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Everything posted by Dana

  1. Celebrated our 20 year anniversary yesterday.
  2. I'd expect we'd just have more grad students from other countries instead of from the US. I see that as an issue with how poorly prepared many teachers are at the K12 level...especially in math. It's been that way for years, unfortunately. Common core isn't going to make a change in that.
  3. Thanks for the update. Hopes for speedy healing!
  4. I should put mine back. We are just about to start 7th grade. Eep! It does go fast!
  5. The three pigs by David Wiesner. http://www.amazon.com/The-Three-Pigs-David-Wiesner/dp/0618007016/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1401231842&sr=8-1&keywords=Three+pigs Any of his books. Bear Snores On Sometimes I Like to Curl Up in a Ball
  6. http://www.interactmath.com/ Here's a link where you can check out the material. I teach with MML and really like it. Students who use the online resources do much better. That said, I am not sure you can get a teacher access code to get access to MML and you do need to do a good bit of set up for the MML courses. The link gives you problem sets but doesn't store any work. The full MML has the text online, videos for the course (typically), and sometimes other material like practice tests. Happy to answer other questions about MML...toss me a PM if I don't see the post.
  7. My folks are ministers. Years ago I asked them if they'd ever had an interruption during a ceremony and they both said that our ceremony doesn't have that line.
  8. And I didn't claim that severe restrictions on guns prevent all killings ever. I lived in that neighborhood for 4 years. If he'd been running around IV with a knife, not as many people would have died. Yes, he'd have still likely killed his roommates, but the people walking around wouldn't have been shot. Twenty years ago this weekend, I left our apartment in Santa Barbara (on Del Playa) to get married in Monterey. Two weeks later, I graduated. Two weeks later, I moved across country to start grad school. It's really hard not to think of the people who were killed and out myself in their shoes or now the shoes of the parents who lost children. Dh and I said before info was out on the shooter that we expected he attended SBCC. It's only people with more money than sense who pay the exorbitant prices for rent in IV to have a kid attend a cc. It's phenomenally stupid. From the shooter's writings, "My first act of preparation was the purchase my first handgun. I did this quickly and hastily, at a local gun shop called Goleta Gun and Supply. I had already done some research on handguns, and I decided to purchase the Glock 34 semiautomatic pistol, an efficient and highly accurate weapon. I signed all of the papers and was told that my pickup day was in mid-December. After I picked up the handgun, I brought it back to my room and felt a new sense of power. I was now armed. Who’s the alpha male now, bitches." From url=http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-isla-vista-document-20140524-story.html#page=2 "A new sense of power" from the gun. And yet we will continue to do nothing about guns.
  9. I've used CVS and it's been fine for my needs.
  10. The only way shootings like this will stop is if we stop having guns so readily available. But we did nothing after Sandy Hook and nothing will be done now. UCSB alumni here. This hurts.
  11. :D Yeah...ds 11 told me he wants to read Stephen King's current book. Then he said he enjoyed watching me sputter. I'm going to preread it and see if I'm willing to let him read it if he chooses. I would let him read JP now.
  12. That makes me think of Diary of a Wombat. http://www.amazon.com/Diary-Wombat-Jackie-French/dp/054707669X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1400984702&sr=8-1&keywords=Diary+of+a+wombat
  13. I think this makes my son want to head over there. I like the demon koala :)
  14. Good for you! And thanks for the update. Glad things are going better!
  15. Dh gets cranky when I ask him "do you want to..." :) I keep working on making the change to "would you.." It's tough to change habits!
  16. PM sent. And anyone who wants to send a knit or crochet square, you've still got about a week to get squares done... Send me a PM and I'll send you my info.
  17. Our first few lasted 3-4 years, to the best of my memory. They definitely last a lot longer than incandescent. We've only had one break in the house. I do feel for people who have issues with the fluorescence, but I like the CFLs much better than incandescent. We haven't gotten any LEDs yet, but that'll be next.
  18. My sister played with the mercury from a broken thermometer when she was a child :) The LED bulbs are starting to come down in price.
  19. I'm collecting crochet and knit squares. Let me know if you want my address....
  20. Thanks! I have ds wear one but I hope it's never needed.
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