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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. I had Staples cut the binding off a book so I could file the pages. :svengo::D
  2. If you have to pay for city water how much do you pay a month? If you know how many gallons that would be helpful too. Also, how large is your family and where do you live. Thanks!
  3. My 20 year old worked otuside this summer. He would be covered in ticks every day and was treated with antibiotics in July for a tick disease. Then two days ago he woke with this on his leg: He did go to doctors this morning and has another script for antibiotics but I am curious what you all think? It looks much worse in person. The thing that has me wondering is that he has no other symptoms. I'm wondering it it would be a spider bite?
  4. Our family loves SG1. And yes, we skip through the the scene in the pilot.:D
  5. Do you buy each their own workbook? I am asking specifically about vocab using TWWTW. Thanks.
  6. I need to cut some teacher time from my day and a spelling workbook would definitely help. Any suggestions?
  7. He has had David Barton/Wallbuilders on the show quite a bit. http://www.wallbuilders.com/
  8. This is what we always do. We start with only a few subjects, then add in a new one every few days or so until we are up and running.
  9. I would start where you are and keep all the kids on the same rotation. My upcoming 9th grader will be doing year 3, so no I don't think it's necessary to start highschool with Ancients.
  10. Thanks again! I appreciate the help.
  11. 6 weeks of group was @ $40 for the younger ones. Private for 2 kids was $30 a week.
  12. I am working on my schedule and was wondering how other people work their week of writing. After the initial meeting to go over the week's writing assignment do you meet daily with them for writing or only for the rough draft/final draft? The kids will be 7th, 9th and 10th grade. Thanks.
  13. You could try Vegsource, Ebay, HSLDA's Curriculum Market, or Homeschool Classifieds
  14. I can see this being good for camping or an emergency food stash too.
  15. I buy 90% of the books off Amazon. They have a 3 for 4 deal on some of the paperbacks that saves you some and generally I find Amazon less expensive than The Bookshelf.
  16. With my older kids we did Abeka K-3 then switched to Saxon with the 5/4 book. This worked well for us.
  17. Hmm maybe. I just assumed it was based on scores. Good question.
  18. She loves to bowl but doesn't know about this. I want to suprise her.
  19. Do you think a bowling birthday party would be age appropriate for a 16th birthday or better geared for a younger child? Thanks!
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