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Everything posted by Dana

  1. I had a small worm in a Halloween snickers bar. Unfortunately it was after I'd eaten one without looking closely at it. I haven't had snickers since. Dh found a roach in food on his plate at a Chinese buffet. He won't eat at any buffet after that. Thankfully I wasn't there. The funny thing is that it was my fathers favorite restaurant at the time.
  2. Years ago one issue was that students wouldn't have their texts when in class. So some teachers would have classroom sets. I think this has just continued from that. We expect less and less from students.
  3. FYI, I wouldn't say JCS or Pippin are appropriate for younger kids. The 39 lashes and crucifixion in JCS are tough. I used to skip side 4 or the LP because of it. Pippin is great, but the end goal of the players is suicide...and the orgy scene is a bit much for young kids IMO (everyone is clothed but you may want to avoid questions). Damn Yankees Bye bye birdie Hans Christian Andersen White Christmas Court Jester (great!) Merry Andrew Blast (drum corps...my son loved it at young age and would drum along on the coffee table!) Joseph and the amazing technicolor dreamcoat
  4. It's definitely not a need, but I like mine! I ended with a coil machine from mybinding.com If you print a lot of materials, it may be worth it.
  5. I was lucky and got to see him perform it when I was in college. It was amazing.
  6. Buzzfeed photos...some new characters/ actors, so if potential spoilers are an issue, you may not want to look... But pix! http://www.buzzfeed.com/danmartin/the-30-pictures-from-sherlock-youve-been-waiting-nearly-two
  7. I don't think there's anything quite like Calvin. Ds has really enjoyed Foxtrot after finishing Calvin. He didn't get into Far Side too much. I'll also agree with Cul-de-sac. Also check out Frazz.
  8. I've just double checked that I didn't use chili powder as a topping for muffins :) To OP, there, there. It'll be okay. And if it isn't, you'll at least have a story! :grouphug:
  9. It's the bedroom scene with Hamlet and Gertrude. My recollection is that he's on top of her, not just kissing. That's why I'd say not for an 8 yo.
  10. Your emotions will stay all over the place for a while. That's okay. It does get easier, although I've found it's still always there and comes back painfully some times. Last week I attended the memorial service for the father of a childhood friend. My friend died of cancer at 32, leaving behind a 6 yo daughter. Last week was also the 9 year anniversary of her death. I was a wreck. Give yourself room to grieve and grace as you do. Feel free to PM me if you want to just vent and rage. I do think you're going to be fine just sharing some memories. The idea of a photo if you have one you particularly like is good as well. Being there over time will probably be the most helpful. Again, :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  11. :grouphug: A card with some written memories? So sorry for your loss.
  12. Yup. Had they been around when I started teaching, they'd have made things a lot easier. It also helps to hear about other schools. The reminder that our students aren't necessarily like us is helpful as well. I do recommend lurking for a while before posting though!
  13. Hope you have a great day! :)
  14. I'd argue that it isn't too early for wine. Hang tough! Some days are just like that.
  15. Correct. I hate PEMDAS though because I have students regularly do multiplication first because of that mnemonic. As long as you don't propagate the error that multiplication is before division, you're fine with me :)
  16. Do be careful though that you note that division and multiplication are equal....so if you see division before multiplication, you'd do division first.
  17. Ran 2.4 miles tonight. Feels good!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. nmoira


      Wishing you a good night's sleep. :)

    3. swimmermom3


      Good for you! Thanks for the inspiration.

    4. Dana


      Ankle is a bit sore today. Probably need new shoes, but I did sleep well! Couch to 5k is a good program

  18. I'd think if they saw the first Thor and Avengers, they could handle Thor 2. Some deaths, so if that's a sensitive issue, avoid. If we were closer to when my son's grandmother died, I think it would have been rough for him. Also, the dark elves have subtitles, so you'd definitely want kids to be able to read on their own. I don't think I'd take under 8yo. YMMV.
  19. Christmas card is enough IMO. When my son was about 3, an aunt would send him a card addressed to him. Sometimes there'd be stickers for him. He enjoyed that.
  20. My son has moved from Singapore 5 directly to algebra and he's doing fine. He's taking my course at the cc and is keeping up with the pace. It's basic, so nowhere as deep as AoPS, but it's a fast pace. I'd say moving to AoPS prealgebra text should be no trouble.
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