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Everything posted by sleepy

  1. Thanks for sharing the story behind your new name. It's good to "see" you again :-) I have a new name to go with the new boards as well (no epiphany here, LOL) I used to be "erinjd"
  2. Thanks for the link. Maybe this will help me finally get on track with FlyLady.
  3. Wow!! Congratulations! Sounds like you'll have plenty of helpful hands around when baby arrives :-)
  4. Congratulations!! Your dd is going to have sooo much fun!! My dds were 9 and 11 when our youngest was born. They are so good with her, and so helpful. Good luck on this exciting new chapter of your life...
  5. Can't believe it's Wednesday again already... http://bluehicktown.blogspot.com/
  6. Oh, yeah. I'd have to say that's one of the reasons I rarely post. I would hate for something to be taken the wrong way and make someone mad at me:eek: I tend to lean towards the sarcastic side, anyway. That doesn't always serve me well in real life, so I'm overly cautious here.
  7. I used to post as "erinjd" I homeschool my 3 oldest (13, 11, and 9) while chasing my youngest (2 yo). Math and Latin are on our "must do" list every day. I like to think of us as classical homeschoolers with unschooling tendencies.
  8. I like to post a calendar in the kitchen (so I'm sure to see it every day). I write each bill and the amt. due on its due date on the calendar. Having to face it every day makes it harder to put off.
  9. I don't use the watch it now feature much, but it saved my life when I had the flu last year. North and South Richard Armitage. Oh. My. Yummy. Goodness.
  10. Clyde says, "Oh please don't send me out west, I hear it's cold out there!" To be fair, though, I think we would have to trade 9 or 10 southern hounds for a couple of border collies. I think it would take that many hounds to equal the energy of 2 border collies!
  11. Looks like a fun school room to me. Ours "school room" is nothing but a tiny dining room table. (My eldest daughter and I are both Remudamom fans, we love your horsey blog.)
  12. how cute :) Wouldn't it be nice if everything were that easy? Why aren't you making dinner, Mom? I don't want to. Why won't you clean the bathroom, honey? I don't want to. Aaah, to be 3 again!
  13. My girls (11 & 13) use Henle and Cambridge. My son (9) uses Latin Prep 1
  14. There were several "Has anyone heard from CalicoKat?" posts on the old board. Rest up and feel better :)
  15. Looks great! I would definitely shop there:)
  16. Yup, we're getting snow in NE Georgia right now! Time to go out and take some pictures!
  17. 3 kids right now: dd13, dd11, ds9 2yo asks to "do school" sometimes
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