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Kristie in Florida

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Everything posted by Kristie in Florida

  1. I'm in a similar situation with my daughter. My husband is also concerned about his weight. I'm pregnant and just want the best for everybody. So since I'm the one who does all of the cooking, I am in the process of overhauling how we eat. Slowly. We also like to take walks as a family and my daughter is in ballet, so that helps. My daughter and I exercise together sometimes as well but there is only so much I can do pregnant right now. She loves the blogilates videos on YouTube and I can't do that type of pilates at the moment. So... switch up the food you all have, offer lots of healthy choices, and see about exercising as a family. That's what I gently suggest.
  2. We used it when my daughter was in 4th grade. I remember there being a lot of writing involved.
  3. Yup! There are currently boxes hidden in all the laundry I have to fold in my bedroom. I have a few more deliveries on their way and then I have to fold all that laundry and wrap presents.
  4. My third c-section is coming up in March. I'm thinking of you today and wondering how you are doing.
  5. We didn't use Apologia for Chemistry and Physics so I can comment on the experiemnts, but the topics are nearly the same, I would think. We are using Apologia for Botany right now and are planning on using General for seventh because that's usually the intended time to use it.
  6. I wasn't clear and I posted without thinking it through first. I was actually thinking about bombs when I posted it. I was also thinking about violence in general. It may be a lame argument, I don't know. I was sad at the situation when I posted.
  7. Yeah I wouldn't do Chemistry and Physics right before Physical. Why don't you want to do the General Science in seventh as intended?
  8. I think I remember reading about that. It was also my daughters birthday that day. I obviously don't have all the answers.
  9. Sorry. :( I'm sad and angry too. I don't know any statistics either. I just know that if someone really wanted to hurt me or my babies not getting access to a gun wouldn't stop them.
  10. Future employers will search for her Facebook so it is extremely important that there isn't anything that could jeopardize a potential career. Her friends on FB could also tag her in their photos, and those would show up as well.
  11. Guns aren't the only thing that kills people. Taking away all the guns won't help.
  12. I'm so picky, I have always had a handwritten, diy type planner. It just has a name now. My bullet journal and I are going strong.
  13. It's been in the back of my mind since about October. Seventh grade next year! I have a plan sketched out in pencil but it depends on how much we get done before and after her little brother is born in March. :)
  14. I just wanted to thank you for bringing this topic up. Trying to be thankful for what I have and not compare it to what someone else has. This thread is helping me to mull over some things I've been struggling with.
  15. Thanks everyone. I was just looking for the easy way out of this paternity situation. The email from him stating that he insists my mother is lying was sent years ago and when I saw him last (almost a year ago) he never brought it up. I was laying in bed last night trying not to stress and wondering about the behavior of my step mother on Facebook towards my sister and wondered if I was essentially ignored because deep down they don't think I'm theirs. This is another situation (with lots of baggage, yes) that I'm unsure if I want to discuss here. In the grand scheme of things it doesn't affect me on a daily basis at all, the fact that I have thalassemia only makes me a little anemic. My doctor made it sound like I obviously had to have gotten it from a parent and she was suprised that I didn't have Asian or Mediterranean descent. Perhaps maybe I do, way up in my line? Only a DNA test will tell at this moment and at this point it may be something that I can see about in the future.
  16. I don't know how to answer. Haha sometimes it varies. We have all three to choose from.
  17. We love it here, but my daughter is too old and my son is too young. I can't wait for next year though!
  18. Okay so in this case, I most likely can't determine paternity. I was hoping for an easy solution. I'm in Florida, he is in Maine, (and not answering me) so I can't just run by his house with a test. Sigh. I have a question related to this that I have to ask as soon as I figure out how to ask it.
  19. They aren't anemic and it never came up. My mother had seven children so I assume there was plenty of time for it to come up, and my father was in the army. My husband thinks that since my father was in the army he would have been checked for anemia. So I guess one could carry the trait but not be anemic like I am.
  20. I have beta Thalassemia minor. It is apparently hereditary (or genetic, I get those terms confused). My birth mother says that she does not have it. The man on my birth certificate who I grew up thinking was my father apparently doesn't have it. Long story short, he is trying to say that I'm not his. My birth mother insists that he is lying. I can't afford a paternity test, my father and step mother aren't replying to my messages, and there is a lot of other things going on in this very personal situation that I'm dealing with. This is the easy question to ask. I tried to google how people get beta Thalassemia minor and I was just getting confused. Apparently it is a mutated gene. Does anybody know if that means that something silly happened when my cells were getting the party started or did my birth father give me the trait? If this low life truly isn't my birth father it would help to put a lot of other things into perspective. I know that if my husband also carried the trait our children could possibly have a scary blood disorder, and he does not carry the trait.
  21. My new dotted Moleskine came in the mail yesterday and I was going to start today but I've had such a migraine. Sigh.
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