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Kristie in Florida

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Everything posted by Kristie in Florida

  1. My daughter uses Saxon so I have math from fourth grade or so covered. I'm planning a mash up of WTM and AO and some other things that I've picked up from bloggers I admire. Very slowly gathering books.
  2. So, if I had to choose between My Bookhouse and Journeys Through Bookland, which one should I choose?
  3. It kind of did, thanks. It reminded me of the threads on old schooling. I'm really looking for things that can be bought once and used for more than one year. My budget is fluid and I can't be sure that I can buy a new level of something each time I need it.
  4. I'm trying to make a list of curriculum that can be used with more than one child, for more than one year, that will maybe also teach me how to teach. Non-consumable (obviously) and cheap would be great too. But I also need to be picky and say that anything that requires an E-reader wouldn't work. I need to physically hold it in my hands. I'm thinking of things like: Ordinary Parent's Guide To Teaching Reading Spelling Power Writing Ease Italics: Beautiful Handwriting for Children I only own SP and WE so the other two are hopeful guesses. I'm thinking that 100EZ would possibly work here, but I wrote OPGTR cause that's what I see myself using. Perhaps Spalding? (I've been on the boards enough to know that Spalding will be suggested.) :laugh: What could be used for math? Specifically K-3 perhaps. Probably Primary Language Lessons and Immediate Language Lessons? I read threads like the Footlocker Thread first and got completely overwhelmed. Thanks muchly. I love these boards. :hurray:
  5. Pretty sure it is inaccurate, and I haven't seen it in years so I'm not sure if it is appropriate, but how about A Knights Tale with Heath Ledger? I'm sure others will have more.
  6. Taking a break from Sense and Sensibility to read Tom Sawyer. On deck is probably Little Men.
  7. Thanks! My toddler was obsessed with the tiles, so spelling didn't get done frequently enough.
  8. (How do you do AAS without the tiles and the cards? I can't wrap my brain around it.) I second Rod and Staff. We needed something that wasn't teacher intensive.
  9. In the future, and this may help anybody else, you can put a post it or something over the sensor. I truly wish that I could help. My daughter had a similar incident once while driving from Florida to Atlanta, Georgia, and she refused to go potty in a public restroom for years after. But she was able to go at home where she knew it was safe.
  10. He has orange tinged cheeks now, sort of like a beard. Soaking in the tub washed it off from his legs, tummy, and arms though. It'll come off his face within the next day or two. I'm just glad it was a washable marker this time. Original Crayola's aren't washable, and well, a few months ago he was purple for days. It was even in between his toes.
  11. ... and I was helping my daughter with her math. Add a green wig and my son could be an Oompa Loompa. I should have taken pictures. Truly, head to toe ORANGE. I'm just glad that Crayola's washable markers truly are washable. He is having fun in the tub and math has been relocated to the bathroom. How is your day going?
  12. Haha I've been cleaning now even though I'm tired because I know for a fact I won't be able to for a while afters.
  13. I'm loving all of your replies and you are all helping me calm down and be excited again. Thank you muchly.
  14. Human Odyssey is a textbook with a narrative flow, similar to SOTW. History Odyssey Level 2 are plans similar to TWTM logic stage history. You can use Human Odyssey with it.
  15. I'm doing grammar formally for the last time this year, but it won't disappear. It'll be reviewed in Latin and her writing.
  16. As my husband says, these plans are written down in wet sand during high tide. But... 7th: Pre-algebra, probably Saxon 1/2. Apologia General Science or a Earth and Space something or other. MFW Rome to the Reformation or that time period the WTM way with Kingfisher and the library. Art from that period Music from that period WTM literature Some type of daily grammar review Latin Alive WWS Logic? Critical Thinking? Dance. Auditions are in May and she may be in a company. Home Ec and Child Development. ("Please cook dinner because your brothers don't sleep and then read them stories so I can nap...") Preschool: LOL
  17. When you do more chores than normal, because you are nesting, it isn't a break week, and you kid asks, "So who is on their way over?"
  18. I'm trying not to freak out. Logistically, how do you mother two under two? Does the infant car seat go in the middle of the back seat, or does the toddler's convertible seat? Right now the toddler sits in the middle and I need to put the infant seat in there soon. We are taking the month after the birth off from school, and longer if I need it, but do you have any tips? She is already doing a lot of independent work. I'm just envisioning lots of screaming and crying during the day. Unpatience. The four of us. My toddler is clingy. My infant will need all of me. I won't sleep more than an hour or few at a time. My daughter will... actually, I think she will be fine. She was amazing after the toddler was born. All those diapers. My son isn't ready to be trained yet. I just... didn't mean to have my last two so close. I don't know how you other mothers do it. Help.
  19. When you are exhausted and try to justify an I Love Lucy marathon as school because it is "history" and your daughter thinks it's a stretch. Her exact words were, "we aren't in that time period, Mommy!"
  20. Oh, don't ask me, I over stuff my diaper bag (purse for this season of my life). I'm such a girl scout an always have to be prepared. But there was a day that I was very glad that I carried extra clothes for me and him, more than enough wipes, Lysol, etc... I will spare you the disgusting details. Just after months of never needing all the extra stuff, I suddenly did.
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