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Everything posted by Dana

  1. There are a number of reasons. You are NEVER going to find all the people who want to do harm to themselves or others. It's impossible. Passing legislation is NOT the only thing that should be done... but it definitely should be a part of what's done.
  2. And I'll even agree with that. But the irresponsible ones put us at risk. And I was countering the argument that that data point shouldn't count as a real school shooting. If we're counting what's a real shooting and what isn't, we're seriously messed up. <deleted> We need gun control.
  3. And it's yet another illustration of an irresponsible gun owner.
  4. And vote for gun controls and let politicians know you do.
  5. Merry Andrew is also fun. Although it's tougher to get hold of. Watched Court Jester with ds a couple weeks ago :)
  6. We go to bed together about midnight or 1. He gets up at 7 for work. I sleep in later but try to get up about 8. Weekends I'm up between 9 and 10 typically and he's up about 11 ish. When I worked FT and had to be in the car at 7 am, I had to go to bed about 10 or 10:30 to get up at 6:30. He didn't have to be at work until 9, so he'd get up about 8:30. So he stayed up alone until about midnight-ish.
  7. Thanks much for the link to the thread. I've made notes from it and am giving up on the decision and getting both Mandelbaum and Ciardi. Boy can pick his preference, I'll read the other, and we'll discuss differences :)
  8. It's just crazy to hear about the changes there. My father grew up in some of the current boom areas and my grandparents lived there when I was young.
  9. Oh you dratted enabler!! I was about to stop with two courses, but with the coupon code I got three... Chaucer, Dante, and Math & Music.
  10. Love the smile! Thanks for sharing :)
  11. Talent searches have significantly higher out of level tests. They also have some additional resources ... Sometimes courses that are too expensive, but also information. Check NUMATS, duke TiP, Johns Hopkins CTY. Ds participates in all 3. NUMATS gives the best score info for the tests IMO.
  12. British sitcom... as Time Goes By Every time I watch it, I feel better. Judi Dench and Geoffrey Palmer. Just great fun to watch. I even listen to the theme song every time.
  13. I can for very short periods of time...and I'm okay for a bit with sunscreen, but if I'm without sunscreen and in short sleeves, talking to a neighbor for 10 min outside, and I'm rashy. Do check regularly with a dermatologist. I've had 6-7 moles that have been removed that are atypical. Dark moles on palms or soles of feet should be removed.
  14. I'm not diagnosed, but if I'm in the sun, I often get itchy bumps and a mild rash. Sunscreen usually helps, but I also cover as much skin as I can. I never get a tolerance at this point...too much early skin damage from sunburns.
  15. I was just coming to post this. They're pretty nifty. Ds learned to read through Calvin and Hobbes, so he adored this.
  16. I update my sig after going a while without one. We have started 7th grade (last week). I'm just amazed at how the time has flown.
  17. And I still wasn't academically challenged at the original school. It was only at the magnet school that I got some challenge. Honestly, some type of school at home where I could move at my own pace may have been a solution (K12 or something along those lines). But definitely check the IAS for additional info. My folks expected to move after they finished school, so they thought I could stay back when we moved and it wouldn't be a big deal....except we didn't move until after I finally switched schools and repeated 7th, but that's another trauma :) If you want, you can PM me with specific questions if it helps. But again, I'm just one data point and the research goes the other way.
  18. Each text has a Student Study Guide and a Teaching Guide. I liked some of the Teaching Guides because some have additional book recommendations, teaching resources, and websites. I would recommend buying just one TG and SG at a time and seeing if you use them. Personally, I'd get the TG as I went and skip the SG.
  19. Amazon has had the whole series that you can buy as a set in the past. The World in Ancient Times: The Early Human World The Ancient Near Eastern World The Ancient Egyptian World The Ancient South Asian World The Ancient Chinese World The Ancient Greek World The Ancient Roman World The Ancient American World The World in Ancient Times: Primary Sources and Reference Volume The Medieval and Early Modern World The European World, 400-1450 The African and Middle Eastern World, 600-1500 The Asian World, 600-1500 An Age of Empires, 1200-1750 An Age of Voyages, 1350-1600 An Age of Science and Revolutions, 1600-1800 The Medieval and Early Modern World: Primary Sources & Reference Volume
  20. Actually, depending on translation, the Bible changes a good bit. I get so annoyed with (in general... not meant as an attack - just using the post to bounce off of) people who seem to think that the English translation of the Bible - and their particular translation - is inerrant. My folks are both ministers. They went through 4 years of seminary to get their MDiv. They had to take Greek to be able to read the New Testament. Hebrew was optional for the Old Testament. Mom has a study Bible that has four translations side by side. It is incredibly limiting - and IMO ignorant - to think that one translation is divinely inspired and inerrant. Some of these discussions are ones I remember having with my mother when I was 5 or 6 and she was going through Seminary.... "How is no beginning & no end possible?" We had some discussions of language etymology. One thing I really liked was her comment that any language we use necessarily limits God and that God is limitless. The people who say there is one way to salvation or one way to interpret the Bible just wear me out. The set up of the Bible as in opposition to science just is so absurd. It makes God into a trickster and a deceiver. I think so many people who are so clear that their way is the only right way really need to reread what Jesus said about Pharisees. I'm just exhausted by this.
  21. Ds took it in Jan and had his meds (Epi-pens, Orapred, and Benadryl). He also had a cell phone to contact us in case of emergency. It was fine - phone was on silent and he didn't need it or his meds.
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