (I think that's it:confused:). I'm sure I'll think of lots more. And I know there are so many from DFW, and Houston, etc. TX is a big place!
  17. Well, it does get more firm when refrigerated. Is that what you mean by yucky? But when you m.wave it with a pat of butter and a dash of milk and stir it creams right up again. Then I dash in a little more milk and top with that day's toppings. It's worth a try. I started with a single batch (1 c steel cut oats + 4 c water) but it only lasted a couple of days. When I saw that my slow cooker could hold it I tried to double it and it worked out just fine. It's best that first morning when dh comes downstairs and just has to scoop out hot oatmeal, but he's fine with heating it up now.
  18. Mine really like the Cinnamon Kashi Shredded Wheat with Vanilla Almond Milk on it. I only buy either Shredded Wheat or Bran Flakes. But that makes it hard if you are gluten free! We aren't, so these are the choices. I don't find they stay full at all on the very processed stuff.
  19. I detest getting up and cooking breakfast, so mine are usually always the same. I make a double batch of steel cut oats in the crock pot on Sunday night and we eat on that all week. I make it plain so the flavor can be varied easily: berries and cream, brown sugar and syrup, apples and cinnamon, choc chips and vanilla almond milk (my fav). If you don't want that there is usually a box of shredded wheat in the pantry. I honestly believe that having this hot breakfast ready is so great for DH and I think it has contributed to his lower triglyceride numbers. I just have general lunch stuff around. Tortillas and cheese, bread and sandwich fixin's, sometimes some soups or ramen. When it's just the kids and I we piece together whatever we have. But we always have fruit and I try to have a veg too, like carrot sticks, or cherry tomatoes. For DH I send leftovers or a frozen dinner (Healthy Choice or something like that to control his portions and calories). He eats out once per week. Not sure this helps though because if it's important to you to have variety so no one is eating the same thing each day, then I can't help there.
  20. Recipe please. This is a fantastic idea! I always think about this for my 6yo, but the reality is that my 10yo will play with it just as much. She sure has with the Legos! This would be a great way to combine a big gift for both. DD got her iTouch for her b.day, so we'll likely go smaller for Christmas. American girl clothes, and clothes for dd too. I want to make DS his own Lego table where I can secure the green Lego bases on top , and get him a little chair to go with it. I will probably make this from Ikea stuff. DH will get some clothes. I walked in to ask my family what they thought about for G.ma this year, as FIL died in April and I'd like to do something special for her. They all looked at me like my hair was on fire. Okaaaayyyyyyy. Guess I'll do all the thinking and planning. Again.:glare: Maybe they will be more in the mood to think about it when it's not over 90 degrees!:tongue_smilie:
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