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Jean too

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Everything posted by Jean too

  1. Praying for you. I had lots of ear infections as a child and they are so very painful.
  2. Yes, why not I'm already registered with the state. I'd love the opportunity to get a little more of my tax money back.
  3. That's why I don't mind paying the quarter at Aldi for a buggie. No buggies in the parking lot there. Everyone wants their quater back :)
  4. Due to cuts in funding DE in NC is only free for math, science and technolgy courses starting with the fall semester.
  5. I'd return it if you weren't harmed by the deal in any way and don't need the money.
  6. I don't think the elderly will be rounded up and euthnized and never suggested that they would be. I think it's pretty preposterous that you would jump to such a conclusion based on my post. However, I do believe after reading up on Ezekiel Emmanuel and John Holdren that care will be denied to the unborn (except to abort them), newborns with complications and the elderly. They may not be euthanized but their care will be rationed. The bottom line is this plan cannot be funded. I trust the CBO to know more about this than Obama or any other politician in office.
  7. That's just it, we can't afford it! The CBO has already done the math on this and the numbers Obama quotes don't work out. I realize Obama wants to pretend that those numbers don't matter that we should just press ahead and bankrupt the country. You cannot add 46 million people to the dole and not have to spend more money. The eventual outcome of this plan, as Barney Frank lifted the curtain on yesterday, is for all of us to be on a single payer plan. As I said before look into the men behind Obama and their ideas on health care for infants and the elderly.
  8. You might want to read up on the two most influential men behind ObamaCare and their thoughts on over population and eldercare, John Holdren and Ezekiel Emmanuel. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yCYfWrg4WKY http://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(09)60137-9/fulltext http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/blogs/beltway-confidential/Obamas-science-czar-suggested-compulsory-abortion-sterilization-50783612.html More truth about ObamaCare http://money.cnn.com/2009/07/24/news/economy/health_care_reform_obama.fortune/index.htm?postversion=2009072410
  9. I think he is probably on point. Greg teaches at ASU in Boone, NC and offers science camps and classes on the campus of ASU for homeschoolers. My dd has attended one of his anatomy and physiolgy camps. It was a wonderful experience for her. I got to sit in on the dissection of a sheep's uterus. Cool stuff! I recommend his A&P camps if your child can handle being around cadavers. His children were homeschooled as well.
  10. It conveniently kicks in after the 2012 election and his (he hopes) reelection. If it were to take effect before then and people had a chance to see how this will play out with exorbinant healthcare costs and high taxes for all he'd never get reelected and he knows that. It's the same for cap and trade. I should add the reason for the hurry up we gotta pass this now push is 1) He knows it won't hold up to scrutiny 2) His approval ratings are slipping.
  11. Yes, I have written them. I don't think there is anyway it will get pushed through before their Aug. break. The news from the Congressional Budget Office that this plan will not decrease healthcare costs but rather will increase costs is helping to weaken support. That and the outcome of the stimulus bill(continued shedding of jobs inspite of the promise of not going over 8% unemployment) is making the public and our reps a little leary of allowing Obama to ram this one through.
  12. Welcome to perimenopause where the fun never starts. I wouldn't bother with visiting the doc unless you have other symptoms. You might want to read Dr. Lee's book What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Perimenopause.
  13. Praying for safe travel for your family. I hope you mean 51% of planes that crash crash during landing, not that 51% of planes crash during landing.
  14. My ds did this. I think it's more of a boy thing for some reason. My brother and nephew are the only others I know that had NT too. I found that not trying to interact with him was best. Your experience may be different. In my ds's case interaction seemed to make him more frantic. I sat ds on my lap and would ask him periodically in a soft calm (while totally freaking out inside) voice if he wanted some water (me too on feeling the need to hydrate). If he screamed NO!, I knew he was still asleep and in the NT and I went back to silent mode. If he said yes, he was awake and ready to be hydrated and put back to bed. He never remembered any of it the next morning. I should add this never happened when he was feverish. It was usually when he was overtired from a big day.
  15. I have my spanish speaking dd answer those calls. That shuts them down pretty quickly and they quit calling.
  16. I keep my fabric in bins organized by color. I don't do any cutting until it's needed.
  17. I'm in the south and have only found this to be the deal with Baptist churches. In fact, I've had pastors from Baptist churches I've never attended drop by unannounced when new to the area. Very annoying!
  18. Lots of experience here with lower back pain from bulging disks and muscles spasms. I recommend large doses (800mg) of ibuprofen around the clock until no pain for at least 24 hours. Alternate between ice and heat for fifteen to twenty minutes each around the clock while awake. I am usually most comfortable lying on my side with my knees bent (much like sitting in a chair) with a pillow propped behind me for support and another pillow between my knees. As soon as he is able he should google for lower back exercises and begin an exercise program for his back as well as abdominal exercises to help protect his back from future injury. I hope he is better soon. Back pain is horrible!
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