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Jean too

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Everything posted by Jean too

  1. You're talking about federal financial aid here. I do not agree with giving illegals scholarship money from federal or state funds. However, many scholarships are paid from the private endowment funds of the schools. That is up to the schools. As long as it isn't tax payer money it's their money to spend as they (schools) see fit.
  2. Thank you for replying. The reason I asked is that one of my dd's possible long term plans is to teach modern languages at the university level. This fellow's article is pretty discouraging for that possibility.
  3. I just baked a Pineapple Upside Down Cake using your recipe and it is delicious. Thanks
  4. Two inches down to 1/2 inch!! Molly, that is such good news! I will pray for those areas of interests to be scar tissue only and for the tumor to continue to shrink until it's all gone. Continuing to pray for you.
  5. Don't open it, just return it to the PO and it can be shipped back to them without more postage.
  6. I think a green on the dining room walls rather than blue with a yellow in the kitchen would work better with your stripey valance and country dishes. But then I have a thing about blue on the walls. It always seems cold to me.
  7. That is so exciting! Praying everything works out for you to adopt this baby girl.
  8. Regent Seven Seas Navigator is very nice. http://www.rssc.com/ships/seven_seas_navigator/
  9. It's nice to get the validation. Congratulations to you and your ds.
  10. Thank you. I love Pineapple Upside Down Cake. Once I lose the 15 lbs I'll probably gain over the holidays I give this recipe a try.
  11. Praying for her. I've never heard of anyone having it twice. Did she recently have a flu shot?
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