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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. :iagree: I once called Apologia to ask a question and Dr. Wile spent time with me on the phone. He was very nice and patient with me and I never got the impression that he was arrogant.
  2. So glad he is home! Thank you for the sacrifices you and your family has made.
  3. I wondered if others had gotten theirs earlier. I didn't think I'd even get it at this point. I haven't watched it yet.
  4. Agreeing with everyone else and no way would I send that letter. I wouldn't mention or discuss HSing with them again. I would pass the bean dip everytime it came up.
  5. It appears you have to have a library card and pin? Am I looking at the right thing?
  6. I believe it in in the teaching rhetoric literature document on the loom. Look near the end of the document.
  7. Read a loud: The Swiss Family Robinson Myself: Les Miserables(trying to keep ahead of my TOG Rhetoric student), The Excellent Wife and A Patriot's History of the US. I finished Sir Gawain and the Green Knight on Sunday, which is a book I was determined to read after floundering with it a bit last year.
  8. I had one done after my GB surgery. I am extremely claustrophobic and it was fine. The machine is close to you but it is open and not like an MRI where you are inside a tube. My head and arms were free. The procedure itself was pain free and I actually dozed throughout it.
  9. Wow! I just checked out the book and it looks wonderful. Now I want it :D
  10. I would ask to have your iron stores checked and not simply your iron levels. I had low iron stores and Vit D levels and was seriously losing my hair. My hair dresser urged me to see a doctor and I did go to a dermatologist and found out @ the Iron and Vit D. I started supplementing and my hair stopped falling out. I second the Woman's hair loss project web site.
  11. The teen spent a good part of the day Saturday cutting shrubs and moving branches etc. The little one did "help" lol so it could be plant related. The only thing that makes me doubt this is that the other kids, my DH and I all worked too and no one else but these two have hives.
  12. I don't think it's food related because we haven't eaten anything new or different. I am betting it is viral.
  13. Thanks! I feel better now. It's probably this cold that's been lingering around. Time to break out the lysol lol.
  14. Yesterday one of my teens had hives pretty bad. Later in the evening one of my younger ones started with them. This morning the younger one is covered head to toe in hives. The teen is still asleep so I don't know if the hives are still there. Could this be viral? The teen mentioned his feet were sore yesterday and I don't know if that's connected. The younger one hasn't said anything hurts, just itchy from the hives. We have had a cold in the house and one of my adult kids does have mono. The kids with hives have no cough, runny nose, fever etc. Just sore feet in the one teen. We spent last Saturday clearing brush outside so I originally thought poison oak or ivy ? What do you think?
  15. I ordered two items: 1 cost $ 4.99 1 cost $39.99 I received the $4.99 and not the $39.99. I paid through paypal hence using paypal to get my money back for the item I did not receive.
  16. I just checked and the money was refunded! :svengo: I never expected to actually see the money again. This company must think I am stupid because not 10 min after I hung up with paypal the company called me and asked if I still wanted the $39.99 item! I said no thank you, I want a refund.. Anyhow all is good.
  17. I called paypal back this morning and asked for a supervisor. I explained everything again and he got on the phone with the company while I was on hold. He told me that the company is issuing a refund today. We shall see.
  18. This is what I think happened too. I am calling paypal again today and will see what happens once I speak to a supervisor.
  19. The way paypal works you have to type in the transaction ID and when I tried to refile using the same ID the system said I couldn't refile. That's when I called and was told there is nothing they can do now. I am going to call back today and write a letter. The man at Paypal did telll me I could file in small claims court but I am in AR and the company is in TX. How does that work?
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