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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. My kids started renting last year and we haven't had any issues.
  2. Wow, that stinks! Makes me not want to use paypal, really.
  3. I do use sparkpeople to track my food and exercise when I am eating well. I will PM you.
  4. I can really relate to this. This is where I fail everytime. I need to learn to eat healthy for life and not diet. A cookie every now and then isn't going to hurt as long as I am eating healthy otherwise. It can't be an either or anymore.
  5. If you are interested. This isn't just for people wanting to lose weight but is also for those who have already lost weight or anyone intersted in being healthy. http://welltrainedmind.com/forums/group.php?groupid=125
  6. I wanted to share that I walked 30 minutes yesterday and 45 minutes this morning. Not sure I will be able to move tomorrow, but did it :D You all have you encouraged me! :grouphug:
  7. Fantastic job!!! I lost about 6 pounds a month when I was losing. Some months a bit more, some less. I do think slow and steady is better than fad dieting. Now for me to keep at it.
  8. I did lose a part of it on that group, which there is another one going but it's a bit different. PM me if you want info. A group would be a great idea. Anyone else interested?
  9. My mother's side of the family has diabetes. My aunt died a few years ago at the age of 62. At first she had an infection on her toe. They amputated that, then her foot, then her leg. She was blind the last few months before the infection finally killed her. I keep thinking that she was 62. I am almost 42, so twenty years. My youngest will only be 27. I don't want to miss my grankids. I need to do this now.
  10. At first it was by eating low fat foods and exercise. I cut out all baked goods, chips, fried foods, soda, coffee ( hardest to quit lol) etc. I started walking 10 min a day at first. It slowly morphed into a low fat, high fiber vegan diet and I was walking 45-60 min a day. I am not sure I will go back to vegan or even all vegetarian again but I do think high fiber is a key for me.
  11. Glad to be helpful :D I did find a local meeting not too far from me. I really should go atleast to check it out. It might be just what I need. It is conforting knowing I am not alone. I will be thinking and praying for all of us struggling with this.
  12. This is a pet peeve of mine too. My dyslexic son couldn't read any of those so I ended up buying books meant to go with the program we use. It was the only way he could grab a book and read it without too much struggle.
  13. I didn't do this last night but I did walk 30 min yesterday. I am planning to again today.
  14. Thank you everyone for the books, links, suggestions and encouragement. I bookmarked this thread and will be re-reading it for quite a while.
  15. I did look at the C25K and did day 1 LOL but hurt my knee that week. I can walk fine but running bothered it. I am going to try it again once my knee is better.
  16. I really wish I had an answer to this. It's very hard to get going in the right direction.
  17. I tried this but for me I am an all or nothing person. If I nibbled on the weekend it would be near impossible to stop Monday morning.
  18. Thanks! I had heard about this but forgot all about it.
  19. I do fall into the trap if I blow it, I might as well blow it the rest of the day and restart tomorrow. I need to take it meal by meal. Excellent advice. Thank you.
  20. Thank you everyone! I have read each reply and really appreciate the support! You all are great!!! :grouphug:
  21. I am the type that won't exercise later in the day so mornings do work best for me. I am aiming for 30 min a day right now and will get that done in a few.
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