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Jean too

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Everything posted by Jean too

  1. Iron Dragon Ticket to Ride Amazing Labyrinth Cranium Bohnanza Dutch Blitz I'm not sure if we'll be adding to our game cabinet this year or not.
  2. I think you have found a woolly worm. If he is solid black he is predicting a cold winter for your area. You can google woolly worm for more info.
  3. No, I voted early and was only required to sign my name. I've never been asked for ID to vote. The poll worker just asks for my name and address.
  4. I think I may have this. The gland on the left side of my neck has been swollen and very tender. At first the pain and tenderness was up under my jaw on that side. Gradually the pain and tenderness became more localized to the swollen gland. My throat hasn't hurt, though my left ear has hurt off and on. I haven't had any fever and have felt like I was fighting a nasty cold with out the conjestion etc.. of a cold. I've had these symptoms since Mon. Today, the swelling and tenderness are minimal, but I still feel like I'm fighting a cold, head achy and a little puny. I'll take this over a nasty head cold anyday though.
  5. I think Donna young has one. Covenant College used to have a template on their website too. I don't know if they still do or not.
  6. Baking soda paste works great. If you need something stronger to cut grease orange oil is good.
  7. I believe it is a transcript of the part on the you tube. I was not aware of the longer version. I can not find a transcript for the longer interview.
  8. Here is the transcript: http://article.nationalreview.com/?q=YmFhYzIzMGQ1Y2FlMTA4N2M1N2VmZWUzM2Y4ZmNmYmI
  9. Mr. Berg is asking for the following: 1.a certified copy of Obama’s “vault†(original long version) Birth Certificate; 2.a certified copy of Obama’s Certificate of Citizenship; and 3.a certified copy of the Oath of Allegiance taken by Obama taken at the age of majority. Medical records are not required to run for president, proof of citizenship is.
  10. OK, so there's nothing to the case. Now, if only Mr. Obama will come forth with the documents we can put this all behind us.
  11. As I said, it was my understanding of Mr. Berg's case against Obama, that Obama had held a duel citizenship. I think I was wrong, he claims that Obama didn't have duel citizenship, but had had to renounce his citizenship when in Indonesia. I'm not interested in fighting for the man's case one way or the other. I have no idea if any of his charges against Obama are true or not. If there is nothing to his case, release the necessary papers already, and move on. More on this topic : http://texasdarlin.wordpress.com/2008/07/25/divided-loyalties-pt-1/ http://texasdarlin.wordpress.com/2008/07/25/divided-loyalties-pt-2/
  12. Here's the you tube of the fellow that brought the lawsuit explaining his case against Obama. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=6Glyla5R7B8&feature=iv&annotation_id=event_615367
  13. And unlike Obama, he has been forthcoming with his documentation. Yes, he is a "natural born US citizen" eligible to be President of the USA.
  14. If there is nothing to hide, why hasn't he been forthcoming with the birth certificate or his school records? The basis for this case are not just about his birth certificate. My understanding is, that the case is also calling into question whether or not he ever had a duel citizenship. If he was ever a citizen of Indonesia, or any other country, he isn't eligible to be the President of the US. The birth certificate that is on his website could easily have been photoshopped. Why is the certificate number blacked out?
  15. John McCain does support homeschooling. http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=93004032 McCain: He supports school vouchers, home schooling, charter schools and any program that allows parents to chose the school their child will attend. Obama:Obama also wants to give parents more options when they pick a school for their children, but he would limit those choices to public charter schools. He does not support vouchers for children to attend private and parochial schools. He is the first presidential candidate ever to propose accrediting all schools of education that train teachers.
  16. May I ask what % of your income is taken for taxes? Never mind. I see that was addressed. No thanks to universal coverage at that tax rate. Outrageous!
  17. My local library has a copy. Can your library get it for you through interlibrary loan?
  18. Interesting article on why it's playing so well with the left. http://www.americanthinker.com/2008/10/why_obamas_communist_connectio.html
  19. Here it is on you tube along with a clip of Biden on the Tonight Show discussing Joe the Plumber. It sounded pretty snarky and petty to me as did Biden's bit on the Tonight Show. http://de.youtube.com/watch?v=mSHqxosjyLY http://de.youtube.com/watch?v=_u8vyZQwrnw&feature=related
  20. Not your daddy's bluegrass New Nashville Cats http://de.youtube.com/watch?v=uVbGTdv4jgU Ricky Skaggs http://de.youtube.com/watch?v=7QZ0eZ196SM Dan Tyminski http://de.youtube.com/watch?v=HJXtlpvaLlU&feature=related
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