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Everything posted by AnnE-girl

  1. #newlyweds #ournamessquishedtogether #luckiestgirlintheworld Every single overly posed "candid" selfie of everything this girl from high school and her husband do and post on Facebook. She's also an actress, so I think part of all the hashtags is building her brand for any followers. That just annoys me more. Also "squad goals" and "relationship goals." Just no.
  2. There's also a good chance that you haven't even hit the sell-by date on the hot dog. I know it's not quite the same as being in an unopened package until the date, but it's probably fine.
  3. And there are some legal protections for spouses who step back from careers to enable their spouse's career should the marriage end. A cohabitating couple wouldn't have that.
  4. I think it depends on the variety. There seem to be more dry rosés with the new popularity of them. I'll admit to be sort of snobby about it. I associate sweet varieties with those who want to drink wine because it's cool, but don't actually like real wine. Like the boxed white zin I drank in college. My palate has refined a bit since then. (I'm hoping my self-deprecating tone comes across there. I don't mean to sound completely snotty.) My mom brought over a really nice dry sparkling rosé when she came to visit last month, and that converted me a bit.
  5. I thought about asking this on the thread about transitioning back to natural color after covering gray for years, but I didn't want to sidetrack it. I'm suddenly getting more gray hair and I don't like it. I'm only 36. I thought I'd have a few more years. It's not terrible, but the flash of silver in my otherwise chestnut brown hair is disconcerting. I've only ever done a semi-permanent home hair dye a couple of times in my late teens. I think if I do something, I should go to a professional and have some highlights/lowlights too. I'm just worried that once I start coloring my hair, I'll be stuck in a cycle of having to keep up with it. I'm fairly low maintenance, so I don't really even know what I'm doing. So give it to me straight--does anyone regret starting coloring your hair? Or, if you don't, how do I find a good place to start?
  6. I used to watch The Young and the Restless and The Bold and the Beautiful with my grandma when I was a kid. When she had luncheons to go to, causing her to miss them, my grandpa would watch for her and take notes. I thought that was sweet. My mom watched Another World for a while, but wasn't quite as dedicated. I watched off and on when I could through high school and college. I went back to watching soaps when I was first home when my oldest was a baby. It was the same characters and storylines. Eventually I got too busy and lost interest.
  7. We do something fun that we can enjoy without the crowds of kids that are now back in school. Sometimes it's going to the library because we are nerdy homeschoolers ;-). I think that was last year because it was a stormy day and our outdoor plans didn't last long. Part of it is that my kids do have friends at the public school, so it's something fun they can do when they might feel a little bad about not being together with their other friends. I like having some sort of ritual to mark the time too.
  8. One of DH's coworkers has an entire bedroom as his closet. He's 6'4" so all of his clothes are bigger to begin with, and he dresses very well. His wife has lovingly complained of his clothes horse tendencies, but he doesn't seem high maintenance overall. If I had the budget and I was sure I was finished having my body change with any additional babies, I'd love to have a closet full of beautiful clothes. Target and Old Navy clearance are good enough for now.
  9. Praying for your husband and family. As difficult as it is now, just remember that it is far better than putting himself at risk for legal repercussions. I'm sorry his client has put him in such a terrible position.
  10. I've read most of the Richard Jury mysteries, and was excited when I found an older one that I had missed before. Except I got through the whole book and I don't think the timeline makes sense for the original crime's motive. Has anyone read Lamorna Wink recently enough to clarify if I'm just missing something? I'm also disappointed because some aspects got really dark and more disturbing than what I remember of her other books. And if anyone else wants to vent about books that are disappointing, vent away here.
  11. Law students are expected to take out loans for living expenses in addition to tuition, etc. Even part time jobs are generally discouraged for full time law students. At least they were when DH was in school. That said, aside from buying my engagement ring with his tax refund, he lived very frugally during law school.
  12. I'm more apt to blame the boy if there's any sort of scheming going on, honestly. Maybe the mom knows her own son too well to trust him with his gf in the house overnight. And I'd really be questioning the relationship if the boy expects the girl to do more of the driving to him, even if she is the one who lives farther from the fun places they go. I hope he's putting in at least as much effort and miles to see her as she is to see him. That said, DH got snowed in at his hs gf's house at 16 or 17 and slept on the couch knowing that's what his parents would expect. Gf's mother later told them that it was perfectly fine for him to share the girl's bedroom whenever he stayed over. I still wonder if my mil knows about that.
  13. Thanks for posting that. Such a cruel, stupid thing for two supposedly intelligent people to do.
  14. I'm not there yet, but both my parents and DH's parents expected unmarried young adult children to sleep separately in their homes when visiting. We respected their rules. My in-laws did bend the rule for one daughter who lived with her husband before marriage. The rest of the siblings are a little bitter about that. Neither of us lived with our parents full time after starting college, so that makes the situation a bit different. I think an adult child enjoying the comforts and cost savings of living at home during college should understand that they can't carry on their relationships the same way they might living in a dorm.
  15. Someone just posted this on Facebook http://abc7chicago.com/news/couple-rescued-from-portage-house-blaze-caused-by-wayward-firework/2151435/ Fireworks are legal in Indiana, but it doesn't stop them from accidentally setting a beloved neighbor's house on fire and killing their cat. Because fireworks are "fun."
  16. They are illegal here, aside from professional shows, yet we were up until 3am listening to the neighbors last year. We (cautiously) had fun with them as kids, but after a family member had a house fire start by someone else's bottle rocket, they just give me anxiety.
  17. I usually don't allow my kids to have library books at the table while we're eating so they don't get food on them and we don't get charged to replace them. Tonight both DH and I broke that rule. And of course tonight was the rare time I spilled, my condensation-covered glass of red sangria slipping out of my hand and spreading across the table, splashing both my book and DH's. At least the glass didn't break, but I'm pretty sure we're going to have to pay for the books. Our library is pretty strict about any stained pages. The wine smell probably won't help either. Grrr. So mad at myself. Edited to add: I realized I should probably add that I hadn't even taken a sip of wine yet when it happened.
  18. Continuing to pray for you and your family. I hope he is able to receive more of the care he needs soon.
  19. Did anyone else see SWB's Facebook post about her dream about traveling with Tom Hanks? I think she wins. :-)
  20. I had a dream that I was dating the assistant inspector from the show Lewis. I am happily married, and I don't really think the actor is that attractive. I don't remember having many dreams about fictional characters, or real people I don't actually know for that matter. The week before we were married, I dreamt that DH's ex fiancé broke into my room and tore my wedding veil like Bertha Rochester in Jane Eyre. That was weird.
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