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Everything posted by AnnE-girl

  1. Praying for your daughter, family, and you!
  2. We prepared for First Communion as part of our religion class in my Catholic grade school in the 80s. It's more of a family activitiy to work through the book at home separate from religious education classes at our current parish. (We don't have a parish school.) Nothing was checked to be sure we were doing it though.
  3. I think it depends on the church. Some are very strict about Mass attendance, but I'm not sure if the bishop would really allow them to exclude the child if the parents raised a fuss.
  4. I would have been divorced in less than a year if I had stayed on BCP. I had horrible mood swings and had zero interest in brewing tEa with my brand new DH. NFP, while challenging, has been much better. I realize that it doesn't work for everyone, but it has for us.
  5. I did once. When we were newlyweds and my in-laws were coming to stay with us for a weekend, I ironed the top sheet and pillowcases of the guest bed. I've since given up trying so hard. Generally DH irons his own shirts, but I used to iron them when I had younger kids who napped well and I wasn't homeschooling. We iron other clothes as needed. It's not a huge deal to me.
  6. I now have Amazon ads for very thorough "no soliciting" signs showing up on my Facebook thanks to the thread about door-to-door evangelizers.
  7. We got married a week after DH graduated from law school. We were engaged for just over a year, and didn't want to wait until after he took the bar to get married. He studied on our honeymoon. One of his coworkers graduated from law school in the morning and got married later in the afternoon. (Different law school and a few years before DH). I liked May because it was definitely spring and flowers were blooming, but little risk of getting a hot summer day.
  8. I've been polite to the enthusiastic young LDS missionaries who came to our door one summer. I was more annoyed with the JW who interrupted Christmas dinner at my grandma's several years ago. The Chick tracts that were left on the windshields of half the cars in our Catholic church's parking lot during Mass were downright offensive. Explaining to my new reader that he couldn't read the "comic" that someone had left on our van just added to my frustration.
  9. When my cat meows a greeting to me when I enter the room. The little happy giggle my toddler does when he finally gets to nurse before bed after waiting for me to tuck in his older siblings. My first sip of coffe each morning. I'm definitely addicted, but I think there are far worse things I could do.
  10. I think you'd have to explain the meaning behind the name every time. It would be cool to live close to a particle accelerator. There's also the neighborhood with all the horse racing and fox hunting names in the area. Those just sound pretentious though.
  11. And I'm about to start PMS-ing while we are getting ready for dd's First Communion. It's completely trivial, but I'm going to be all bloated for all the pictures. And I'm making bad food choices and not exercising enough.
  12. Oldest DS carried in my pocket planner that I keep in my purse and gave to toddler DS to hold to distract him in the car. Oldest has no idea where he set it down when we got home, and doesn't think it's fair that I'm asking him to help look for it.
  13. I think our noise ordinance allows construction and yard noise starting at 7:00am on weekdays. I know I've seen landscaping crews out that early in the summer.
  14. This is very timely. I'm debating doing something about Dd's unibrow before her First Communion next week. I don't want to be the one to give her the message that there's anything wrong with her natural appearance, but I don't want her to look back at the pictures and be mad we didn't do something sooner. DH has one of those little grooming tools for his eyebrow, although he doesn't always keep up with it.
  15. Ha! I watched that a few months ago when DH took all the kids out for a few hours and I had the house to myself. It actually made me a little sad. I love Colin Firth and he just looks kind of old in it. Or maybe more inappropriately old for the situation. The first one is still a great guilty pleasure movie.
  16. LOL. When my oldest was little, he had beautiful blond curls to go with his blue eyes and long eyelashes (My formerly ridiculously long lashes disappeared after I had him; I think he stole them :-) ). I had a woman from church tell me he was too pretty to be a boy. Ok? I just don't get it. Thanks for letting me vent about this. It just annoys me that so many people feel it's their place to criticize a baby's appearance.
  17. Kind of a vent. We saw DH's family this weekend, who we only see a few times a year. All four of his siblings and his parents made comments about my youngest ds needing a haircut. He's 17 months and it's just past his collar. I'm not sure why it bothers them all so much. He's a baby, and he's adorable. Seriously. And we had a long, busy weekend, and I didn't get any exercise so I'm extra crabby.
  18. DH is an attorney, and it's happened more than once that my mom assumes I know about some family issue (nothing major, just grandparent estate planning, etc) because she's talked to him about it. He's very careful about client confidentiality even when it's my family members, unless they expressly tell him to share it with me. It can be a little weird, but I understand it. If it's a friend issue, we generally share stuff like that because we talk to each other a lot. It's not gossipy, but more that if a friend is having a hard time I'd ask DH to pray for them and he would do the same. Sometimes a friend's situation might be the starting point for a discussion of how we would handle something if it came up for us. If a friend asked me not to tell DH something, I would respect that unless it amounted to lying to him.
  19. I skated my first "couples only" skate with Billy, my first boyfriend (we went out for ice cream once), to Take My Breath Away in fourth grade. That is a great soundtrack. I need to add more fun music to my phone.
  20. I'm so glad your priest is being supportive and understanding. You are incredibly strong. Praying for your family.
  21. Why do my kids always get sick when we are getting ready to travel? It's only four hours away, but I really hate playing the "will another kid suddenly start puking while we are on the interstate?" game. And I'm tired of the drinking culture in DH's family.
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