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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. My 9th grader is a poor speller. We had been using SWR, which has helped but at this point I am not sure if we should continue with it or not. Most of his spelling mistakes seem to be from laziness. I have him correct any mistakes and the next paper he does it again. In this day of spell check should I just let it go or keep plugging away at SWR?
  2. Where I live you have 10 days to register and the kids have to do end of year testing. We moved here April 14th but the end of year testing was held the beginning of April so we were exempted. I'd call the state you are moving to and ask how to proceed.
  3. I only have print. I like having it in hand and wouldn't enjoy reading off the computer.
  4. I lived in NH and was taking my then one year old to Boston's Children's Hosp. We were almost to the city when the second plane hit so we turned around and heaed home. I couldn't wait to get home and hug the other kids.
  5. Knowing what I know now I'd have chosen nursing or a midwife.
  6. Toss some into a smoothie. You wont be able to taste the spinach and its so good for you.
  7. I also recommend a dermatologist. I was having hair loss and found out I was low in Vit D and had low iron stores. I started supplementing those and fish oil and it eventually stopped. I have no idea if it was the supplements or not but it might be worth looking into.
  8. We go through 7-10 gallons a week. More if I don't keep a check on how much they are drinking.
  9. Necessary: Math Penmanship Phonics/reading Everything else is gravy.
  10. I agree. I have a friend who is an extreme couponer and she gets a lot of stuff for really cheap, but it's a lot of cereal, cereal bars, cookies, cool whip, candy, health and beauty etc. I couldn't imagine feeding my family on only what she gets cheaply. I consider myself very frugal and spend @ $20-$22 per person a week.
  11. I have three full time college students and one dual enrolled that are all commuting. The university my 20 year old attends is 40 miles and the CC where the rest are going is @ 7 miles.
  12. Here is a list of the warning signs of dyslexia: http://bartonreading.com/pdf/Dys%20warning%20signs.pdf If your child has three or more of those symptoms then I recommend doing an evaluation. Dyslexia has nothing to do with being stupid(I really hate that word). An eval will give you the necessary information in order to best help your child. I also recommend Overcoming Dyslexia My son is dyslexic and knows it. He works very hard and is an enthusiastic student.
  13. I had my GB removed a year ago and they repaired my hernia at the same time too. The GB was quick to heal but the hernia was sore for quite as while. Take it easy if you can.
  14. I agree. I called two of the schools that my son is interested in and both told me the December ACT would be too late for the fall application process.
  15. Thank you all. I like the white board idea and will try that next time.
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