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Everything posted by Dana

  1. :grouphug: I understand. Allow yourself to grieve. It's hard. It will get easier with time.
  2. If you're looking for dairy substitutes, Earth Balance is excellent for margarine. I haven't found anything good for cheese :P
  3. I forgot to put Hunger Games on hold for ds. Thanks!! As a couple of FYIs... I adore Anne McCaffrey as well, but DragonsFlight basically has a rape scene when Lessa's dragon flies. DragonSong and DragonSinger are safe. Ender's Game is wonderful, but Orson Scott Card has some political beliefs and has served on boards and directed his money to some causes that I absolutely strongly disagree with, so I'd only buy his books used at this point. Speaker for the Dead has the torture and vivisection of the piggies, so I steered my son away from it after he'd read Ender's.
  4. I haven't gone looking for the actual blog, but it may be worth doing. I remember days like that!
  5. http://themetapicture.com/why-my-kid-is-crying/
  6. I think Northwestern gives the best stats. You can also test earlier with them. Ds took the SAT as a 6th grader this year. Still waiting for printed score results but had the results through NUMATS and percentages a week ago.
  7. Standards does do negative numbers in 5B. I think divisibility rules were done with prime factorization - maybe 5A?
  8. My son moved from SM 5 to a basic alegbra course with me (cc level) and we're doing AoPS algebra now in 6th. He's forgotten most of what we did in the algebra course anyway :( I think if you've been doing IP and CWP you could try skipping to Algebra. I would agree with a lot of prior practice with arithmetic with negative numbers before algebra with AoPS.
  9. I had it in college when I was grinding my teeth regularly at night. Dentist made a nightguard and that helped significantly. Have her watch when she's clenching her jaw (I did in the day a lot when I was focusing).
  10. Yup. For violin, I'm sure you could find a good teacher in the area. USC has the strings project which is too far, but they could probably recommend some good instructors in the area...
  11. Earthquake? In SC? Strange....

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dana


      Update is 4.4 on the SC GA border. I've been in CA quakes. This is my first in the south!

    3. quark


      Hope everything's okay. We were quite rattled by a 5.4 here a few years ago. Took a few days to get over it. Our first one! :)

    4. Dana


      All is fine here.

      And I've been on some tours of the houses in charleston showing after the huge quake there. If we had anything that large here again, there'd be a lot more devastation!

  12. Your load sounds full time to me! At the high schools, I know teachers are in front of students a lot more than the hours you mention (much more when I did my student teaching). As an adjunct, I'm teaching 6 credits and am in front of students for 6 hours a week. Full timers teach 18 credits (18 hours in front of students) and have service and advising obligations. At the prior college I taught FT at, full time was 15 hours.
  13. I checked all posts on their forum when I started the text last year and it wasn't. The yahoo group still exists and MCT still posts when there are questions, but I think RFWPs choice not to keep a list of errata on their site for users is incredibly stupid.
  14. Here comes the snow and ice.

    1. quark


      Stay warm and safe!

  15. You're wonderful! My nephew wears hello kitty everywhere and loves pink. His parents let him make that choice.
  16. A lot of people do the supplemental books in different ways. My son has always done IP, CWP, and the workbook on his own. Typically we'd do the text orally. IP isn't tied to standards, but it matches up pretty well.
  17. IP is typically at a significantly higher level than the workbook. It has some basic arithmetic, but it also has word problems.
  18. I don't see how that is logic...but sounds like you may be looking for just a spectrum workbook.
  19. Or very few people do :) We used Standards. Text, WB, IP, CWP, iExcel, sometimes tests, sometimes extra practice. I also got the HiG...despite having a masters in math and teaching at the cc for years, I like some of the additional suggestions and explanations. I also used Miquon in 1 st and 2nd grades. The extra practice book didn't give enough extra practice. That's when I moved to the tests and just used pages from it when ds needed extra work. I also sometimes used spectrum workbooks for extra drill. If I could only use one extra, it would be IP. With two, IP and CWP. I think Singapore did an excellent job of giving ds a solid foundation. I also see many many students who are weak from not really mastering arithmetic, so I made sure we put in enough time that ds was very solid on his basics.
  20. How did you decide to use WWW? We're still finishing up CE 2...
  21. He speaks at some conventions. If you can hear him, he's excellent!
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