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Everything posted by Dana

  1. The anaphylactic reaction is more likely the nuts, although soy is one of the 8.
  2. :grouphug: It's very scary. That's a reaction I would have given an Epi for. http://www.foodallergy.org/ FARE has good information. Food Allergies for Dummies is also one of the better books when I started reading lots about allergies. You can definitely get a referral to a dietician, but the one we were referred to by our pediatrician was useless. YMMV.
  3. With food allergies, it's just another opportunity for my son to be excluded. I'm so sick of the constant snacks.
  4. Yup. Dh is currently the only one in the house with painted nails. One foot blue nails, one red. I like them.
  5. That's good to know. I don't think I've read much since Going Postal. He seemed bleaker to me in recent books. Maybe some of that is what I've read from his interviews too though. I do have two signed Pratchett books...British editions :) We used to order from amazon uk when the US release was still a good bit behind. That was cool!
  6. I've used these guys for the ITBS. http://www.triangleeducationassessments.com/main/
  7. But it isn't just as easy. You've got to go shopping for those clothes. I'd almost rather have teeth pulled. I don't want my son to think that looking his best is important. I want him to focus on DOING his best. Yes. People judge on appearances. That's why we have different clothes for work outside of the house. But unless we're up in front of people, I'm going for comfort. I do bow to societal pressure and wear a bra when I'm out of the house, but I think it's silly. Dh never complains about how I look :D
  8. I love them in order. Guards, guards is probably one of my favorites. I also like Granny Weatherwax. She appears in the Tiffany Aching books, so that's also a good introduction to her. Moving Pictures is also great. I haven't liked his later books though. Haven't even read the last couple.
  9. Are there lectures (recordings) you can buy for sessions you can't attend?
  10. When I worked full time, I commuted 45 min one way to work. It wore me out. The drive helped me leave work at work, but if I had an evening class, I was away from home for 12 hours since it didn't make sense to go home. I'd imagine it depends on what part of the country you live in as to average commute. Mine was definitely long for here. If he goes in to work 5 days, you've just lost 10 hours a week of time with him...and so have your kids.
  11. Just finished Skin Game. It's great! Also may enjoy checking out Omens by Kelley Armstrong. Start of a new series.
  12. I've been enjoying the Jack Reacher series some. I've also been rereading some of the Spencer books by Robert Parker. What genres do you like?
  13. Missouri Synod is very conservative. They don't ordain women. Both my folks are ELCA ministers.
  14. And eventually the Hashimotos will be too. But how was it when you first learned about Celiac? I'd expect it to take at least as long to adjust.
  15. :grouphug: Ds has severe food allergies. You do find a new normal but never go back to how it was before. I find the comparisons do help me...but generally only when it's me pointing them out to myself. It is hard. Have you given yourself some time to sulk, grump, and throw a tantrum? Sometimes that can help too (although I don't have nearly the energy to slam my feet in the bed in a serious tantrum anymore,..that's exhausting!) ;)
  16. I've got access and hasn't done $99 yet. You can also download the songs to your device, apparently. :)
  17. Thanks for the audio link!!! Ds is excited about the books. He wanted to read the Inferno and if that's all he does, that's fine with me, but I did want him to have access to the whole book. The Mandelbaum also is in one volume. Both look neat :)
  18. Good commentary from gun owner. http://gawker.com/its-really-hard-to-be-a-good-guy-with-a-gun-1588660306?utm_source=recirculation&utm_medium=recirculation&utm_campaign=tuesdayPM
  19. When I grade student tests, I tell them they won't get credit for just the right answer... they have to show the work. They don't have to use my method, but they do have to have the work written out clearly enough that someone else in the class who got the question wrong would be able to understand why the answer was correct just from the written work. Part of writing math correctly is the explanation. We have formalized and standardized certain procedures. If you're using something different, you need to write (in words) more explanation of how you arrived at your answer. I would mark an English paper written in text speak wrong. Same for math where there are just meandering numbers and not a clear flow of logic. Boy and I went some rounds on this for a while, but I kept showing him student work and he's come around.
  20. Agree. They were great for visualizing bar diagrams. I also found a set of base 10 blocks to be invaluable. We used them to show long division in particular. Also did some with different color blocks for negatives and positives.
  21. Yes. I'd say the absolute minimum is text, WB, and HiG. I disagree about Extra Practice. I didn't think it had enough practice. I used some Spectrum books instead and then started getting the tests and just using some of those pages for extra practice. We also used CWP, IP, and iExcel.
  22. Sounds like you need to change your title! So glad you survived the accident!! Glad you're able to post again. And kittens are wonderful. But avoid the catnip. :)
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