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Everything posted by sleepy

  1. No. We go to regular check-ups from birth to about 3yo. After that, I only take them in if they're sick. (my oldest hasn't been to the dr. since she was 7 :leaving:)
  2. I find the idea repugnant, and unconstitutional.
  3. I love it! :lol::lol: I created a Latin verb for my dd14 (Megan) - mego, megare, megavi, megatus: to stall, to delay :tongue_smilie:
  4. A commune? :shudder: Perish the thought! I'm staying right here under my rock. :D
  5. Congratulations, and enjoy your little surprise! (I can't imagine the world without my little surprise :D)
  6. Wow, that's great! Congrats to both your boys! Maybe he could do some "practice interviews" on the phone with an extended family member or friend of the family, just to get him a little more comfortable with thinking on his feet and answering questions over the phone.
  7. :iagree: You did not receive the items you paid for. The seller either needs to rectify that or refund your money. Give her a reasonable amount of time, and then file a report with paypal if you have to.
  8. I know! Wahooooooo! I finished A Breath of Snow and Ashes three nights ago, and I miss Jamie.
  9. Yipes, LG! You sure do have a lot to deal with right now. :ack2: Positive thoughts streaming your way. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  10. :iagree: I can't think of any movie I've seen that really scared me.
  11. All three of those are required (high school level) reading in order to graduate from our home school.
  12. Donna. :grouphug: Your husband married you. Because he loves you. When he looks at you he sees so much more than your physical appearance. He sees the mother of his children, his wife, the woman he wakes up next to every morning because he chose to. Let me share a little insight into the mind of a married man with you. I am probably 15lbs overweight, my hair is going white, I have breastfed four children for a total of 6 years. :tongue_smilie: Last night my dh told me that in his eyes I am the s*xiest, and most attractive I have ever been. And he has known me since I was 14 years old. Don't be so hard on yourself. Your husband almost certainly doesn't see you the way you see yourself. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  13. Poor pony. I hope she forgives you. From the look on her face, it doesn't look like she will. :lol:
  14. Yeah, I made a double batch. :D But the only reason they lasted that long is because I was swatting kids away left and right. "No more muffins for you! Save some for dad!" :lol: (thanks for the recipe, dawn!)
  15. Now ya tell me! :lol: I made some and left the leftovers out on the counter (in a rubbermaid container) for two days. Ate the last one today, it tasted fine. :tongue_smilie:
  16. Definitely more grown up. Way, waaaaay more grown up. And with 6 books in the series (#7 is being released this September), they'll keep you busy for more than a few days. :D
  17. I did for about 5 minutes, but the Outlander series cleared that right up. :lol:
  18. Wheeeeeee! :D It's really happening! I am so excited for you!
  19. Loved the book and the HBO series. I think Paul Giamatti is amazing as John Adams. I never thought I would be able to stop thinking of him as "Pig Vomit" from the Howard Stern movie :lol: but he blew me away!
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